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Posts posted by ident

  1. Well I'm sure MrG has been used to VB before because CC was first made with VB. In there you can have code that checks if the app is already running.


    If App.PrevInstance = True Then'CC is already running'stop this app from runningEnd If



    I'm sure there much be some code in C++ that does the same. ;)


    The good old vb6, That code can fail in vb6, If you was on a Server then you would have

    to create a unique mutex


    No code is needed in vb.net, why i love it.


    properties - application - and check "make single instance application"


    c++ how ever is a little more difficult, I believe you must add it to a class,




  2. Second thoughts :-

    Why would CCleaner wish to delete a file that was in use ?

    Why would anything be using a file that CCleaner wants to clean ?


    Answers :-

    1) It is a virus that is trying to hide its presence by masquerading as a bit of left over junk;

    2) CCleaner is being a little too aggressive, and a BSOD is due any minute.


    Conclusion :-

    If CCleaner wants to remove something and cannot do so,

    you could have a problem far worse than a bit of surplus junk.


    Hello alan, I'm not worried about temp files or viruses, I guess i should of been more spacific.


    It's not junk as such, but i have a lot of applications i have made myself and a lot of custom folders i have set ccleaner on.


    It's just to time consuming for me to cheak ccleaners log and look for a file in use. Some times i have a lot of documents open, applications running hidden, Files being processed, maybe things still running with email or what ever. Things that i need to be wiped often.Alot of my applications create sensative temp files that could be still active for a number of reasons as i said above.


    Looking at the log file takes more time then i have some times. Maybe just a extra section of files skipped would save me a lot of time.


    I am aware that one persons problem does not warrent a change in software. I was just seeing if maybe other uses have the same issue



  3. "Now, how can you call all the data which we want to delete as CRAP, now if I say that I read religious articles, stuff, experiences on website, and/or I listen to religious discourses...and I want to use Cleaner after that. I just won't tolerate anybody calling those things as the word "C**P". I am sure lot of people would understand my sentiments here."


    is this real? :D


    I love the name ccleaner, with over 300million downloads you cant please every one,

  4. Hi, good work,


    Just one thing, "is that it doesn?t have all the features more ?professional? computer cleaners have"

    I don't understand this 'more professioanl' part. I would tell any one from home users to the top end companys to have ccleaner.


    what other features do you requirer?








    shouting about someting that you are not paying for is very rude.


    all ccleaner does is provide a MUCH faster way of accessing the original softwares uninstaller.


    ccleaner does not claim to clean up after uninstalation.

    1. I did that but CCleaner only found a single .ms file, the one in the root folder. No .ms from subfolders.

    2. I have other files .db extension that are valid database files instead of thumbs.db.



    CCleaner does not include subfolders when adding a folder to include. you will have add each folder.


    #Maybe this is a new possible suggestion you could ask for? an option to wild card files and then search it's sub dirs?


    But as it currently stands it will only clean the added dir. No sub.

  6. Yes, Hazelnut, I will report this to Spy Term but even if it is a false positive, why could I not delete the file? This is more worrying, or just as worrying, and that is the reason why I sought assistance from Spy-Term. in the first place. Can you explain the reason for that please, and how would you go about getting it out of your computer!


    You dont have to worry about gettting the virus out, since if you downloaded from file hippo there was never know virus to begin with. As haze said it was a FALSE posative

  7. Hi, everyone.


    I would like to configure CCleaner to delete files with certain file names (such as checklist.ms, _cache.tmp or thumbs.db) from a folder and all its subfolder every time I perform a cleanup. But I can't get it right. I tried Include or Exclude feature but somehow it not all the files are found.


    I visited help section too but to no use. Can anyone please tell me how to this?


    Thanks in advance


    you need to wild card the entry. By default ccleaner adds *.*


    Go to options - tools - include - add folder -


    when the dialog appears in the bottom left you will see another textbox with the value *.*


    change this to *.ms (or what ever name you want)


    you will need to add a new entry for each wild card

  8. Can't take a chance - it's beyond me. I'm going to remove cCleaner - thanks for your attempt to help me - roger



    Hello, i dont wont to risk up setting the mods any more but please hang on again. Please dont remove ccleaner. It's a superb peice of software then m$ should release with every OS they sell.


    Please give ccleaner a chance. I dont want to mention norton any more as this is not what your thread was about. But please have a little think. Is norton only on your pc as it was sold with it????


    i dont know how well ccleaner functions with Norton. All i'm saying is i know avast, nod32 even *hmm* avg works great with ccleaner.


    Take a chance with ccleaner. Have a look athttp://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=17628

  9. Have you tryed completly removing ccleaner? Not by using m$ built in remover but something like your uninstaller? (30day fre trial) then reinstalling ccleaner?


    If it still working fine via right click shelle xtention have you also tryed going to the direct exe and tryed opening?

  10. Spyware terminator had been listed as rogue/suspicious by Eric Howes



    Note on SpywareTerminator: We originally listed Spyware Terminator on this page out of concerns that Crawler, the company behind the product, had established connections with IBIS, a well known adware distributor responsible for such adware programs as Wintools, Websearch, & Huntbar. Although we found no problems in our initial testing with Spyware Terminator, and while the vendor itself announced that it was exiting the adware business (1), we decided out of caution to impose a three month probation period before we would consider re-testing and, if warranted, de-listing the the product from the Rogue/Suspect list. During that three month probation period we monitored the behavior of IBIS and Crawler. At the end of the three month probation period we re-tested Spyware Terminator, again finding no problems serious enough to justify listing the program on this page. As the vendor involved has not been involved in the distribution of adware for many months, and as the program itself exhibits no problems serious enough to warrant mention on this page, we have decided to de-list Spyware Terminator from the Rogue/Suspect list and can no longer regard the program to be "rogue/suspect."


    I have never used it so make your own mind up. I have been reading user comments on it just now and i personally would not use it. I would neve ruse software that has connections to distributers of adware. But thats just my own opinion.

  11. I think you should wait longer than 2 minutes before asking for feedback.


    LOL thats some proper bad impatience there :lol:


    I don't think ccleaner should go deeper. The guys who create CCleaner know what they are doing. And this is what makes ccleaner above the rest. It keeps things safe, well as safe as it can ever be involving the registry.

  12. wiping free space takes time. Hence why it's not checked by default.


    I once run erasers 'unused disk space' on 35 over passes. Took 4 days to complete.


    If i had important data on my pc id leave dban running for a week.

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