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Everything posted by Winapp2.ini

  1. The list will refresh itself if you hit the F5 button
  2. I haven't run into that on Windows, but I run Nightly so even if I did, I wouldn't be just in complaining about it much
  3. I disable my hibernation file. No effect on the boot time, just the removal of the gigantic hiberfile.sys
  4. Amazon Appstore is rubbish imo, the apps in it rarely get updated compared to the Google Play store. :/ Also all apps installed with amazon app store require it to be on the device and active as DRM
  5. From what I understand, more recent drives are pretty impossible to 'wear down' with normal usage patterns
  6. I also disable most of the windows services I don't use (spooler included) Common sense may be your best asset though
  7. Not sure if 2011 SSD tech is relevant to drives today, but interesting still. Thanks for sharing
  8. There's an addon called Customize newtab that negates these effects somehow
  9. oooh.. too late.. I already tweaked over 300 entries lol.. I suppose I could undo it, I did make a backup first
  10. Next update will be fairly big then, since a lot of filekeys point to logs/caches created in program files. I'll probably leave those out of the HTML page for my sanity
  11. she's back sans pear.
  12. So basically any program run with UAC enabled that tries to write log files to the program files directory will return a virtualstore entry, from my limited testing of it
  13. Did we decide on a way to handle VirtualStore? For every %ProgramFiles% path, we need to mirror it for VirtualStore, should I just do %LocalAppData%\VirtualStore\Program Files*\ so that it works cross bit?
  14. Is AOL 9.7 built on Chromium? If so, it might be cleaned by the Google/Chrome section in CCleaner
  15. Likely anything part of the creative suite, the media cache is likely a shared component
  16. Seeing images from the internet is called a cached image, cached images are cached so they needn't be redownloaded (just read from the hard drive which is much faster usually)
  17. There's a new throbber / loading icon in Nightly, didn't notice until today so I'm not sure how long it has existed.
  18. Media Cache isn't exclusively part of premiere, it's also part of photoshop and I think after effects
  19. Going to do an update later this evening
  20. There's a plugin for Firebug, I think it's called PageSpeed or something like that, that measures the individual aspects of a page's loading.
  21. Members have been contributing winapp2 entries for lang files for a while, I don't maintain a file for anymore because I don't want to encourage novice users to use it and break all their programs
  22. @Shorlander informed me that the dark theme (private browsing only but probably hackable) "might" make it in Nightly 32 "maybe"
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