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Posts posted by ident

  1. If your wiping free space weekly, obviously you are concerned about sensitive data you are removing.


    WFS does but unnecessary strain on a HD. Either way if you really are concerned why not keep the files in a encrypted archive?


    Could end up spending 5 years in jail under terrorism laws for failing to hand over the key but at least your data will be secure lol


    As for the bug please can you clarify so i understand better,


    wipe free space loops if close when finished is checked???

  2. Oh my.................. Where did you purchase it from???? Worth reporting to the devs, as marmite said.



  3. Tbh that was a personal joke as i had 4 people yesterday mention to me about mac problems.


    I myself prefer linux, my laptop is crunchbang but my pc is xp


    It makes no odd's to me with what os people use or browser.


    i was just having a laugh because 90% of mac uses would not ever hear a bad word about there impossible to infect machine.



  4. The reason for it is to make it fully re-size able. It's called tiny foot print mode.



    Handy if you want to watch a process and not have task manager take up a massive area. (Default minimum window size is quite large)


    Down side is loads of users have spent hours and hours trying to resolve it as there is no obvious solution.


    There is a story on the net about some one reformatting because of it.


    Good stuff m$

  5. Damn, you're too quick ident.


    I just came across this behaviour this morning, and was hoping for a few scratched heads before someone sussed it. :lol:




    hands up, it took me a while to suss it about a year ago :lol:

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