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Posts posted by ident

  1. I'd particularly like to acknowledge the moderators who consistently put in an awful lot of work keeping this place sensible, friendly and spam-free!



    It's nice to have down to earth mod's


    Hope every one has a lovely x-mas

  2. -1


    You would have to restrict such an option to say Custom Files only. I can't see the point of saving many thousands of temp files to the recycler, and repeating that each time CC is run. The default would have to be on, or else there would be posters saying 'I need a file and it's been deleted with the standard settings!' With it on, of course, they would say 'I ran CC and didn't gain any space!' It would cause confusion with secure file deletion. It would mislead those who thought they were deleting sensitive files. If your pc played up you wouldn't know which file to reinstate anyway.


    I've never been bothered with the stuff that CC deletes. It doesn't delete any vital files unless the user is, shall we say, wayward.



    100% agree here. Cant see any point of it as stated above with custom files and folders.

  3. You need to think of this logically.


    For ccleaner to be able to close at shutdown it first would need to be running, Then cancel the shut down opperation. Run the ccleaner then re tell windows to close down.


    The implications this could cause could be endless. I aint a coder of the standard of the makers of ccleaner, but from what i do know this would not be practicle or maybe impossible to do this with out the possibility of errors.


    There could be something critical being done on shut down and ccleaner interupts this and god knows what could happen.


    There may be a safe way to do this, like i said i'm not a professioanl coder maybe ccleaner staff could say other wise, but i doubt it, this has been asked endless times.


    I cant personally see any hassel of clicking quick launch running ccleaner and then closing down, in actual fact it's quicker then going start - turn off etc.

  4. Interesting you say that.i have a simular issue with top links on google opening in blank tabs but the link works fine.


    The highlighted link google shows in the status bar, is how can i put this.... I cant think of the word but not the one i'm trying to navigate to. So maybe this is a way they are trying to keep you on there page but redirecting you "badly" or firefox is not being able handle the url it's been provided.


    A quick check shows IE gets the same "invalid request" reply using the same top link in google.


    summery: I'm going to blame google for trying to keep is directing through them with out any evidence what so ever.


    This is why you should never navigate to a bank or any thing secure through a search engine.

  5. Many users on this forum use ERUNT. You wont notice it running at startup and it allows a little more peice of mind.


    Sorry i did not put an actually answer as such to your questions but there really is no answer.


    Maybe some one else will give you there story of how they function with ccleaner

  6. End of the day it is up to you. The back up files are tiny. If every thing is working fine a few months down the line you have 100 back ups would you really need the first?


    It's generally down to you. I would personally always have more then one back up for a few reasons. Every one likes to find there own way.


    I never actually back up the registry because i use a great program called ERUNT that starts at system start up and auto makes a registry back up. How ever after a year of using it i did actually bother to check up and it had 8gb of unneeded back ups lol


    But you should always back up and i agree with dennis it should be automactically done.


    How often you use it, well then again it's up to you. Never delete entrys you are unsure of. Always back up as i cant stress enough.



    I personally only use it after uninstalling applications.


    And welcome to the forum

  7. There are scripts, add-ons, more stress for FF. My main forum we get a lot of very long urls that the mods ask them to use tinyurl.


    If i have it sit in my system tray it auto detects valid urls copyied to the clipboard and replaces them with a tinyurl link. so in theory i never have to do anything or touch any thing.


    Obviously i might not want every copyied url to be converted so if it sits in quick launch it will auto replace the clipboard for a tiny url.


    Just about time saver really, and enjoyment.

  8. To be honest, I only ever downloaded it in the first place as I was getting a bit sick of having the "download rapport" page appear every time I logged into my NatWest bank account!




    hahaha, same, i got so annoyed i wrote and complained. Which i got a kind worded letter that lets me(and you) navigate directly to the login




    I've been running it on my Vista PC for a few months since NatWest first offered it to me. I've always been security conscious so I probably don't really need it but I thought I would give it a try. It's fairly unobtrusive (apart from this problem!) and I use it to protect all websites where I may have financial transactions (not just my bank, credit card company etc but even sites like amazon.co.uk). I do read the security reports that are available and there are one or two entries there sometimes but all security programs have entries when you log their activity. I'll keep using it for the time being but I'm not sure if I'll always stick with it.


    What did you not like about it? Too many warnings (eg passwords, if you have more than one site monitored with the same password) or just not what you wanted?


    Tbh i just find it more clutter. I'm very security wise to. Just another stress to add to firefox also. I also got annoyed with the reports. Yes i probably could of configured it better, but i dont want a security report pop up daily.


    why cant it do it's job in silence and if something needs urgent attention then display. why annoy me by letting me know everything is fine?


    overall i got tired of it after a week.

  9. Iv been using ccleaner for years and never used any thing other then default. Registry back up should be a must and automated as dennis suggested.


    But i cant see how it would cause your issue.


    are you using Noscript?


    also some addons cause curruption of the cache and can mess with pages.


    Orbits addon stopped some pages working so it could be worth while uninstalling the addons and going threw one by one to see if one causes it.


    But before you try that, close firefox and delete these three files


    filePath = "C:\Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.cache"
    filePath2 = "C:\Documents and Settings\Sam\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.ini"
    filePath3 = "C:\Documents and Settings\Sam\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\5jzf3e8r.default\extensions.rdf"

  10. My computer speakers have been looping for 2 hours now playing this annoying kids game intro.


    Pc off, still playing it.





    It's not an interference, well it is because it's dam right annoying but it's perfect sound quality.





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