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Posts posted by ident

  1. Thanks for the quick reply. Sadly ccleaner has been ran and was the reason my recycle bin was emptied. I better hope those deleted files are not needed or I'm SOL.


    I downloaded Recuva in the interim but realized it couldn't help.



    Forgive me i was not clear enough. Dennis just explained what i meant by secured wiped. But just to try to help a little more.




    If normal file deletion is selected in options - settings


    then yes the chances are very high you can recover what was deleted.


    If secure deletion has been set, with any of the 1/3/7/35 passes then you wont be recovering them.


    Im sorry about this. But i get the feeling you wont have changed these options

  2. I lost a years worth of files I inadvertently sent to recycle bin and then was cleaned by ccleaner - any way I can still rescue it? Would any downloadable file rescuers work to do so if I can't through ccleaner in any way?



    ccleane rhas no capability to rescue files.


    As long as you have not over wiped the files with ccleaner you got every chance of recovering the files using recova





    Made by the people who made ccleaner. Just remember every new file you create or delete reduces the chance of recovering the files you are after.


    Simple words dont do any thing with your computer until you tryed to recover your files.

  3. Exactly.


    However I steer very clear of new builds of Eraser, using the old v5.7 myself from 2003 which is tried and true, and doesn't install all that WinSxS stuff, etc.


    Im exactly the same,.


    i use eraser for shell exstention and wipe free space. No offence to ccleaner. it's most likely the best junk cleaner in the world. But it's wfs is not in the same league as erasers.

  4. There's no way of the devs knowing all the place you (and other might install something) thus winapp2.ini


    Copy the info from winapp (embedded ini that your talking about) to winapp2 and then change the locations to match yours



    I dont really under stand what the OP question is but any decent app can detect it's dir regardles wher eit is. so yes they should know hwere its installed

  5. Whats the difference between "Normal File Deletion" and "One-Pass Secure File Deletion" ?


    Does normal file deletion use no passes at all? Is this the technique Windows would normally use if you just deleted a file from your P.C?



    What you must realise is when you delete a file form windows all Windows does is erase thet entry from the index - not the hard drive. The file is still there just you cannot see it. It will be eventurally over written but in the mean time it's still recoverable.


    From what i believe in over written files, and some one please correct me if im wrong is, to over write a file a application would need to do something like this.



    Get the size of the file in bytes

    Open the file for writing

    For each byte in the file:

    Write a random byte

    End For

    Delete the file.


    So one over write would write each byte of the file one time with random data. No lab or any where has claimed that they can recover one over write, so i would never bother with 35 passes. as said above, it adds alot of strain to your hd.

  6. I have also just noticed this. After clenaing with firefox closed. My cookies.sqlite is still full of visited sites even though the cookies them self have been cleaned.


    I never actually logged into any sites when testing this so these cookies are downloaded when a user visits the page.


    I have personally just added the cookies.sqlite to the include list.


    I wouldnt say ccleaner is currupting the cookies.sqlite because normally when currupted you would not be able to log in to any sites.


    From what i know about cookies.sqlite it can be edited and remove the cookies from it while ff is running.


    scrap that apparently it is now locked from ff 3.5


    It also saves entry when it's in private browsing, which i think is pretty poor on FF side.

  7. Hi and welcome to the forum. A quick note. This is ccleaner suggestions. Next time post a question like this in CCleaner Discussion :)


    There is already answers to your question. There are pages and pages of documentation already. For some body to sit here and write in detail what ever thing does would be a waste of time. And just a repeat of what's already been said.


    if you have a specific question, then i'm sure you will get a detailed answer. But it is just unrealistic for some body to write up what you are asking.


    Here is ccleaners documentation.



  8. In future also close firefox, and open firefox in safemode. start - run - firefox -safe-mode


    In some cases previously greyed out add-ons will now be listed for uninstallation


    Failing that go to your firefox profile, something like C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxx.default\extensions\


    and each folder contains the addon. Click each folder and open install.rdf in notepad to see what the addon is.


    Remove entier folder.

  9. Hi.Thanks. Where do I find this HKCU using regedit? Please teach me more ...

    I thought I found SpyBot in HKEY Local Machine and deleted it, but after a restart I still see SpyBot listed in the same place in cCleaner Utilities under Applications



    You are looking in local machine when you should be looking in current user.(HKCU)


    start - run - regedit - where you will be presented with a tree view


    it's the second one down under CLASSES_ROOT



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