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Posts posted by ident

  1. I just cant seem to get my head round why some people run so much protection.


    Just earlier i went to help my friend with his pc and he had, malware bytes, adaware se, zone alarm, nod32 & winpatrol all running at once.


    I have nothing running, only xp built in firewall. Common sense with firefox(no script and netcraft add-ons) and i have not had an infection in 3 years.


    I do monthly scans and always fine. My computer runs perfectly.


    so come on people, why do you choose to run so much :lol::P

  2. Hello :)


    said it already in my topic.

    What applications are NOT running "with" CCleaner 2.20 :huh:


    On my WinXP Pro I got:

    TuneUp Utilities 2008


    Spybot S&D 1.6.2

    Aren't there any conflicts with CCleaner 2.20 - I won't run them at the same time of course. :rolleyes:

    Should I uninstall any of the above after installing CCleaner 2.20 :huh:


    Hoping for an answer.



    Other then tune up utility's, these programs do more harm then good.

  3. For children under 12 and children doing stupid thing with their computers, this is useful (and, if I'm not mistaken, it was built into Win7 Beta but they removed it from the RC, it was called "guest mode").

    For every other children, this is stupid. If you don't want your children going to porn sites or downloading bad software (keygens / reg cleaners / ...), just explain them why this is not good.

    If you restrict their access to a lot of things, they'll have only one idea in mind : Crack your parental control to see what you don't want them to see. And they'll not like you.


    I very much agree here. Explanation is better. I also every bit of software like this i have seen can be disabled via the registry, even if it locks 'run' .

  4. I dont want to get into the 1 pass is all thats needed over the 35 passes is a waste of time. as im a firm believer in 1 pass is fine but i had some data on a old pc, i let dban run for 4 days no 35 passes.


    It over wipes the drives, just be warned it will also wipe any other hard drive it detects on the system. And you cant recova this.

  5. Wrong one- CC erased temporary internet files during a routine cleaning that aborted a save game of a flash game I had invested some time in (gemcraft chapter zero-hours!). Is it gone?


    Yes, if ccleaner is set to over write. if not you may be able to recova if you know the name of the file.

  6. I dont want to get into the 1 pass is all thats needed over the 35 passes is a waste of time. as im a firm believer in 1 pass is fine but i had some data on a old pc, i let dban run for 4 days no 35 passes.

  7. ok im confused since im not too familiar with anti-viruses. what do you mean by always keep an anti-virus running, and an anti-spyware running? does that mean real-time protection like avast's on-access scanner and malwares bytes protection module?


    He means exactly what he said, Keep an anti virus running all the time in your case avast. and keep a anti malware like malware bytes always running real time.



    Dont get confused with avast and the rest, avast is seperate. its ur anti virus.


    They can both run together(avast and MB)

    There is no need for 3 real times running (not including avast)


    I dont have a anti virus running at all. or malware adware etc

  8. jesus, im shocked at how many add-ons some of you run lol suprised FF isn't laggy to hell.


    Things for visual layout and speeding settings etc can all be manually config, so is it worth having a addon?


    Any way, i only use noscript, IE tab, download status bar and tabmix plus,


    I'm shocked to see none of you use Netcraft toolbar. It's an anti phising tool bar ,


    # Traps suspicious URLs containing characters which have no common purpose other than to deceive.

    # Enforces display of browser navigational controls (toolbar & address bar) in all windows, to defend against pop up windows which attempt to hide the navigational controls.


    should be on every FF http://toolbar.netcraft.com/

  9. Don't worry about it - I have removed CCleaner from my system, and will use 1 of the many alternatives.


    Thanks for your time.


    It's good people are no longer blinded by m$.


    CCleaner is by far the best cleaner. It's funny how so many people have issues after installing IE8, but common sense does not seem to prevail often.


    If you want to be silly enough and not use a piriform product then all fool you. They are very much at the top of their game.


    any company that forces the download of there software should be questioned.

  10. A normal scan (not deep scan) of Recuva will show deleted file names held in the MFT. Slots in the MFT holding deleted file names are never removed, just overwritten when new files and directories are created. So there will always be something in the MFT slot for a deleted file. The common way of neutering the deleted file names is to allocate a number of new files with bland names which overwrites the MFT entries, then delete them.


    I've never felt the need to run CC wipe free space but I don't think it clears the deleted file names from the MFT in the manner just described. Unfortunately none of the wipe free space users has ever posted any info on this for some reason. Until they do, this might be the reason you're still seeing deleted file names with Recuva. That's assuming those file names are names you recognise, not 'fillers'.


    I wouldn't put too much faith into the file state, being recoverable or unrecoverable. All deleted files that can be found are recoverable to a greater or lesser extent, it's just that some have rubbish in them and some have the original contents. Poor old Piriform software is trying to make an educated guess at which is which.


    Gutmann overwrites do not apply to wipe free space - you get one pass of zeroes. There's a great swell of opinion on this forum that one overwrite is perfectly adequate, Gutmann is irrelevant.


    (All this assuming XP or Vista using NTFS)



    very interesting aug, does this apply to eraser also? Only over written MFT not deleted.

  11. 35 passes is a complete waste of time. No one has ever been able to recover 1 pass let alone 35.


    I'm no expert in this but have read a lot so please enlighten me if i am wrong, but Craig Wright who is a forensic scientist examined 1 over pass under controlled conditions and examined the drive surface with a magnetic-force microscope to see if there was any data. The answer was NO.


    whats more worrying and some thing i do plan to research is that windows apparently saves copies of files in a 'special location'

  12. Hi

    I am new here, been suing CCleaner for 4 months and really like it.

    but just found Microsoft Onecare Clean Up and just tried its scan.


    To my surprised, it came back with 921.9MB of temporary file and 356 registry item.

    I routinely use CCleaner and, sure enough, it came back 1.72MB to be removed, one registry issue when I just did the anaylsis.


    Could someone please advise why they show such a difference?

    Is MS Onecare Clean Up finding something CCleaner misses or simply go deeper than CCleaner?

    Finally, should I run both to have better PC performance?




    I cant comment on onecare as never heard of it let alone used it but for the registry items ccleaner is what you call a safe cleaner. The only other registry cleaner i would use to do a deeper scan is registry mechanic.


    As for the cleaning side ccleaner is superb. And should be on ever machine. I have never used any other cleaner and my machine runs superbly.


    One thing i wish people would be more careful of is being taken in by a large number of issues found. Just because entrys are listed does not make them true(not saying they are fakes of course) but there are malicious software out there.


    I'm sure some one with experience in onecare will answer. Just be careful, using ccleaner you will so mate

  13. Welcome to Piriform MBorik.




    You would have to ask MrG about why he's using C++. He could have used Visual C++ which is newer.


    Version 1.xx.xxx were made using Visual Basic 6.0 good choice. ;)



    Big fan of vb6, Think it's a great language that lead the way for .NET


    I would also be interested in why c++ was chosen over visual c++. I just cant see the benefits so please shed some light :lol:


    Only say this as took back vb6 professional to pc world as faulty cd when i first started and the bloke exchanged it for a more expensive c++


    How was i to know the complete difference in languages lol, being only a kid.


    Just decided to learn visual c++

  14. Nine??????


    I have two, and it seems that those two, the AV and the fireall, are those that should be there...




    Thank you all for trying to help. At least I am learning a lot of new things about computers...


    My 9 are all extra things i choose myself to run at startup, things like ccleaner, thunderbird, ERUNT(registry backup), Bridge & suitcase for PS

  15. I have 9 entrys that run at startup, Things like quicktime real etc always add there self, which you dont need.


    i dont see why people download firewall software, xp built in FW is good.


    TBH, i see zonealarm as a virus in it's self.

  16. I never quite understand the fuss Over the update, It takes less then a minute. I think there should be a sticky so it stops getting ask each week.


    I dont personally use ccleaners registry backup, but i think it's a great idea and will save a lot of head ache for some people.


    You also do realise ccleaners scan of the registry can also come down to the users machine.

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