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Posts posted by ident

  1. Actually, beleive it or not, I did go over the documentation before asking and I am still not clear whether Ccleaner just erases things like temp files, etc. (like Windows' Disk cleanup does) or whether it "wipes" them. I used to use Acronis privacy suite in XP and it actually wiped this material.


    (same for the remaining questions ..... It's a dangerous tool to use without absolute clarity, especially the registry cleaner)




    deleting is wiped, over passing is writen data to the bytes before deletion.

  2. That's like saying you won't get pregnant using the rhythm method for protection ;)


    Actually I think it's common sense that means most other people on here are using AV :D


    Still, if it works for you, go for it. So why will you be trying Avast again?


    JDPower pretty much said it for me mate, but il add a few things. My laptop has a av, why did i decide to use avast? or why will i try again. Because simply i love there work. Even though i think avast 5 is 100% shite in its current state.


    I have friends using it fine, and some with the same problems as me. Should this be a reason to slag it off? No way(i know you never said i am or did, im rambling) All im doing is saying how it is currently working on this system.


    I disable mailsheild and web shield and every thing went back to normal. (in services) disabling normal way in context menu just enabled again after restart. which im told on there forum "is normal"


    why? since they have disable permanent or disable until restart.


    "Hey here is a good idea. Lets add the same option ontop of each other calling the same function"


    I think not. Bug? Yes?????? Hmm maybe. But still im told this is normal by non member sof the team.


    Im waiting for a reply from avast so i will update this when emailed back.


    Back on track now, ~(i did say i was rambling)~


    Laptop has a av because....Well just because. Sense? i do things on it that i dont here. I use this pc for here, and a few sites and running my server and coding.


    A good friend of mine who runs his own shop, would never touch a av. why? sense!


    Overall i dont think viruses are what they use to be. Im no expert when it comes to infections but id know if my system was infected. Like said above. each to there own. No biggie running a av. Bit i do laugh when i see people running as many real times as there systems can handle.



    Sorry for the ramble. lol

  3. I don't know. It seems like a plausible explanation but for example, a readout will say - 481.9MB to be cleaned then when I hit clean it will say - 39.5 MB cleaned. Would that still indicate files that are in use and can't be removed?


    Only you can answer this. Read the log(s) shown. Then compare and see whats not removed that was shown.

  4. Now I've never known Avast to repair anything, McAfee does.


    Ok now you're going to far. Mcafee is in the top biggest crapware alive, with norton. It's an insult to even mention it in the same thread as avast.


    Il be trying avast again in a few months, I gone back to not running any AV,

  5. I wonder how much $$$$ SourceForge got paid for this stunt. :o


    so much for open source eh?


    edit: me and my friends who have quite a few applications are emailing SF and removing our apps.



    One or two wont make a difference, But if some of you want to do the same, Ther eis no reason for SF to do this other then ???. Which is 100% the opposite to waht open source is about.


    Il post the reply, if i even get one.

  6. Glad you found it useful Tasgandy :)


    Nirsoft have some good utilities ... it's worth spending some time having a look though their 'inventory' if you haven't come across the site before.


    Nirsoft are great. Got some good stuff from there over the years.

  7. I've got FF 3.6 installed and the problem is still happening. So they haven't fixed it yet.




    CCleaner keeps telling me that it can't clean the FF temp cache because it's still open, even though FF is closed. Guess I'm gonna uncheck the option to clean the FF temp cache in the options window and delete the cache in FF instead. What a pain in the neck.


    The strange thing is that on my other laptop, I don't have this problem at all. Both laptops are set up exactly the same as far as CCleaner and FireFox are concerned. Why it would work fine on one but not the other is beyond me... :huh:


    If ccleaner is telling you it cannot clean firefox then the process is still active as said above.


    On the other hand i could not replicate your issues. Firefox & the extension both got disposed of properly.


    Hopefully one day ccleaner will force the execute of browser processes if enabled to.


    Does the same happen when going file - exit


    rather then close? (x)





    By any chance is there a file "microsoft.exe" running in task manager? or Ivy.exe and microsoft.exe in system 32???


    or do you have Always clear private data before closing checked?


    also if you get a chance read http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox.exe_always_open might have a solution. i not got time to read it sorry.


    Just a few suggestions to test with.

  8. Hello

    This my frist time using CCleaner. Is this safe to use because messing with the register I don't want to screw any thing up. and how do I back up my regsiter before I start. Thanks


    Need help.




    Hello, and welcome to the forum


    CCleaner is safe to use, But when it comes to cleaning the registry it's down to the user to stay safe.


    Might be best to stay clear of it until your more comfortable with it. But if you must the registry will ask you if you want to back up when you go to remove items as longas its checked to do so in settings.

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