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Posts posted by ident

  1. Removed Avast 5 eh?


    I personally think they should've beta tested it for several more months getting more feedback from testers using all sorts of different system configurations. Oh well.


    I'm really let down by it. Was constantly killing my net. I could of disabled the shield in services, but a user shouldn't have to go there. Adding my sites to exclusions it was still scanning them,


    oh well

  2. What a shame, Im seriously considering reverting back to 4.8


    Even with web shield disabled it is now distorting sites like youtube.


    If you disable shields temporary it does not remember your previous settings and re enables all shields which is pretty poor. :/

  3. sorry i never got back to you. i admit i forgot. In future if you struggle with userchrome in ff, go to google and type



    site:userstyles.org "Query"



    (site:userstyles.org urlbar resize)



    Instead of space you could make your bg none like the screenie



  4. i wouldnt bother with persona imo, In Firefox 3.6 Personas no longer supports 3rd party themes. if ur using it just because u want a bg image on tool bar just add this to the css


    /* #Region ToolBar Edits */
    .tabbrowser-tabs {
    -moz-appearance: none !important;
    background-image: url("file:///C:/WINDOWS/FireFoxCamo.png") !important;
    /* #Region End ToolBar Edits */


    add #status-bar, under findbar if u want it to overlay status bar.


    your code is fine, but it would also resize the search box. you need to add spaces. The code is for up to 3.5.7,


    il try write it for 3.6 but im not using it.

  5. I haven't encountered any difference at all with Version 5.


    Flash video, DivX video, music, all works as it did with 4.8. I'd be happy to try out anything particular you're having problems with as I'm using Opera 90% of the time, but have used Firefox with no problems.


    My computer is getting old now (4 years) About time i brought a new one so my processor might be struggling. I did actually report it on avast forum but got told it was nothing to do with avast, obviously when i disabled the websheild IE and FF both worked perfectly, it was still nothing to do with avast *cough*


    So it would be a little hard to replicate since it was just the default settings in avast that caused it. But thanks dennis

  6. avast 5 rapes the http traffic with its web shield. A few people i know myself included had to add exclusions to youtube etc, any thing with flash, music and so on.


    I thought it was poor little firefox 3.6 at first, as installed it at same time.

  7. extensions.checkCompatibility = false in about:config.

    Useful trick. :)


    IE addon and tabmix plus wont work even with that. IE wont even attempt to run and tabmix will not function properly.


    Other then that works great.


    Accept i got to update all my css in userchrome now :/

  8. Hi,


    I'm considering using CCleaner to keep my web browsing anon, but I'd only like to do it at certain times. For the majority of the time, I'd like to keep things as they are set up now (with all my cookies, etc...).


    If I set up a new Profile in Firefox and install CCleaner, will using it clean only the profile in Firefox I'm using at the time or for all Profiles?



    Thanks for the help.


    why not just use private browsing?

  9. I used ccleaner to clean out my cookies but now it is deleting all my new cookies too. Every time I go into my Gmail I have to log on again. How do I get it to stop deleting my cookies. I am not so computer advanced so please make the answer easy to follow.



    ccleaner is not deleting new cookies. it is deleting all cookies since you have it checked.


    Go to options - cookies and moce to the right cookies you want to keep

  10. I think regardless of opinions on application design, we're all pretty much agreed that deleting empty folders is not good default behaviour for CCleaner!



    Ignoring your & my opinion. yes i 100% agree. Empty folders cost no memory. a million empty folders makes no difference to space. I never understand why people worry about empty folders.

  11. But if an installed folder went awol I might choose one of several options. I might create the directory. But equally I might put out an error that says 'folder doesn't exist blah, blah blah'. I might just stop execution and log to the App Event Log. It all depends on the application and on the program requirement. It's not just black and white.


    Well firstly you should not be writing to an installer folder. such as "program files" other then the installer.


    On Windows Vista, it takes special permissions to write to anything in or under C:\Program Files. This is where programs live, not data. If everyone could write anything they wanted to this data, they might be able to corrupt (or worse) replace important executable files. So, Microsoft recommends storing program data in some "AppData" location.

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