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Posts posted by ident

  1. If I write a program that creates a log (or any other) folder on install I don't expect some muppet to arbitrarily delete that folder. Neither do I necessarily expect to have to code that defensively that I'm gonna recreate the thing if it 'disappears'!


    Its not defensively. That way of thinking is terrible when creating an app. So your telling me your app will try to writer a file to a dir that dont exist?


    i suppose it would be better if ccleaner errored because i still had a custom folder to be cleaned in include that did not exists


    An app that errors because a dir does not exist is beyond epic fail.

  2. Application A now fails because folder X has gone.


    That would have to be a reasonably common or at least a very plausible scenario. Unless there is alternative syntax to specify whether or not an empty folder should itself be deleted I think it's safer to leave it there. There's no overhead to an empty folder.


    Then application a deserves to be binned lol, That would be seriously beyond poor and i could not imagine any one releasing software with a misstake like that,


    But i do agree with you.


    "Leaving a empty dir is pointles"


    If you have it in it's custom folders then obviously the file(s) is being recreated often with files that you want removing. So is it worth ccleaner removing the folder? Maybe there could be a "run once" option in include that removes teh files+folder and removes the entry from include.



    as for *.* Should remove items with no file extention.

  3. What I want to say is this:

    CCleaner doesn't clean my registry to well, what remains is those things of ActiveX and Class problems.

    Those always remain behind, all of them !

    How do I know that ?

    Well I've installed a demo of a Microsoft software( I don't remember the name right know) who detected 702 problems(ActiveX and Class problems) to my registry that CClener doesn't find them...! Why ?

    This is my only inconvenient related to CCleaner. Besides this is TOTALY SUPERB, a work of art! :lol: :lol:




    Welcome to the forum


    ccleaner is the safest registry cleaning there is. If registry cleaning can ever be deemed safe. It is a non aggresive cleaning.


    For get what other applications are finding, any one of them 700 entrys (which you are not going to check) could render your computer un usable.


    Stick with ccleaner until your more confident. Then maybe look at registry mechanic,


    Iv never botherd with anything other then ccleaners registry cleaner. I think it's pointles when i reformat every 4 months. Better then any cleaner.


    Always back up your registry before deleting entrys

  4. I, too, am a newbie to CCleaner and wonder if the more seasoned users can recommend a reputable site to use as a reference for the startup programs.


    Hi and welcome to the forum, Google is your best friend. And i dont mean in looking for a site. Google is the site. Just type the exe name into the search and you will have all the infomation you will need.

  5. from what i can gather, you only said you uninstalled ccleaner then rechecked firefox for the addon. If the toolbar has been installed removing ccleaner wont remove the addon on.


    So my guess is you accidently installed it. saw it in firefox, removed ccleaner and reinstalled it making sure the checkbox was not checked and looked again. And it was there. which obviously it would still be since it was never removed.

  6. It's good to be cautious but running a vm sesion for daily use because you are scared of viruses seems a bit silly to me. I use virtualbox every day but thats because i need to run linux for work reasons.


    In 15 years of owning a computer i have never had a virus so let the worrie go, and build up your knowledge here on protecting yourself and learning from misstakes. There are some great people on here who really know there stuff and can really help you.


    Of course if you are ever supicious of something, open it in a session. but i'd say it's a bit ott for just normal use for the reasons stated.


    Other people might disagree. If you do go down that road, take a look at virtualbox. I prefer it over vmware.


    Iv never heard of RVS so i wont comment there.

  7. updated ccleaner last night and this morning custom folders are gone.


    But my guess is it has something to do with the new entrys to clean for every user, which i have not noticed since this morning.


    I checked my custom folder and the files that should of been cleaned this morning on startup are still there so i can pin point it down to last nights install.


    On another note just curious to when these entrys where added in ccleaner? I never asked for these entrys to be added so surely ccleaner should be adding these to the cleaner tab.


    If i unchecked every browser cleaner option the entrys would still be there removing cookies for other people. Maybe they would not want that. Just concerned it might cause issues for other users.

  8. 90% of people on this site seem to wfs. why? do they have something to hide? or is it because the option is there.


    who even knows if files r really recoverable after over passing. i dont. you dont. every one has there own opinion.


    even encypting your files in a archieve will land you jail time. the simple answer is dont do ne thing illegal.

  9. Hi,


    Please Add defrag with CC cleaner with few more the options like smart scheduling and weekend clean.






    why? i want ccleaner not defrag. why bloat an app with sceduling when its already in m$ os.

  10. Funny. I must be from the old age because I really don't get the appeal of those social networking sites, and don't visit them.


    The constent crap does get annoying, but i have 1k mates on there, and about 70% of them i wouldnt be able to keep in contact.


    some of them are people i never dreamed about being able to speak to again as lost contact. I got my mum onto it a few months back.


    she has now met about 30 of her old class mates who she not seen for 45 years. it broght tears to her eyes speaking to them again.


    i cant say one bad word about facebook.

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