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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Here I'll help you http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...hl=IOutlookPlug Please read my Signature (a note to all regular lurkers here this is the second post TODAY with this question I gave them both an answer with was easily found doing a search for "IOutlookPlug" WHY!!!?!?!?!)
  2. UMMMM Google didn't do to well translating Can any help me with this, I know Zaptos="Shoe Store" probably has to do with the Boot up of the computer but I'm lost after that
  3. I'll help you more Congrats You answered your Own Question ARGGGGGGGG
  4. Here I'll help you http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...hl=IOutlookPlug
  5. Click another button in that screen (for instance Settings) then click the about button my guess it the screen'll change)
  6. Hi Read this http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...amp;#entry98819
  7. Ok I'm going to go out on a limb here but why not just turn off the feature in the Messenger Options, or if you don't use messenger remove it from the computer (Add/Remove Software/Windows Features)
  8. I'd also suggest, for further builds of CCleaner to use the Other Builds Link and using The Slim version (No Yahoo Toolbar bundle) or the Portable Version (Use on Multiple desktops, run it from a secondary or even network drive, no messy registry, simple delete to unistall (a la Macintosh) )
  9. I agree that CCleaner is not the program for your problem. I am a little confused by If you can't get into any safemodes how are you getting to restoration? Steps as I see them 1) Setup the Second Drive you mention with a fresh install of Vista (using the disc you originally set up) 2) Run all updates and Uninstall/Install Windows Features you want/don't want. Set your user settings. 3) Install all your programs. 4) Turn off the computer and add the old drive as a slave (Alternatly get a usb to IDE device/cable I got one for $40 cheap) 5) Search the drive for the documents and every thing you want. Sorry sounds like something happened to make you have to go through hardboot but thems the breaks. If you knew exactly where and how the broken part was I'd suggest using a Linux Live CD OS and using that to repair the problem, but it doesn't sound like you know for sure, and I'm sensing that this is an unrecoverable error Oh yeah (and this is advice I don't follow BACKUP,BACKUP, BACKUP) Maybe windows 7 will include System Restore CMD Line in the Recovery Console but I doubt it.
  10. Wierd even with this in my winsys.ini (Portable CCleaner) it is still showing. do I need (since the program now uses internal ini) use a resource editor to take out then put in the winsys. I am currently editing the winsys.ini that sits in my CCleaner folder (Which well could be unused files from before internal ini) lol I feel n00bish HA
  11. not sure what you clicked for contact but when I clicked contact CCleaner it sent me to http://www.CCleaner.com/contact (no aspx) may have been a momentary outage you experinced. What browser version(it looks like ie6 or earlier)
  12. Oh how Iz wished we had Kudos here for I would shower them upon Disk4Mat So I can just edit this into my portables winsys (not that I use autocomplete. . . but if I did or just for wholness ask and other people's vistas. Do I Add this as an alt or do I replace the 1 with the other?
  13. I too would like to see the ability to do this (old versions kinda had this in Personally defined files I used it to dump sfk temp files from sound forge) I think though am not to sure how, some one was able to successfully edit they're ini file so it did a wildcard name of a certain type of file.
  14. Glad I'm not the only one This is not something you can do (Remove UAC per program) your best bet IMHO is to not have CCleaner in the startup programs. Why is it anyway? ? ? ?
  15. Poster could try and use recuva and do a filter of %USERNAME%@ where %username% is their username on said computer
  16. Hi do a search on this board for winapp2.ini and create one for yourself then share it with us in a post. P.S. there are many skype handling programs but am I to assume that you mean the skype branded program? (http://www.skype.com/download/skype/windows/) If I get bored today I may play with it but I don't have an skype account so probably not
  17. Especially when a mind reading it fills in the requisite word "to." I read this post 10 times before I finally realized that a small word "to" was missing. But what do I know I've only spoken English 29.5 years of my 30.5 year lifetime. Obviously O.P. is the type who circles mikstakesMilkshakesmistakes in the book s/he is reading, and then writes to the publisher fanzine about it (I do some of the former and none of the latter)
  18. actually I think that the answer is here is this what you did? picture 1 you should have unchecked them not highlighted them picture 2 Hopefully you told it to backup
  19. Why bloat it with unnecessary things? The Point of CCleaner is to remove Crap from your computer the type of trash that Windows leaves behind as it is a very untidy Operating System. With out CCleaner, things like Page files, Temp folders, and especially Cookies/Internet History/Cache, often stick around on a person's computer, mucking it up/slowing it down/and making them more than likely to buy a new computer earlier than they should. There are a number of very good document shedder Programs out there both install and portable. And this (IMNSHO) is not a feature needed in CCleaner.
  20. IS Volland using FF3? many complaints of firefox3 not clearing stuff. This is due to the use of sqlite for cookies cache and history Until I hear otherwise CCleaner is not currently cleaning the sqllite files (and may not be able to) I would suggest something from this list https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/se...ies&cat=all I use Extended Cookie Manager and am currently trying out CookieSafe
  21. What software are you using for firewall and Antivirus/MalWare? it could be a reg entry for one of them (this'll teach you to not make a backup )
  22. This does not appear to be an issue in my browsers ethier Latest ie7 Latest Firefox 3 Latest Opera 9.6
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