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Posts posted by ident

  1. Yep, Avast 5 is scheduled to come out in a few more days. I have the latest beta version of it right now, and it's running even better than Avast 4.8. No FPs, no issues, no slowdowns, no nothing.


    still got the installer?

  2. "I had heard about this, though when it comes to sensitive data I'd rather be doing too much as opposed to finding out that one overwrite isn't enough when somebody is dining out in Prague at my expense."


    There has been countles threads on this, but the general belief but most users here is that one over write is enough.


    I have searched endlesly for evidence one pass has been recovered and i cant find any one claiming to do so.

  3. It's utterly pointles. The only thing that would improve is boot time by defragging the registry file which isn't registry defragging per se, as in you're not defragging the registry, you are defragging the file that the registry gets saved into.


    It will only improve boot/startup time, it will not improve standard system performance.



    But this is getting off track.

  4. newest version seems to hang on empty of recycle bin unless it is empty... freezes even if there is a very tiny file in the bin. no problem if the bin is already empty

    any one else have this happen and is there a fix


    First steps i reckon isd to revert to a older version and see if the problem persists.


    If so then there could be a currupted file lerking in the recycle bin. If this is the case we then can look at ways in restoring the recycle bin.

  5. Hi, and welcome to the forum. I will try answer the bits i can to the best i can but i am a little unsure with your explaining.


    Firstly the default options set in ccleaner are perfectly safe. In 3 years the only option i changed was to add a custom folder.



    For example, I downloaded a new favicon for my website. Deleted it and ran C Cleaner. But when I tried to create a newer, different favicon for my site, it just kept showing the same previous one and not the new one. So the memory of the previous favicon was not fully erased. "


    This is the part with which i am having trouble to under stand. A fav icon is the icon that is displayed either in the bookmark toolbar and address bar.



    <link REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="http://yoursitedotcom.here/yourdir/favicon.ico">



    when you say downloaded? surely you mean uploaded a new icon to your site? If your old one is still displaying the chances are it's still caught in the cache. Close your browser. Run ccleaner and recheck. Failing that get some body else to check.



    I will let others answer the rest because i am not totally sure.

  6. Frankly, I don't understand the tendency/attitude of some members:


    Whenever someone makes a Suggestion, they attack it

    as if they do NOT want CCleaner to be FURTHER Developed!!!


    I dont think alan is being negative. He is very much like me in looking at the dangers in new ideas. CCleaner has probably the best reputation on the web for being the safest cleaner.


    I think it's more to do with looking out for other people with less experience then attackting the idea as you suggested.


    The amount of people i have come across with a pc optimizer or system maintenance tool that just simple go threw every available option clicking fix/scan/delete never cease to amaze me, and not for any wrong doing on there own behalf, they just do it because the option is there, so it must be safe to do so right?


    CCleaner is a fantastic yet safe as safe can be when cleaning is concerned. I'm all for keeping it that way.



  7. Well, luckily it was only a suggestion B)


    I tend to be more in favor of peoples suggestions realizing that most never come to pass. Look what it took to get wiping free space implemented.



    There is never any thing wrong with a suggestion, or an opinion. This is mine and that was yours. It's what discussion boards are about. :lol:

  8. But then we could say lets add it about a number of tools. I love windirstat, i think it's great. I use it maybe once every 6 months, then again i use ccleaner about 20 times a day.


    CCleaner is constantly in development, Which means it's constantly growing in size. Regardles if it is 1kb or 100mb it still is adding to it's size.


    startup and uninstall and also system restore do offer a cleanup service, regardles of how often you use them.


    But this is just my view of the idea ^_^

  9. Windirstat is a great bit of kit but has nothing to do with cleaning.


    Would just be a pointles functionality in the world of junk cleaning to bloat it. The only time i have recommended is when wipe free space has been stopped during wipe and has left behind a big temp file.


    The ten biggest files/folders on my computer and not junk. So why would i need this information displayed to me?


    There is also a big risk of displaying what may look like unneeded 'large' unknown file types for example pagefile.sys that could easily be deleted but are vital for the computer.


    Great kit, Belongs with ccleaner? IMO no.



  10. I have removed CA eTrust Antivirus with add remove programs but when I try to install different internet securtiy software it keeps asking me to uninstall CA eTrust Antivirus and it won't let me install my new software.


    I just bought and have run the CCleaner software


    Can anyone please help me. :(



    You brought ccleaner? It's free....... Make sure you always download it from http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/


    Also i would like to suggest never remove programs via m$ built in uninstaller. It never completely removes the software.


    Use something like your uninstaller (among others)


    Seems to me alot of people are having trouble with this AV


    I dont have time to research these links but try






    internet security packages are a waste of time and completly unneeded resource hoggers

  11. Wow that really is bad colors. According to that link there seems to be a lot of issues with this keyboard. especially with documentation. It said the drivers for it did not exist.


    either way i managed to solve the issue by disabling the entry in device manager.


    thanks for your help

  12. But CCleaner would have to store information about all these cookies. Especially delete would grow big. Mine would...



    CCleaner would not need to store any thing mate. It could be done with a simple textfile. Loading on startup.


    I'm also with you on hating cookies.

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