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Posts posted by ident

  1. I managed to disable the modules I didn't require from within Avast, and unlike other folks experience, they stayed disabled after reboot.


    However, that left the exclamation mark over the tray icon with the "not fully protected" warnings. As far as I can ascertain, the exclamation mark is permanent.


    I disabled my unwanted modules during a reinstall, and I didn't know, as pointed out by Capman above, that you can disable them from within Avasts Add/Remove Programs entry.


    If you do it that way, you'll probably have to reboot to make the changes work.


    My experience as above. Disabling permanent just left me having to re do it after reboot. Disabling P left a mark over the icon. Disabling the service did the same.


    Uninstalling as dennis suggested has worked perfect. This can only be done by trying to uninstall first.

  2. lol Ishi, i think you might of miss understood him/her they want a checkbox at the top of each list




    "better check all the boxes under Mozilla Firefox but you have to do this once you want to end your session at the end of the day."


    And if they wanted to keep saved passwords they would be screwed. Also no one has confirmed this to me yet, but i believe compact data base is to do with urlclassifier3.sqlite


    Deleting this every time is pointles according to FF.

  3. That's a damn good link hazel, particularly as we are getting quite a few instances of Firefox users not being able to properly close Firefox down.


    This can be caused by a malicious Trojan.




    It's a pain in the ass one. A friend had it. I did suggest to a user not long ago to check for that for being the cause of FF taking long to close http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=26322&hl= They never got back

  4. Sorry your not having the best luck, but personally I think its wrong to try and claim "squatters rights" on a house thats owned by your relatives. They probably were helping you out by letting you live there in the first place?


    I wasn't suggesting squatting it. I did mention "squatters rights" but this was said with trying to gain more time in finding a new place to live. Going to organizations that help squatters can be very beneficial. Even if it is only to do with housing and not squatting. They are very helpful, friendly, and best of all free. Many in the uk are volunteers who really know there stuff. Who also in turn could help with rehousing. :)

  5. what are your thoughts.


    Don't buy any??? Well this is simply MY opinion. I think real time is a waste of time. I really dont understand how people get so infected. I normally put it down to 2 things.


    1: downloading crap from torrents and p2p.

    2: kids


    The later being the worse. I'm called around to my dads weekly because of something my little sister has downloaded.


    I keep my host file updated, Browse with FF. And scan once a month with MBAM (quick scan)

  6. can the back up folder be created some where else besides C:Windows>ERUNT..........cause each time I give it a different path it than goes to default auto back up folder i.e in windows.......by right clicking the reg saved automatically merges......??..........or do I have to use regedit to import.........or ERUNT......sorry about my simple queries do realize im new to this software world.




    If you right click the reg file a context menu appears. Select "merge" (this is with ccleaner)


    ERUNT, not sure. never bothered trying to change the default location since iv never needed to use it. Just let it do its thing and hopefully you will never need to use it.


    How ever once in a while check it and remove old backups. I checked it after a year and it was around 9gb of backups that i dont need.

  7. If this was the uk, they cant kick you out. 12years could claim squatters rights and he/she can do nothing, could even try to claim it for yourself if there was no contract


    your donations thing wont work, sorry. It would seem as believable as this girl from russia "yeva" who is currently emailing me about her hardship and how much she wants to come to the uk to marry me. (yes i am playing along for the lol)


    can you prove you lived there for the lengthof time?

  8. Hi there.......I have a q question....does the Cleaner Utility of CC only deletes the junk/temp & not imp files etc......is it safe to use it on a fresh install.........how often should cleaner utilty be used?

    How can one restore/import back/inject a registry back up after using the the registry cleaning utility..........is that safe too to use after a fresh OS install?

    I get almost 40 MB of temp files on when I run cleaner on a vista startup before any applications are opened or start browsing...........is that normal?



    CCleaner would be the first(excluding an AV) application to install on a fresh os. There are no limits on how many times ccleaner should be run. I myself can be running it 20+ times a day. It's down to you. For the general user i would just suggest let it run at startup and never have to touch it again. Use it to which it suits you best.


    Don't be lead down the road where people clean the registry religiously daily. The only time i would use it is after i uninstalled an application. Always back up (You might also be interested in installing ERUNT which is a great utility that backs up the registry on start up) and if you need to restore. Go to the location where you saved the reg file. I think default location is C:\Program Files\CCleaner (i find that strange) right click, and select merge from the context menu.

  9. Nothing to do with ccleaner. It's your browser. Saving the form information. What browser?


    I only ever use Firefox so if so go to - options - security - saved passwords and remove the ones you do not want to be auto filled.


    add a site exception if you want also.


    Others will guide you what options to do with other browsers.



  10. maybe just small separate script/packages/plugins may be downloaded by the main executable not a whole installer?


    It's to do with bandwidth so im told. I don't quite understand the big fuss over having to update with an installer. From download to install it takes less then a minute.

  11. Woman, go back to the kitchen for God's Sake and leave alone things you don't understand :lol:


    That's just completely unnecessary. People come here for help, not sarcastic & abusive remarks.


    As Andavari has said, ccleaner does not have the ability by default to just remove applications.


    Have you searched in C:\Program Files?????

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