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Posts posted by ident

  1. I was thinking to my self this morning wouldnt it be nice if cleaner could run scripts.


    In the mean time use this. Might be prettier ways but works


    Just change the Consts if anythings wrong. Just save it as NotePad.Vbs and run it.


    Marmite:Notepad++ man myself


    Const FileDirectory = "C:\Program\Notepad++\Config.xml"
    Const LineToRemove = "File filename"
    Const NextLineToRemove = "Replace name"
    Const CleanUpLineToRemove = "Filter name"
    Const FinalLineToRemove = "Find name"
    Const ForReading = 1
    Const ForWriting = 2
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileDirectory, ForReading)
    Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
    strLine = objFile.ReadLine
    If InStr(strLine, LineToRemove) = 0 _
    And InStr(strLine, NextLineToRemove) = 0 _
    And InStr(strLine, CleanUpLineToRemove) = 0 _
    And InStr(strLine, FinalLineToRemove) = 0 Then
    	strNewContents = strNewContents & strLine & vbCrLf
    End If
    Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(FileDirectory, ForWriting)
    objFile.Write strNewContents

  2. The top 4 check marks under firefox are checked?


    It is definetly the history dropping down in the url bar and not book marks? (may sound silly but it's just a step to check)


    Does ccleane rlist it in analyze? if so then what does the log say when finished? does it list ff traces as being deleted?

  3. JScript = Javascript. That's only a different name - I find it better because it avoids confusion with Java.


    Hence why i was being facetious. I know a few programmers do refer to javascript as jscript. But in case your not aware, jScript is nothing to do with javascript. I was having my own little enjoyment. No offence intended if taken :)

  4. I was being facetious. Jscript is crap. Javascript how ever is not(They was refering to jscript as javascript, i was being unfunny). I studied Jscript back in 2002, I have never understood why it was included in our vbscript class. I dont think i have ever seen it used.


    Jscript is m$ own version of javascript which i think was started in Internet explorer 3.


    Thinking about it i think it was mentioned in our class because we was using the Windows Script engine with vbs and jscript also can use this.


    Was a long time ago though.

  5. I never used avg, but i assume it's listed in applications right? if thats the case you have the ability to enable or disable it. whats the problem?


    also logs dont show a program is working properly. a decent program shows it's working properly by it's UI.


    But then again iv never read one log any AV or malware utility has made.

  6. i have never once seen it tryed to be deleted or why piriform would add this. Morzilla told me before it contains no private data so why would it be deleted? The only new setting i have seen is compack database. Does this do it?


    can you take a screen shot of ccleaner trying to clean this file or where you see it in ccleaner?

  7. When i run ccleaner i noticed i lose all my saved login info fore firefox. I use different logins/pw's at different sites with different email addresses so it's nice to have this stuff all saved.


    My question is....is there a file for firefox that saves all this info. Is so, then i can just back it up to a thumbdrive, run ccleaner and then just replace the file so I can still log into all my website without having to remember all my login/passwords.


    Are you tlaking about actually saved passwords that appear at the login page that firefox auto fills or cookies? A cookie is a small text file that websites use to store information. When you login to a site it uses a cookie to save your login session.


    If you are talking about when you visit a site that you are no longer logged in you have 2 choices.


    Open ccleaner up, depending on youir browser uncheck cookies under windows - internet explorer or go to the applications tab and uncheck cookies in your prefered browser.


    Or the next option is to options - cookies - and leaving the "cookie checkbox intact" and moving across the cookies you want to stay logged into to the cookeis to keep side. Then these will not be cleaned when running cclenaer.

  8. Hello and welcome. You pretty much answered your own question "as I have access to the net without McAfee running. "


    ccleaner only removes junk files. Personally if i was you i would not use mcafee, and try something like avast

  9. Every time you delete urlclassifier3.sqlite Firefox will redownload it, (it may be smaller)


    If you want to disable it Tools > Options -> Security - un-check the 2nd & 3rd items



    The correct size for the file is approx 55 MB.


    I have been told before you should only delete this file ONCE, to reduce size

  10. I have never seen the bother in empty folders. They take up no space. But if a user wants them gone then thats up to them.


    For test sake i just ran find empty folders and it listed 903 empty folders. Bothers me? Not in the slightest. Most of them are burried so far in my computer and places i would never go.


    I dont know what most of them are, and i am not going to research hundreds of folders before i delete them.


    Each to there own really

  11. -1 as said above it's been suggested before. And i'd put money on it never being implemented. Well i hope not. Especially as ccleaner does not auto create a backup.


    Would be to late then if something went wrong.


    There would be countless "ccleaner broke my computer" threads


    I have cleaning my registry a long time and i even let a key i needed be deleted last week, which sent my pc into a infinative restart loop at logon.


    Lucky i use ERUNT so it only took a few minutes to restore in safemode.


    Summery is ccleaner cant make misstakes when registry cleaning. Only a user can be allowing it to remove needed entrys. Every entry should always be checked although alot of users have been cleaning every check for years with out problems.


    This was a fault on my part and not ccleaners. How many users would use this and not make backups? and need to reformat.

  12. So in your opinion, how often would you run cccleaner with that function enabled?


    Never? lol im serious. It does serve a purpose. which many people use. But If you are really that keen on using it i would say In my opinion once every 3 months? which i still dont do.


    I dont use ccleaners WFS option. i use another app to do it which i wont mention because i will feel like im taking something away from ccleaner right now since this threads on ccleaners WFS.


    Many people will say 3 months is a waste of time. It's your choice regardles, but once a day is very silly. It wouldnt actually be cleaning any thing because there would be virtually nothing to remove since you use it so often.


    HNY by the way

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