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Posts posted by ident

  1. Basically if you live in South Australia and want to comment on the election on any news site or blog (including facebook/twitter) you have to legally/by law include your name and post code in your comment you can't be anonymous.


    As for the UK don't they have cameras on every street corner, lol.


    Ha, what a crappy law,


    We have a lot of cameras, not so bad where im from cambridge.

  2. this doesn't always work, especially for some system software which has complex startup options. if you simply drag it to startup folder, you will be missing out on options.


    Im very much aware it wont always, why i said reinstall to keep it simple.


    And im still very very surprised it let you kill the key

  3. Have you tryed a normal system restore?


    Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click System Restore. System Restore starts.

    On the Welcome to System Restore page, click Restore my computer to an earlier time (if it is not already selected), and then click Next.

    Then select a point when it was last good.


    failing that did you back up the registry?

  4. Also, I checked out ERUNT, but am afraid I'm too much of a novice to run it properly. I tried to read the "Read-Me" file, but it's a mile long with all kinds of technical info in it that I'm totally unfamiliar with. I might be able to get far enough to do a daily back-up, but would have no idea how to replace it. Thanks for trying, though, it's appreciated! :)



    You dont need to do any thing with ERUNT. it does every thing for you. Once installed thats it.


    If you ever need to redo the registry go to


    C:\WINDOWS\ERDNT\AutoBackup\<date of the back up>


    Open that folder, double click ERDNT.EXE in that folder and confirm it.



  5. Ok im new here and i really need help :),

    my problem is, i used from CCleaner the Tools -> Startup so i disable some things i didnt want to open when i open my pc, but by mistake i Delete the startup of my antivirus, i delete not disable thats how stupid i am, so if anyone can tell me how to bring it back, cause now i have to open every time my antivirus... can u help me


    Surprised it let you.


    what AV is it? If it's to much for you to re add it to startup. Just reinstall it. All setting swill be kept.

  6. From what i believe it is to do with urlclassifier3.sqlite And from what i'm told it contains no private data, It's for security between FF and google. Deleting it will only redownload it.


    The correct size for the file is approx 55 MB. Though it can get bigger so needs to be compacted, Once!


    I would not bother having this checked.


    File location has moved.


    C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<profile>


    If it is not to do with urlclassifier3 then my apologies.

  7. ****CCleaner has offered the option to uninstall it does not work in all cases ... I have a program that was installed without my permission and now I can not uninstall or Windows or with CCleaner and called LEGO Star Wars II. I know I can do. Foulbrood tells me is that the installation source for the product is not available. And do not proceed with removal.****


    All ccleaner does is invoke the original applications uninstaller. Nothing more. Nothing less.


    Todos CCleaner hace es invocar el desinstalador original de las aplicaciones. Nada m?s. Nada menos.

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