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Posts posted by ident

  1. I would think erunt would erase the newly installed applications entrys. Since it is a complete restore and not just appends to the registry.


    Just reinstall the application if you are concerned or functionality is not correct

  2. CCleaner does not have the ability to forcefully close any browser. Some privacy cleaners have this option. CCleaner does not. Just how it is im afraid.


    It may be implemented later on. Only the devs can answer that.


    If you wont chrome to be cleaned. Close it.

  3. Unfortunately you have had to learn the hard way. Registry clean can be dangerous and is strongly advised to always make a back up before cleaning.


    I would in future not worry about registry cleaning. Users are obsessed with this idea that it will make there computer 100x faster and just click fix to there newly installed application that is displaying 1500 invalid entry's.


    Saying that the only time i personally may run a scan is after instillation of another application. I would also advise using a registry backup utility called ERUNT http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/ ERUNT creates a registry back up at system startup.


    Do you have the printers software to hand?

  4. The easiest way for you will be to drag the application exe to start - all programs - startup


    There are other ways, what is the application it might have the functionality already built in.

  5. I can't imagine any virus in the world would care about a registry scan. Nor think of any way it could possibly effect a scan.



    why do you think the registry is to blame? Also i hope you dont think ccleaner has the ability to deal with viruses.

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