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Posts posted by ident

  1. MrG I would like some help please.


    While using the Analyze button recently on the cccleaner, I was perplexed to see a list of porn sites.

    Does this mean that someone has viewed these sites from my computer, or could this be some type of spam??

    I am not very good with computers, but have been unable to sleep since I found this list. Do you know how I could view a full list of all things that have been cleaned in the last few months? I would really appreciate some help.


    If these sites have been viewed do you have any suggestions on how I could stop this on my computer,,,free would be best as I have recently become unemployed....



    motherof3 :unsure::(<_<


    I assume you have young kids? when you say you cant sleep at night i think you should relax a bit. At about 10-/12 we use to view things we shouldnt. It's curiosity. All apart of learning and growing up. Does not mean we was up to any thing bad. It's just human nature to be interested.


    you can install software to stop porn sites. Trouble is i think i was the same age when i learnt how they all can be breached pretty easy lol


    sorry for being no help :lol:

  2. Ok so I uninstalled SuperAntiSpyware, and I do have a wireless router. So what's this about Hosts files? Whats the best defragmenter? I use firefox with NoScript installed, but I dont really know how to use noscript. Thanks much for the help so far?


    P.S. Also what's the best, not too expensive anti-virus? I got AVG for 3 years for $40, and Nod32 is $40 for one year, which is imo overpriced.


    Edit: For defrag, is IObit Smart Defrag, Auslogics Disk Defrag good? Lastly, has anyone heard of Glary Utilities?Is it good?


    Your HOSTS file basically blocks bad and dangerous sites. it can found (Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc) it changes from OS to OS so you can do a search for it.


    Worms can tend to try to manipulate these by go to the wrong IP address when you enter a domain name.


    Piriform provide a great defrag. (on this site obviously)


    Noscript blocks all javascript/flash/java/frames and loads more. It really is worth reading up as it is a fantastic addon.


    NOD32 is worth paying for. so is previx(amazing AV) i would never pay for avg.


    Lastly yes i have heard of glarys. I also know people who have come in to bother using it. I would stay clear. same as system mechanic. These all in one applications are more bother then useful. But thats my 2 cence worth

  3. Hello and welcome to the forum.


    Chkdsk is a command-line tool that checks volumes for problems & it will also try to repair problems it finds.


    You must be logged in as admin to run it.


    Manual steps to run Chkdsk at the command prompt


    1. Click Start, and then Run.

    2. In Open, type cmd, and then press ENTER.

    3. Use one of the following procedures:

    * To run Chkdsk in read-only mode, at the command prompt, type chkdsk, and then press ENTER.

    * To repair errors without scanning the volume for bad sectors, at the command prompt, type chkdsk volume:/f, and then press ENTER.


    Note If one or more of the files on the hard disk are open, you will receive the following message:

    Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)

    Type Y, and then press ENTER to schedule the disk check, and then restart your computer to start the disk check.

    * To repair errors, locate bad sectors, and recover readable information, at the command prompt, type chkdsk volume:/r, and then press ENTER.


    Note If one or more of the files on the hard disk are open, you will receive the following message:

    Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)

    Type Y, and then press ENTER to schedule the disk check, and then restart your computer to start the disk check.


    As for zone alarm i class it as a virus in it self. I would not instal it on any machine. How ever some users like it.


    AVG is acceptable and alot of users love it. But again with other great FREE AV out there i personal would not use it. Example avast.


    Advanced System Care: The thing i hate about these applications is the user assumes the application knows 100% what it is doing and just click start/scan/fix or what ever with out no real research to what they are doing. I have never used or or ever will. Reading up on this site you will benifit from a great deal of knowledge on how to keep your pc running smoothly.


    Last but not least IE8..... So many people are having issues with it. I am not saying it has anything to do with your issue but I stringly suggest using firefox or even opera.


    For more info on chkdisk please read http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315265

  4. When recovering images. Images that have been caught by the web browser cache on another user profiles side are shown.


    Then secure over write all images. The other user profiles are shown again on recova.


    I assume it's the case it cant wipe another users 'free space' ????

  5. make recuva able to recover deleted email


    This is not even possible. Emails are on a server. When the email is deleted it is then removed by the server.


    If you are using a client like thnderbird to view your email. It is only connecting to the server and then displaying what it finds. When you click delete all it is then doing is sending a http request to delete that email.

  6. Hi, so I have some software that protects my pc, but I was wondering if there is any part of my computer that is not protected by anything in particular.

    The software I have so far is...


    AVG Anti-Virus(not the free edition)

    Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

    SUPERAntiSpyware Free Edition



    Is there anything else I should get? Thanks for help and any suggestions!


    Also I use Defraggler, CCleaner and UpdateChecker.


    As already mentioned i to would kick avg. I pretty much think it's shite. If you was going to pay for a av i would only suggest NOD32 or prevx


    You dont need loads of applications running. Some people like to feel protected.


    The best protection is firefox with noscript imo. Having malwarebytes/spyware blaster and superAS running all at once is over the top.

  7. Trying this at the moment under Returnil.


    All I can say is it's blindingly fast at loading pages on here. I'm genuinely gob smacked, although as expected none of my extensions are compatible.


    Because of that I'm comparing it with running 3.5.2 in Safe Mode (no addons), and it's fast.


    cant you override this as normal?




    new boolean?




    set as false?

  8. Personally i cant really see nay benifit. It takes less then 0.01 of a sec to navigate. I mean how oftem do users actually change there settings? Mine have not changed since i started using ccleaner.


    From my point of view of another coder would i really want to hassle myself with the extra code of remembering last focus selection for the sake of less then a second?

  9. If you are just doing a quick clean why dont you just create a short cut for the /AUTO run command then you dont need to have ccleaner displayed at all?? http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vis...eaner-silently/ details are also on this site.


    It was actually a dicussion i had recently with another programmer who was advising me and he was trying to sway me away from allowing my application to be able to resize the form (show/hide options) He was trying to explain to me that it is not good practice as some users can especially new users can get confused to what is going on.

  10. I personally would not think this would suit ccleaner. Simply as its on the registry side & not so much as 'junk' as you call it.. A decent uninstaller like 'your uninstaller' will pick up these left over registry entrys after uninstallation of the software.

  11. Don't worry Stephen about how many processess you have at startup. I have 39 running in taskmanager at the moment :)


    And i have 38 running. I'm just personally dont see the point of an entry running at startup if you dont need it. we dont just turn are head lights on in the car as soon as we get into it just because the options there to do so.


    There is no issue or worry i guess we just all are different :)

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