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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. To disable it do the following:

    Open the offending folder and click in the Explorer toolbar: View

    Now switch to another type of view such as Thumbnails, Tiles (that's what you're currently seeing), Icons, List, or Details.


    Once you've selected what you want you can optionally make all folders have the same exact view style by clicking in the Explorer toolbar:

    Tools -> Folder Options -> View -> Apply to All Folders


    To get rid of the Explorer bar on the left just click the large Folders icon located at the top-middle.

  2. Well if something is going to be done it needs to cover all versions of MS Office that CCleaner cleans because it deletes Access settings in Office 97, and XP. And it deletes Word settings in Office XP, and 2003.


    It has never made any sense to me why so many cleaning programs want to remove the settings.


    Has anyone every reported this to MrG?


    One with think that a few complaints about CCleaner removing/damaging any programs settings (not just Word) would've already been seen by him if he checks out the Bugs section of the forum. I'll PM him just in case.

  3. It is exactly that bold RegKey10 in Humpty's post, and I wish it would be removed as there has been enough complaints about it for the past year or more. It's too frustrating to re-config Word exactly how one wants it, and people will constantly unknowingly allow CCleaner to clean Office 2003 only to discover their Word settings have gone kaput. Warning: CCleaner isn't the only cleaning program guilty of removing Word settings!


    To clean Office 2003 without removing the Word settings manually edit winapp.ini located in the CCleaner program files folder and remove the whole line that is RegKey10, or just comment it out so that it looks like this:

    ; RegKey10=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Word\Data|Settings


    Note: You'll of course have to remember to either remove RegKey10 or comment it out with each and every CCleaner update because winapp.ini will be updated and replaced with a new CCleaner version.

  4. eTrust has changed the name of their security software, it went from: 'eTrust EZ Armor' to 'eTrust Internet Security Suite', and thus the program files folder structure has completely changed. If CCleaner isn't detecting where the logs are it's time to update by downloading a new eTrust setup file.


    I used to use a custom winapp2.ini entry to clean out the old now obsolete EZ Antivirus (which sadly never seems to fully update/upgrade itself like AVG Free does) I had installed, however the newer/newest version(s) of EZ Antivirus is cleaned by CCleaner out-of-the-box so to say, and its cleaning routine was just recently updated in v1.29.295 to deal with a folder named ArcTemp that can get out-of-hand with undeleted archive temporary files.

  5. thanks Andavari..i did'nt think of blocking the ads via HOST files or the browser, i was being lazy as usual i guess.


    I don't see any ad's anywhere (well some text sometimes get's through but no ad images load) because I use the hpHOSTS HOSTS File, and the MVPS HOSTS File.


    If you use either one of them you'll need HostsMan to remove the duplicates, and possible errors. Just don't let HostsMan automatically download and install those two HOSTS files if you already have a custom built homemade HOSTS file of your own because it will remove your original entries as I found out, good thing I make backups because I would have lost my five plus years in the making original HOSTS file.

  6. Since there's no option to print the list in Issues you can use the PrtScn ("Print Screen") button on the upper right of the keyboard to copy the image of what's listed, then paste it into MS Paint and print it from there. The list in Cleaner can however be saved to a .txt document.


    Any invalid registry data that CCleaner finds and lists in Issues by default will be backed up via a "wizard" if you've left that default option enabled. Just save the .reg backup(s) into your My Documents folder so that you can easily find them should you wish to undo the changes. However CCleaner features a safe registry cleaner and isn't know for causing grief, however there's always the very rare chance that you may need to restore a backup.


    Also if you're nervous about messing with the registry, and if you're using Win2000 or WinXP download ERUNT and NTREGOPT, both are freeware and don't contain any adware or spyware. ERUNT easily backs up the registry and can easily restore it. NTREGOPT optimizes the registry making it smaller and more efficient. Also an ERUNT backup is good to have on hand if a system restore point ever fails to correct registry problems in WinXP.


    Edit: Forgot to mention this: Welcome to the CCleaner forums! :)

  7. speaking of whats up with the forum..can anyone tell me why my adblock is not filtering out the ads?


    Dunno why your adblock isn't working, however you can block Google's ad's in your browsers and via the HOSTS file by blocking these two URL's:



  8. Good points rridgely. I must say though Arovax Shield kept giving an error message in it's log about my HOSTS file which was because I had forgotten to input the in front of the new entries I added, without Arovax Shield I probably would have never known about the error with there being over 54,500 blocked sites in my HOSTS file.

  9. 2.1.5 was good for it's time in that era years ago it's however obsolete now. And if you don't know how to properly block allot of ports with it you'll get infected in no time at all. It's better to use the newest version because there's no worry about leaving so many opened ports, plus the newest version fully supports WinXP.

  10. This is interesting... I'm going to look into implementing that kind of a feature into DAF.

    (edit: ok, I implemented it. public beta #2 will have it.)


    Glad I sparked your interest.


    A little legacy s**t from my Win98 days:

    It would be cool if damaged/corrupted fonts could be recognised. Why? Because I've had those lock up a whole system before when trying to use them, of course without knowing they were damaged/corrupted until trying to view them in a font manager.

  11. i believe strongly in the fact that their are aliens.


    Yeah about 1 million of them make it across our southern border each year, ha ha wrong type of alien. So if E.T. visited they'd probably deport him if he was discovered, and there would go our chances at first contact.

  12. Some app you installed or uninstalled at some point may have messed with your fonts. The problem is other registry cleaners you may end up using in the future may have the same effect. Therefore downloading a tool such as X-Fonter (Last Freeware Version) and allowing it to register/re-register all your fonts that it's capable of registering will put them back into the registry so that they aren't messed with by registry cleaners.

  13. Reboot after you've installed the MS VB Runtime files, since the installer doesn't necessarily prompt to do so. Also after you've installed it and if CCleaner still won't run uninstall CCleaner, reboot, then install CCleaner again.


    There's also a search function on the forum that should find relevant threads with the same or similiar issue since a good number of people have had a problem with CCleaner not running for one reason or another.

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