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Posts posted by Andavari

  1. Which OS are you using and are you logged on as the administrator?


    The CCleaner screenshot shows XP SP2. The admin question is a very good one that needs answered because attempting to remove some registry entries on a non-admin account will typically fail and thus the entries will re-appear each and every time.

  2. If you want CCleaner available for usage on all user profiles on the system just right click the CCleaner desktop shortcut and select Cut, then open

    'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop' and then right click and Paste it into there. You could also copy the shortcut into the Start Menu\Programs for all users by copying it into

    'C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs'

  3. Changing the command prompt to the directory is how you can use command line tools to aid in the removal of the .jpg.


    If the filename is too long you have to use the command based tool called REN to rename it otherwise Windows itself won't be able to do anything with the file.


    If you post the directory location of where the file is located I can create a batch file that should or may automatically remove the file for you.

  4. If your HOSTS file is causing your connection to go kaput insert what's listed in the code below, which is actually required and is always present if using the hpHOSTS HOSTS File and MVPS HOSTS File.




    You can also add this:




    Also inputting these into your browser network settings under 'Do not use Proxy for' can fix some issues:




  5. i dont think that ccleaner deletes pictures and such.


    If the files are stored in a temporary folder (a big no no), or were sent to the Recycle Bin then CCleaner can very well delete them since they'd be residing in junk areas that are cleaned - that is if those options are enabled within CCleaner.

  6. Plain and simple answer: No!


    If the person doesn't believe you insert a data DVD with mp3's or some other files, etc., into a CD drive and it won't even recognise the disc. If the person still doesn't believe you after such a demonstration then you're completely wasting your time, and that person needs to get educated on disc formats.

  7. People coming into stores trying to rob them and then getting beatup by the store owners and/or employees shouldn't be able to sue, hell his/her family shouldn't even be able to sue if deadly force is used when the person has a gun.

    Only last week a guy was on a rooftop hurling bricks at the police and then demanded something to eat and drink. This was duly passed up to him. The reason why was given as, it might have infringed his human rights if they had refused to do so.


    He's lucky I wasn't handling his food because it would have had a shitload of tranquilizer in it, he would've really been trippin' off the roof.

  8. LOL, it's for diehard F1 fans and in reality I'd assume those that buy it are doing so for the namesake with F1 being printed on it, however I'd be more interested in an F1 leather jacket.


    Now if they'd only sell Alonso's winning Renault for that price. :P

  9. I tried what you suggested, but I couldn't find the cookies link on the forum page.


    They're valid links I provided. The only thing I can think of is if you have some security software, proxy software/server, or browser settings inadvertently blocking the Arovax Forums.

  10. If you installed Flash for Internet Explorer (including browsers that use IE's components as a backend; AOL, Maxthon, etc.,) you must restart Windows after the installation. Browsers such as Mozilla Suite, Mozilla SeaMonkey, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera don't require a system restart.

  11. The new version 1.3.15 is just to address some comments I made concerning the fact that the installer placed icons everywhere (desktop, quicklaunch,....) and didn't let the user to decide it.


    Yeah that bugged me for some time that it would place icons all over which seemed redundant since it auto-started with Windows anyway. I'm just glad Arovax Shield is free, especially when I have no choice but to use Internet Explorer when I site doesn't load properly with Opera or Firefox.

  12. andavari, can you start a thread explaining a little bit about hosts files, and possible have a link to download the hosts file that you say you built over 5 years? im not sure if i am asking something that can be done, but if you have a security system that is working to keep out ads and such, i would be interested in learning about it and installing it. thanks! :)


    I think MVPS.org and the hpHOSTS explain it well enough, so much so that I'm not going to be able to add any relevant additional information.


    Also the HOSTS file I have is something I won't share because it blocks some good/safe sites (that once pissed me off long ago), along with the bad ones such as ad/malware which are actually already blocked in the MVPS HOSTS File and hpHOST HOSTS File.


    A little late to answer your question in the thread the rridgely started about using the MVPS HOSTS File:

    You need to keep SpywareBlaster installed because it places killbits into the registry so that malware can't be installed in the first place, along with it's restricted sites list for IE, Mozilla Suite, and Firefox.




    Anyone interesting in using the HOSTS file to block crap should read this page on MVPS.org. It's a HOSTS file FAQ and also details some HOSTS file info on keeping a HOSTS file in compliance with how it must actually be used.

  13. Also, when I try to log out of the site, I get an error message saying: "Sorry, but you do not have permission to use this feature. If you are not logged in, you may do so using the form below if available."


    That's a known problem as viewable in this thread I reported almost three months ago, and in this thread which has received some more posts about it.


    To logout do this:

    Go back to the main Arovax Forum page, scroll all the way to the bottom and select "Delete cookies set by this board"



    Just noticed they've release yet another version today v1.3.15, download it here. I wonder if they're having some problems because it seems like a new version is being released almost every day.

  14. Since you're using IE7 Beta you may be interested in this thread if you use CCleaners Hotfix Uninstallers under Cleaner->Advanced.


    when I right click on the IE icon and go to Properties there is no option under any of the tabs for Temporary Internet Files. Maybe this is a change with the new IE7?


    Maybe it's from using IE7 Beta, I don't know because I haven't used it and won't until it's a final build.


    The area I was referring to is as seen in this screenshot:


  15. If the folder is no longer seen IE may have moved it (I've witnessed this in the past on previous Windows Oses), or has hidden the folder.


    You can find out where the folder is located by:

    Right clicking the IE icon on the desktop and then click Properties.

    Now in the middle section under Temporary Internet Files click Settings to find out where the folder is located.

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