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Posts posted by ident

  1. Wow, thats why I stated it depends on how old the computer is.

    I've pointed to your edit in my post. :)



    its a bit of a hard question to answer, becuase the bottom line is there is no answer.


    How ever long it takes, run it.

  2. i just installed it. The start menu short cut is looking for version 3 when its currently version 4.


    so with out going to the main dir i cant run ur app. Just thought id point out a bug mate. I downloaded it from your sig.






    i assume .net as you need the framework installed?


    My prefered language to.


    I also installed revo today for the first time. Default location is now C:\Program Files\VS Revo Group\Revo Uninstaller


    I def think you should give users the choic e in not hard coding your locations. Seriously dont give up. Keep evolving your app mate

  3. None of you need to worry, It happens to every one unless pm-ing a admin or mod.


    It's a anti spam function. Some forums have a visible submision post before a new pm can be done. which means id have to post on a thread before i could continue private messaging.


    One site had 5 visible subs before could continue.

  4. How longs a bit of string?


    All depends on the amount of temp files etc can be deleted.


    edit: "An estimate would be not too long, but long enough. ( A couple minutes)"

    CCleaner took over an hour to complete on my nans old computer.

  5. Hey razz, first once again i must say top review. Should be very proud.


    What i meant was a visual way of telling. Yes there is the handler of not installed items, and yes every one should know whats installed and whats not.


    Maybe something to think about?


    also i was curious to know what the future holds for your app? future features you plan to add or is this the end?


    once again good job mate

  6. apparently modern operating systems can leave copies of " deleted" files scattered in unallocated sectors any way,


    how true this is i dont no or care, the whole over writing data topic gets tiresome,


    If the files are left unsecure on a HD is it really that sensitive to you any way?


    Answer, DBAN the drive if your selling it or get something like this http://www.datalinksales.com/degaussers/hd-2.html (never used one)


    Or stop looking at illegal/not tolerated work content that could get you into trouble.


    This is not stated at the OP: just a general point of view

  7. I can assure you I am no longer a worriedme. Thanks to this convenient program I may now browse pornhub and redtube in confidence.




    Please listen to wahts been said about registry dangers. You dont need to registry scan often. Any application that offers this is very irresponsible

  8. While CCleaner has the safest registry cleaner I've ever used I still think backups should be forced, not even an option to turn it off. And those .REG backups are super small anyways, but if it were to be forced I'd also want CCleaner to have the ability to manage the backups to be able to import .REG backups and delete no longer needed .REG backups.


    I truly believe a .REG management feature is a critically overlooked and needed feature for the program, and would make it more complete/whole.


    True that we don't have any statistics of how many people the reg cleaner caused problems for, however I do have many exclusions entered into on my system of keys that I definitely think should never be messed with.



    I def agree with a reg back up manager. But not to sure with the being forced. Only because i use ERUNT. So i dont need to make any more back ups. But then again as long as ccleaner would auto delete old backups it wouldnt bother me having it forced as like you say they are only small.


    I personally would love to see ccleaner take on a erunt approach on startup.

  9. While CCleaner has the safest registry cleaner I've ever used I still think backups should be forced, not even an option to turn it off. And those .REG backups are super small anyways, but if it were to be forced I'd also want CCleaner to have the ability to manage the backups to be able to import .REG backups and delete no longer needed .REG backups.


    I truly believe a .REG management feature is a critically overlooked and needed feature for the program, and would make it more complete/whole.


    True that we don't have any statistics of how many people the reg cleaner caused problems for, however I do have many exclusions entered into on my system of keys that I definitely think should never be messed with.



    I def agree with a reg back up manager. But not to sure with the being forced. Only because i use ERUNT

  10. Yes i know there are scripts browser addons to do this. But they only benifit web browser highlights.





    Basically can sit in quick launch or system tray. Detects any clipboard change for a valid url. Or detects one on load. Or obviouslly can manually convert.


    ideas, comments flames all welcome.


    gave me something to do today while another application has the log worked on.


    only downside relies on the NET system libraries being installed since i code in vb.net

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