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Posts posted by ident

  1. 1) I have plenty of space left on my hard drive


    2) I think the program does not need to WIPE CLEAN the exact same amount of 49.4 MB each and every time; possible a bug in the version?


    3) By unticking that options, it won't be complete in its function will it?


    Hopefully this sheds some light in my enquiry...


    if not, will try and have another go as to me it is clear, but if I am not making myself clear, is difficult for you to help with the problem..


    thank you for being patient


    I will never quite understand why people will WFS every time ccleaner is run. It's pointles and causes unnesserssery strain on your HD.


    "By unticking that options, it won't be complete in its function will it?" why do you think it's not enabled by default?

  2. When I use CCleaner and click "analyze" it always says "no files have been deleted yet," both before and after running CCleaner. How/When can I know the app has worked? Do deletions occur upon restarting computer? (I realize my question falls in the duh category.) Thanks for any help!


    Are you sure you are pressing "Run Cleaner"


    The only file that will be deleted on restart is index.dat, everything else should be deleted when running.


    when you analyze whats the approx bytes it says it will remove?



    and welcome to the forum

  3. Analyze figure is just a quick estimate. On my system it almost always takes off more.


    Really? I would of thought the estimate would always be higher because it doesnt take into account for files that cannot be deleted


    856.2 MB to be removed. (Approximate size)


    856.2 MB removed.

    Secure file deletion enabled - Simple Overwrite (1 pass)


    which was my last results.


    I'm not disagreeing with your post. I find it intersting :)

  4. Capmans steps are worth doing and was going to be a suggestion of mine after this step. But the other thing i was going to suggest, there was a bug with older FF versions with a file called localstore.rdf.


    If become currupt it would download the file but auto delete it once complete. does your file even start to download then cannot be found?

  5. I am using version 2.27.1070, in windows xp. I have two buttons on the Ccleaner panel named Analyse and Run Ccleaner. When you press Analyse, Ccleaner runs analysis, and when finished displays what it found. When you press Run Ccleaner, it erases stuff it found during analysis, which as you say you dont know if erasure has or has not occured.


    You can verify this yourself by pressing Analyse again, and when Ccleaner has finished, all the items it previously found should be gone.


    You still dont know if Ccleaner has actually done the delete. You can either have confidence and accept that it has deleted or you can methodically verify each item manually!


    Ccleaner is working as planned. The coders of piriform are some top class coders and im sure there error class is second to none. If something went wrong it would tell you.


    Stop worrying and let it do what it is doing.


    Either way it does tell you whats been deleted. "Details of files deleted" It really cannot do more then that other then opening up explorer for each location just to show you it's gone.


    Hope you have a happy new year

  6. You can ignore that post.


    ident if you have nothing helpful to post, then don't post, its as simple as that.



    I quite agree. I also have no idea where that post come from. And i hope you would think i would not just post something like that.


    All i can do is apologise, There is 2 scenarios in why it would happen. Either way it would likely be the cause of the 12 little rug rats that have been running around my house since x-mas day.


    All i can do is apologise.

  7. Hello and welcome to the forum. This is nothing to do with ccleaner so your topic maybe moved.


    I have never heard of this game but i would suggest downloding http://filehippo.com/download_unlocker/


    This application will allow you to kill any processes stopping you from deleting the folder.


    Once this has been deleted the trouble you will find is left over reg keys. Id suggest then running ccleaners registry tool, make sure you back up before you delete.


    Now with out personally installing this Application i cant see what entrys it creates on install.



    Have you checked the installer to see if it can uninstall? I have had a ew programs in my time that dont include an uninstaller but allow you to repair or uninstall in the installaer.



    Apparently ehsvc.dll file is a malware file

  8. Mmmmm uninstalling no scripts :( .....awwwww I dont know if I really wanna do this but I'll look into it. Perhaps you could reco a suitable replacement? For years Ive heard a lot of good things and heaps of reco's about no scripts and the benefits for the security conscious such as me, outweigh the nuisances. Looks like its time I brushed up on this info though.


    Cheers Musical


    I was pretty annoyed about having to uninstall it. But whats the use of having it if you cannot view the pages you want to.


    I'm not saying it is no script doing this. But it's worth doing the 2 steps i said to rule out it is no script causing the issue. You cna always reinstall if the problem persists.


    If it is no script then check you are running the latest version. If after everything it still is happening then only you can decide is it worth having.


    every time i complain on no script forums with a bug report. I get an update, works fine for a while then problem persists.


    Like i said, it might not be noscript for you causing the issue.


    "If you want security, use Internet Explorer"


    Proberly first time i have seen some one mention that over FF.


    No script is not pointles. Not every one wants javascript/Flash and so on being forced in there face.

  9. Nope, Ive tried all the settings in FF and Im running no scripts and tried disabling things in that too, which defeats the purpose of using it, all to no avail .... <_< Any more ideas please ???



    If dennis suggestion dont work then uninstall No script. It is VERY tempramental. I have personally given up on it.


    It kills pages for no reason even if it has full access rights.


    Even after uninstalling it i found pages still not to be loading. So i then cleared the addon cache by deleting these 3 files.


    "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*****.default\extensions.cache"
    "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*****.default\extensions.ini"
    "C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*****.default\extensions.rdf"


    Make sure FF is closed.

  10. =


    I looked all over, tried some of the sites suggested, and finally installed Fast autoscreen recorder. Not sure I am a pro yet :rolleyes: , let's see what it does, but I still have no control. :( So far, I always copied a screenshot to a Word doc....




    m$ word is not a image application. You should not be pasting images into it to be saved as png. It would only save as image.png.docx


    You should be using some like paint etc. PNG is generally better for screenshots than JPG. Most people tend to use a lower-quality JPG which produces artifacts; if the screenshots were PNG they'd be the same (if not better) quality in probably 1/10th the size.


    Then follow hazlenuts steps on uploading.

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