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Posts posted by ident

  1. I'm glad my idea has had a favourable reception in the last couple of posts.


    The number of startup items may seem to you quite large - I have pruned a couple more things out this morning. But my list does seem to keep growing as I add new programs (maybe other people don't have this problem). Also, when I go to help other people sort out their computers which are in a mess - their lists are so long that my list is positively petite by comparison.




    I really cannot see how any one in the world needs 31 processes load on system startup. How could you possibly need to access or run instantly 31 applications?


    Can you show me your startup list? im intrigued.

  2. How can I set up an auto clean whenever I close Internet Explorer. This is a feature that should be an option on CCleaner and in my opinion is a problem as Vista Task Scheduler does not always work. How about it Piriform, make it a standard option like Window Washer does?


    *stupidity removed*

  3. But the Third point is this: in your example you have NvCplDaemon. You have decided to keep this. But why have you so decided? In three months time, when your list has been extended and you have installed several more applications, you won't know which items relate to new applications, and which you have decided to keep permanently. So, unless you have a good memory, you would have to search for NvCplDaemon again, to find out if it was something new - which could be removed - or something that you had already reviewed and wanted to keep permanently.


    So I am simply suggesting that being able to apply a short comment - like "Keep - Sound card" would help speed up the process of reviewing the list.


    First again, I do think it's a good idea maybe to add a comment colum for new users. I personally would not use this as my entrys have pretty much stayed the same for years. But also this would be extreamly easy to impliment into ccleaner.


    As for NvCplDaemon. I kept it because i very much know what it is. I installed it myself. In 3 months time my list wont extend unles i give the application the go a head to write to the registrys startup. And if it add's it self it will be quickly removed. I check the list every day. I know every entry and always will.


    I do think 31 is quite exsessive. But that obviously is your choice.


    Over all i vote yes to your idea. I could see it helping alot of users.

  4. Do you mean something like this?




    I wouldnt find it any use but i can see how it could be for some people.


    But why do you have so many start up entrys? Can you honestly say you need EVERY entry thats in your startup?


    If the answers no then why slow system start up? Why keep disabled entrys? Why not just delete?


    It's extreamly rare i disable an entry. If i dont need it then it shouldnt be there.


    If you disabled RTHDCPL.EXE and then had problems with your sound card and didn't realise this entry was for your sound card then you did not do the correct research first. Once you know what the file is, read the user comments below. People can share what there experience was when they disabled an entry.


    But always make sure you know what you are disabling. Always use a trusted site.

  5. This should be a major warning to all new users to the regisrty. So what if it found 500 invalid entrys? I could write an application right now that tells you you have 1000 bad entrys that need removing and completly kill your machine off.


    Stick to ccleaner. As said it is a non agressive cleaner. And as safe as a user will get to maintaining the regisrty with little knowledge.


    How ever that does not mean just delete any thing. Always back up before making changes and i strongly suggest you install ERUNT




    ERUNT makes a small back up of the regisrty on windows startup. And yet still you should always check what the entrys you are deleting are before removeal.

  6. I think the uninstaller of cceaner really lets the whole thing down.


    I love ccleaner and would suggest any one to use it.


    Yes it does load 100times faster then m$ built in add/remove but it doesnt scan for left over entrys.

  7. Surely this goes beyond the scope of a system junk cleaner?????


    Forgive me if i have miss understood this but you are asking for ccleaner to remove deleted emails in the trash can?


    If i have understood this correctly ccleaner would have to connect to that particular web server using httpwebrequest, (every web page is different so how would ccleaner know how that particular http renders. There is hundreds and thousands of different sites) login with your credentials, store the session then DELETE the emails on that server.


    But then again i have probably just miss understood you lol

  8. I agree with to many icons on task bar takes resources. I have helped people with computers telling me there computer is to slow and by removing these icons has helped.

    However it's not only the resource issue that to many icons or tasks running slow down the computer but the other issue is when running to many task at computer startup can cause conflicts with each other and that can be a real problem too.



    Common problem people having far to many apps loading at startup. Things that are comppletly unneeded.


    I am not totally against applications returning to tray on close. Thunderbird, Adobe bridge, uTorrent are all applications i have set to return on close. Thunderbird obviously monitors my email, so i need that active. I photoshop a lot so i need to explore with bridge.


    Return to tray on close, Now these applications i mentioned serve a purpose to stay running.


    How can ccleaner be of use idling away? It does not monitor anything. so i was not being sarcastic in any way i was just very much curious to know why he/she wanted ccleaner to stay active in the tray.

  9. Also from another programer i find over riding the forms onclose event to minimize to system tray extreamly annoying.


    I dont mind the resize event going to the tray but when i click close i expect the application to end.


    I was just simply curious to what purpose ccleaner could have to be constantly running in the back ground.


    It just seems to me you are intent on having as many items in the tray as you can

  10. I mean passwords to get into programs.


    saved passwords is un checked by default. But thats for website logins.


    I have no idea what you mean by saved password for programs. can you explain a bit more what you are on about.

  11. Then if you don't want to risk it, then fine. Don't. Make it an option. All it takes is a checkable box in preferences.


    "[x] Automatically delete files without sending them to the recycle bin"


    Simple as that.



    But it's not as simple as that. These checkboxes require code.


    The coding of the movement, possible error handling. etc

  12. Hello and welcome,


    Firstly go to the cleaner tab


    If you are using internet explorer you should see its the top listed on, make sure cookies is selected.


    If you are using firefox, click the applications tab, which is next to the window tab and make sure cookies is checked.


    Then just simply click run cleaner, make sure all browsers are closed

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