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Posts posted by ident

  1. Born have you tryed unticking every Browser checkbox??? Including non supported browsers. Might sound a strange thing un checking un associated chks but might help narrow it down


    1: log in sites

    2: close browser

    3: reopen browser checking still logged in

    4: close browser

    5: uncheck all browser chks

    6: run ccleaner

    7: check login

    8: report back

  2. @ Dennis, not sure how badly you would like to keep tiny foot print.


    Either way if you put this in quick launch by clicking it it will either (depending on current state of task manager)


    Launch, Minimize, Load : No UI so removes the need for ctrl-alt-del, just click and does it for ya



    Source Code



    To be honest i was just messing about, I added the source in case you would prefer compiling it yourself. "No nasty suprises" lol


    No nit picking at my coding, i don't exactly get paid for it ;) (vb)


    And if you don't care that much about TFM, no worries coz im actually using it now

  3. Hello and welcome to the forum


    A scheduler has been asked for numerous times before. Many members like my self have said we would rather not add bloat to ccleaner when the option is already made available to you in windows.


    Saying that only the devs can answer if the feature will ever be implemented


    For more information setting up a task see links below.


    xp http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308569


    vista http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows...Schedule-a-task

  4. Morzilla gets money from google regardless of top right hand searches. Don't google produce something like 85% of Morzillas revenue any way?


    If you're going to say something about firefox should really back it up to why you think this.

  5. Hello and welcome to the forum,


    have you checked all the levels in sounds and audio devices in control panel just to make sure the speakers are not muted.


    On another note, you might receive a quicker response in future by providing a descriptive thread title. :)

  6. Oh.....


    Best to keep to one subject per thread, And not really a good idea to be starting one on the browser wars, They never come to much only repeat what has been said hundreds of times and don't get people any where. Not to mention boring imo....

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