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anyone here do their 'bit' to stop global warming?


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I just watched a two hour global warming show on t.v. the other night produced by NBC News, BBC, and the Discovery Channel, and some other sources. It's rather difficult to know if being conservative is really going to halt any future damage, or if it's going to continue worsening. However the strange weather I've personally noticed over the last few years which are in constrast to what I remember just a decade or two ago don't seem anything like normal (like laughable very mild winters, early summers) would make me believe it will only get worse. The startling thing the global warming t.v. show revealed was that in our lifetimes we could see the horrific consequences of global warming such as; the melting of the polar regions, to massive flooding of coastal regions.


My city has had a recycling container/bin for many years now which we place recyclable products in such as some plastic containers, paper, cardboard shipping boxes, etc., but is that really enough? Other than that I don't go joy-driving and only drive my car when necessary which isn't exactly an enviromental thinking on my part but instead the cost of gasoline (thanks to the U.S. Gov making war in the middleeast) albeit I have a somewhat efficient but old car with a 4 cylinder engine which I may be replacing with a Volkswagen Golf GTI (with some power mods) in the next few months.

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First I wanna mention I'm no expert (or even quite knowledgable!) but what info I have gained does make me think twice...


The 'hockey-stick effect' shows that over the last 150 years (since industrialism) we have significantly increased the ambient temp. of the world, (about 5c?) BUT it also shows that the temp. has fluctuated between mini ice-ages (such as around 16th century) and heatwaves (such as within next 50 years)


I personally put this down to the orbit around the sun, combined with the earth's 'wobble' means every x years we are y miles away/closer - so we will fluctuate temps, but we do have to keep our sun-roof (ozone).


Not sure, but is that what has been said as 'Global-Dulling' ?


Anyway, am I gonna be here to give a monkeys :-p



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I personally put this down to the orbit around the sun, combined with the earth's 'wobble' means every x years we are y miles away/closer - so we will fluctuate temps, but we do have to keep our sun-roof (ozone).


The earths orbit of the sun does change, gotta love gravity. However the ozone is only part of what protects the earth from the sun, there's also the earth's magnetic field (some scientists are thinking it's shifting directions, the consequences could be nothing trivial to mass extinction, etc) which without there'd be no life on earth because solar radiation would have boiled the planet.

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Ah well, in 50 billion years the sun will have expanded (as all stars do) so much as to have cremated the inner planets - including us - before after a few more million years going super-nova and taking the other planets with it ... so it's all just a waste of time anyway...! :blink:

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uhhh, i should but like everyone else i dont do anything.


yeah the earth goes through weather changes, like the ice age, and the rise of temperatures prolly is a natural occurance.


yeah the earth goes through weather changes, like the ice age, and the rise of temperatures prolly is a natural occurance.

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Insert random C4 joke here.

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Ah well, in 50 billion years the sun will have expanded (as all stars do) so much as to have cremated the inner planets - including us - before after a few more million years going super-nova and taking the other planets with it ... so it's all just a waste of time anyway...! :blink:


The estimates are around 4 billion years, but I don't think we'll care what the sun does at that point, hell if people are still around in that amount of time (probably would be Homo Sapien Superior by then) there may be technology that could actually move the whole planet and have it orbit an artifical sun.

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I don't think so many people know how they can do their part. And even if they would hear it, think about it, it is likely they would just forget about it again later.


There needs to be more campaigns, more pushing, more motivation, etc...


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Correct Eldmannen, however for people to really do their part it will most likely have to be made into a law that punishes those that don't do their part. Although the little green recycling bins in my city are helpful I really don't think they're doing enough. Recycling isn't exactly something new - there's a deposit in most areas for soda cans, etc., however the most crap I see laying around improperly discarded are water bottles that don't have a return deposit. If allot of the for consumption products such as water bottles had a desposit I don't think so many would end up in the wrong place, the regular trash can.

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Of course!

Those who don't want to or don't know how can help just a little bit quite easily - recycling cans, for one.


I don't think so many people know how they can do their part. And even if they would hear it, think about it, it is likely they would just forget about it again later.


There needs to be more campaigns, more pushing, more motivation, etc...



I agree. It's not that most people don't want to help. It's just that they don't know how.

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