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Posts posted by ident

  1. Device manager lists hardware attached to the computer. Not programs installed. Marmite was perfectly right with his statement.


    "Device Manager doesn't list your files and programs."


    I stopped properly paying attention to you because you was intended on arguing with another member and ignoring my replies.


    My advice on dealing with the error comes straight from microsoft msdn library. So if you feel it has let you down some what take it up with bill gates.

  2. You're right none of us do have a clue about this error. We never had this error before. We took the time to google the error. There is plenty of advice on google to resolve this error.


    But will you read it? Take the time to think for your self? No.


    I told you to install the diagnostic tool by m$. You said it would not let you run it. Did you offer any reason to why it did not run? Maybe we could of assisted you in getting it to work. Having a diagnostic tool running would be 100 times faster then us trouble shooting ideas. But you just wont help us help you.


    My self and others have suggested system restore. But all you reply is i dont have the programs any more. If the problem happened yesterday then restore the day before and all you will loose is any programs installed in that time span. But you wont do this. why? Either you have no idea what system restore is and did not read the restore links my self and marmite provided or you installed hundreds of programs in the last 24 hours.


    If it really is down to a driver for the mp3 player, Here is an idea. How about post on the mp3 players forum. Or help line. They can probably direct you to a direct download.


    We are not experts on every subject but we will try are hardest to offer solutions and do a little research for a person, as long as they are willing to help them self.


    I'm sorry you are having trouble with your mp3 player but it's not my fault, all the people who replied here fault or ccleaners fault.


    If it was down to a deleted registry entry then it's still not ccleaners fault. Users are meant to check every entry. So this is down to your own negligence. You are even prompted to back up before continuing. Did you do this? or ignore it? If you have backed up the registry before deleting then we can tell you how to merge the file.


    Have you tried going to my computer and trying to navigate to the folder via windows explorer? I don't bother with any software with my mp3.


    No one is going to try help you if you keep snapping. This is new ground to us.


    So how many days ago was it when this problem started?

  3. Look, i know you aint on windows 7. No one is mentioning it. why you keep assuming we aqre....The article is for vista.


    Can some one else on vista check Automated Troubleshooting Services because i seriously doubt it would charge.



    You said you wont restore because you're worried about losing programs. How many programs could you of possibly of installed in the last 1/2 days or even a week that can't be replaced with a little bit of time.



    The article it self has manual ways of trouble shooting. You can't even be bothered to read them.

  4. Ah its just more trouble than its worth.. I did what you said and now im just back to square one.. all it says is i will need to download windows powershell in order for the problem to be fixed . When i do this , the system would not allow me to . It only allows me to click on " other options to fix the problem" . When i do this the options it gives me is for technical advise which is chargeable :(.. THIS IS the very reason i was apprehensive about loading this . I want the driver to be reinstalled not read about what others say . Every pc's are different :(


    I can't test it coz im xp, i doubt m$ would charge????


    Any way, did you read the trouble shooting this error on http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310123 ????


    Have you tryed the basic restore like i said first???

  5. I have downloaded this but when the windows powershell finished installing it asked if i wanted to use this to diagnoise.. I clicked yes 3 times and then another screen came up with all kinds of information.. I must add that i do not have windows 7 , i uninstalled it . Did you take this into consideration before referring this to me? Because i dont know if this will do the job


    If you read the first link i provided you would of see this.


    "Note For help with device problems in Windows Vista, visit the following Microsoft Web site to automatically diagnose and repair problems with devices. For example, visit the following site when the device manager does not detect your hardware, audio, USB, or other devices or when your devices are disabled or not working. "


    Key word vista:


    I can not be there to do it for you. I need you to read what i or others say.


    A lot of the time when people ask questions we don't always automatically know the answer but we research the answer for you.


    I have never had to deal with this problem so it's knew ground to me. So i need you to put the effort in as well :)


    I can't see what the diagnostic tool says to you. I would assume it would be very straight forward if it found a error.

  6. c33, you clearly have no intention in resolving this issue so i will let some one else take over. I have offered advice which potentially could fix your issue and has just been ignored.


    Marmite was speaking of your rising to his posts. And once again you have just replied with remarks back which clogs up this forum with unwanted crap.


    If some one offends you ignore it and let a mod deal with it. Mods do have a life out side of here and not always about to assist.

  7. Its not a case of im not following what you say . Its a case of WILL it work.. I thought CCleaner was a means to an end and it was a savour for a short while but then messed up my system :( . I dont know what reformatting is and how will it help in relation to restoration of my driver?



    Look, i don't know what will or wont work, But if you're not going to bother reading what i write how can i help you?


    Now, for the last time. have you clicked the links i posted???


    CCleaner has not done any thing. You have. It cant just delete registry entrys. YOU have by clicking fix.




    click that link and follow what it says

  8. No i havent system restore because i dont have the programmes to reinstall :(


    May i ask what is thye point of using ERUNT now? will this reinstall the lost driver?... Im not pc lierate as you can see so if its not gonna work than whats the point


    You havent the programs to restore? if the problem is new, which i assume it is, just restore from a day or 2 ago?


    do you under stand what restore is? i'm not talking about reformatting


    I have offered suggestions and you are not doing them,


    have you clicked the 2 previous links?


    system restore http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/tutorials/tutorial143.html



    also erunt wont help now but it will help in future in case something like this happens again.


    we can only offer suggestions but you must put in the work

  9. I have already stated that i make it my duty to check what i am scanning and hadnt made any changes.. I did however go into Registry and clicked all on the list and scanned for issues.. Could this have caused it ?


    Probably since it's a registry error. Always back up and check entrys.


    I suggest using ERUNT, it will make a back up at system start up of the registry


    have you tried system restore yet and gone to the links i posted????/

  10. Firstly you say you have been using ccleaner for 6 months with out any bad experiences. And now all of a sudden some thing has gone wrong so it must be ccleaner?


    You have no evidence of this or not provided us any evidence to help assist you in correcting the problem.


    Did you use the registry ccleaner recently? Can you remember last time the mp3 player worked properly?


    If so have you tried restoring the pc to a previous time when working?


    If you did run the registry cleaner did you make a back up? Have you tried merging the back up?


    If it was the registry cleaner that may of possibly deleted an entry it's down to the user to check all entry's before deleting


    Google is your friend if you have a specific error & code http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310123



    If you go to m$ web site & on vista it can diagnose the problem for you http://support.microsoft.com/gp/hardware_device_problems

  11. I see you have Secure Deletion (veilige opschoning) set for Normal file deletion (Normale bestandsopschoning).

    I wonder if that has any use.

    With "Wipe Free Space" (Wis vrije ruimte) you want to overwrite files that have already been deleted and are marked as free space. Trying to overwrite free space without Secure Deletion with at least Simple Overwrite (1 pass) won't have any use.


    wipe free space is defaulted to 1 pass and can not be changed

  12. Yes, but they haven't fixed it. And since FF doesn't sandbox tabs, the browser crashes.

    Separate processes are also a good idea for security ; even if one tab is hacked, it - theoretically - can't do any damage to Windows.


    That's adobe for you. Slack and good makers of crapware.

  13. So why are you wanting to window switch while in game, and what has that to do with switching weapons?



    I don't think they understand that calling a script out side the game would take focus from the actual game it self.


    Tbh if the game dont show the option of both mouse key press i dont no of a way it would be possible to force it.


    It could be possible but your best bet would likely go to the game you are playing forum and ask them.

  14. Really? how strnage.


    In that case it would be just


    		 set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    	 WshShell.SendKeys "%({TAB})" 
    	 WScript.Sleep 100


    save as AltTab.vbscript


    Im un aware of a way to keep focus of the switch though, dont think it works like that


    You could also use




    if you know the app you want to get focus of

  15. Nah, it doesn't show in tasks so I can't miminize it that way.


    Apologies all the same, I missed the Ctrl-Tab bit. Cool.


    /smacks head. lol


    I made a stupid lil exe on page 2, that will load, minimize, run tskmanger that sits in quick launch

  16. Thankfully I've just sussed it myself, and it is the System32 file, and it started with Windows minimized.


    Damn, so flaming easy when it came to me.


    Thanks chaps. It was fun while it lasted.


    Edit: You'll be interested to know the minimized version is the "lean" one, but once I opened it to check, of course I can't minimize it again like that. :lol:


    you can if you check page 2 :P


    well it's not exact but.....

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