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Posts posted by ident

  1. I find myself installing and uninstalling applications daily.


    For example something like defraggler. i dont use it weekly. Or monthly. so only install it whne i want to use it then uninstall.


    "I'm trying to follow a "don't put anything on you ain't gonna keep" philosophy"

  2. Never heard of it before, but after reading that it isn't shocking or anything.


    shocking??? Of course not. interesting i think so. of course there is undocumented sites. be foolish to think so.



    I just like a bit of mystery

  3. I think it was dennis who made me realize that even a reputable bit of software such as avast we can be quick to over look. I myself feel so stupid to moaning about avast when i had the option to not install services.


    mike. Me myself and irean have had issues with the web shield. why??? who knows mate. I'm not about to try find out why since iv spent 3 years not running a av. Do i need a web shield? files downloaded become files opened. av ast will still find anything opened. and even with it disabled it blocked malware and stopped me accessing a site.


    bit annoyed my 30k en treys in my host file didnt deny access right away


    over all unticking, disabling a shield proved un effective to me

  4. can i just ask why you so worried about secure deletion? iv personally never seen any one claim to be able to recover wiped data. But my friend who earns a hell of a lot then me argues its possible. The normal person does not have access to that type of equipment.

  5. Are some of you listening to techno or something? (and if so why? :lol: )


    What people call tekno and what actually is tekno are two very different things. A lot of people say they love tekno and link you to some crappy hard house. Youtubes the worst for this.


    would you like me to link you to some quality acid tekno??? :P


    I think i can predict the coming answer.

  6. I hate answering this question as i cant remember who told me it was to do with urlclassifier3.sqlite

    File location has moved. When ever its deleted FF re downloads it,


    C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile>


    If it is not to do with urlclassifier3 then my apologies.

  7. I am enjoying this thread. Have installed Avast 5 on a couple of computers and like the new way of registering, no more email keys. Question I have is ...

    Is Avast 5 better or comparable to AVG Free??

    I now have AVG on my main computer and it hasn't given me any problems. In the past all I've used is Avast. Had I known of the new Avast update I would have installed it


    Thanks :0


    iv always classed avg as norton. Dont bite my head off for saying it. Just my opinion......

  8. disabling IM and and P2P free resources right guys?..or not..

    since i don't use them.


    Of course, its less strain. IMO disable web shield also. 100% RINSED my connection. Though i do know people that this was not the case.

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