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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. This is an official company website so an alternate will not be given here.
  2. No you probably missed the checkbox on the first installer screen. It's there, just unnoticed by many people.
  3. Oh I see I missed the ~ . Yeah ok I know those are temps @APMichael never mind
  4. I agree, @APMichael can we have that line excised. Unless someone else can speak up for it.
  5. Make sure ccleaner isn't running(check the system tray for monitoring). If not running, manually delete the ccleaner64.exe file from your ccleaner folder (usually c:\program files\ccleaner )
  6. Am I reading this wrong, or does this delete documents?
  7. Yours looks more like Edge is still open. Try turning off background running for edge https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/7225-turn-off-background-apps-windows-10-a.html
  8. Try cleaning cookies from with firefox maybe. Then with firefox closed open ccleaner and see if they're still listed.
  9. All of the last log you presented was cookies (edge). I would right click firefox cookies and do the same clean.
  10. No version of ccleaner has a restore function. To restore you need to merge the back-up into your registry (regedit: file >import). Because you have cloud and professional you should contact the developers directly at https://piriform.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  11. See my reply to your other post. Double post closed
  12. So is this the greyed out button (in my image) Have you given ccleaner storage permission? What android version?
  13. Ok so it deleted the edge cookies when you ran the above log?
  14. Either the log was incomplete or, more likely, my text reader has a maximum character limit (i'm on mobile right now so i'll recheck when I get to a pc). Try the same thing (debug) but only right click on cookies. All of what I saw was a huge amount of cache cleaning
  15. Yes the devs sent out a version through the "emergency" updater. Some of us are a Bit unhappy about that. It shouldn't happen on a regular basis but on the other hand this shouldn't have been an emergency to upgrade to .46 so make of that as you want.
  16. Please run ccleaner in debug mode https://forum.piriform.com/topic/37347-ccleaner-debugging-instructions/ And right click the Edge section header then run clean on just the edge (it'll be a choice when you right click). After it cleans exit ccleaner and attach the log to this thread
  17. I wasn't suggesting anything with the to keep pane. But if you're confirming that they have the edge/firefox/chrome icons then that's what I was asking. Is it only skipping cookies? (Is cleaning history and cache fine on browsers).
  18. In the cookiesto keep screen you can click a cookie on the pc. At the bottom it'll show the icon for the program the cookie belongs to. Can you confirm that these are browser cookies and not flash
  19. Couple of things here in @Willy2. It's actually winapp2.ini not winapp.ini (which is a seperate file that's internal to ccleaner and can be gotten with the /export switch and sits inert after export). Second we can't troubleshoot your problems with a winapp2 file, you'll need to remove it before you test and see if CPU still jams to top. winapp2 can cause problems especially if you use the community TEMPLATE. Third you've mentioned the unmentionable and i've edited your post a bit. Edit Fourth even if we could support winapp2 files. Your remember where you were idea would not work. what happens when you've edited in a new entry (template is alphabetical) above where it last was - especially as where it last is, is the end after all it can't add all rules without reading it.
  20. How-To Geek: Disk Cleanup is Going Away in Windows 10 and We Miss It Already. https://www.howtogeek.com/365762/disk-cleanup-is-going-away-in-windows-10-and-we-miss-it-already/
  21. Auto will clean anything you have checked off in the cleaning section. Don't know what's causing the volume change but the winrar can be found in the applications tab. Auto won't run registry integrity section, but MRU are usually cleaned in the cleaning section so it's there that winrar is being cleaned.
  22. That setting actually means run cleaning at start-up. Is it cleaning or just starting at boot? If the latter, then make sure on 5.46 that smart cleaning (was monitoring) is turned off. This may fix your ccleaner starting with windows
  23. Can you describe better "loading with windows for several ver. "
  24. @Slim i've made you a new thread as this topic is concerning a different issue. In your own thread your problems can be better served.
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