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Changes in v5.45 and your feedback

Guest Paul CCleaner

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Sorry about that hazelnut. For those that don't know Hazelnut was here long before the Avast purchase, and Volunteers for free.

Yep Martin figured it out, "Paul Avast", he gets the credit as the first to world wide post, wise guy right? Now were up to two sites and more coming.

Question Paul Piriform: Why do you release versions, example: 543, 544, 545 & Mac 115 that don't work? If you run the program twice you'll know & see it does not work?  You can't  release versions that don't work since Martin snitched you. Cool if you get non-wise guys (66%) data and sell it, they are the careless fools you want as free loaders who don't buy your Pro Versions.

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i have only one question about that. What is with the European People? We have here the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

With that regulation, all options for data transfers or other s**t like that must be by default OFF and not ON so users can OPT-IN and not OPT-OUT if they want.

U can get sued with that, so change that or the next step, i think u now what happen!


best regards

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GDPR is for personaly indentifiable material.  The developers have said there is no P.I.M collected.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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3 hours ago, Nergal said:

GDPR is for personaly indentifiable material.  The developers have said there is no P.I.M collected.

That's just PR talk... Don't fall for the "it's anonymous so don't worry guys!" line.


Armed with only the names and locations of shops where purchases took place, and the approximate dates and purchase amounts, De Montjoye was able to identify 94% of people by looking at just three transactions.


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I have been using CC cleaner on and off for the last 8 years.  This new update you guys went full-retard.

Never go full retard. I upgraded to find out, I couldn't even close the program out without using task manager.

Who's idea was this? They just ruined your product reputation. Uninstalled, and will be steering clear of ALL avast products and CC cleaner versions.

Trust = Gone.


PS, you can google alternatives to CC cleaner, you will find 10 good ones.

Peace, & [redacted - we don't condone that language here, not even hidden behind asterisks]

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Guest Stephen CCleaner

Thank you all for your continued feedback (positive and negative, it all helps). I wanted to give a quick progress update on what we're doing. We’re currently working on separating out cleaning functionality from analytics reporting and offering more user control options which will be remembered when CCleaner is closed. We’re also creating a factsheet to share which will outline the data we collect, for which purposes and how it is processed.

Today we have removed v5.45 and reverted to v5.44 as the main download for CCleaner while we work on a new version with several key improvements. You can grab version 5.44 from one of the links below:

(File hashes here: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52095-ccleaner-v5446575/)

Software Changes

As stated before, we'll split cleaning alerts (which don't send any data) from UI trend data (which is anonymous and only there to measure the user experience) and provide a separate setting for each in the user preferences. Some of these features run as a separate process from the UI: we'll restore visibility of this in the notifications area, and you'll be able to close it down from that icon menu as before.

We understand the importance of this to you all. This work is our number 1 priority and we are taking the time to get it right in the next release. There are numerous changes required, so that does mean it will take weeks, not days. While we work on this, we have removed version 5.45 and reinstated version 5.44.

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1 hour ago, Stephen Piriform said:

We’re also creating a factsheet to share which will outline the data we collect, for which purposes and how it is processed.

I think that because of the attrocious way this has been implemented and handled up to now that it will need to be more than just an 'outline'.

I note that Piriform is registered with the Information Commissioners Office in the UK. (Oddly Avast does not seem to be, but AVG is).
Registration with the ICO is a legal requirement only if you are processing personal data.


The Data Protection (Charges and Information) Regulations 2018 requires every organisation that processes personal information to pay a fee to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), unless they are exempt. Failure to do so will result in a fixed penalty.


*** Out of Beer Error ->->-> Recovering Memory ***

Keep getting logged out of websites? See this link:

Worried about 'Tracking Files'? Worried about why some files come back after cleaning? See this link:

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After being af long year fan and user off free version and later year paid subscriber, all known installations of CCleaner is now un-installed. It was a great program until you became facebook/google/apple

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Since the Aavast takeover, I always read the Release Notes for the latest version before updating manually.

I smelled a very large and unpleasant 'rat' with v5.45.. so chose to remain on v5.44 anyway.

WHY does corporate greed culture still continue over-ride trust, truth and honesty?

~ Well Done People! :)

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9 hours ago, Stephen Piriform said:

Thank you all for your continued feedback (positive and negative, it all helps). I wanted to give a quick progress update on what we're doing. We’re currently working on separating out cleaning functionality from analytics reporting and offering more user control options which will be remembered when CCleaner is closed. We’re also creating a factsheet to share which will outline the data we collect, for which purposes and how it is processed.

Today we have removed v5.45 and reverted to v5.44 as the main download for CCleaner while we work on a new version with several key improvements. You can grab version 5.44 from one of the links below:

(File hashes here: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52095-ccleaner-v5446575/)

Software Changes

As stated before, we'll split cleaning alerts (which don't send any data) from UI trend data (which is anonymous and only there to measure the user experience) and provide a separate setting for each in the user preferences. Some of these features run as a separate process from the UI: we'll restore visibility of this in the notifications area, and you'll be able to close it down from that icon menu as before.

We understand the importance of this to you all. This work is our number 1 priority and we are taking the time to get it right in the next release. There are numerous changes required, so that does mean it will take weeks, not days. While we work on this, we have removed version 5.45 and reinstated version 5.44.


Sorry, but it's too late. The trust will never come back.

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it is a total shame since avast buy ccleaner goes from bad to worse and the owner of avast is insane trying to force us into his antivirus knowing that his antivirus is one of the worst that there is for that reason he precedes the users putting adware to his installers and now got into privacy until when we will allow this to be violated our rights as users if they continue like this will be to put a class action lawsuit to avast so that it does not implement these dirty tricks against the users.

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I agree with the previous posters. ccleaner has no need, or right to slurp data, and adding options that refuse to close or be disabled is an appalling abuse of trust.

If anyone want's to try disabling it, I have managed it on some PC's I own.

1) Within ccleaner, uncheck the monitoring and ignore the spurious warning. Close ccleaner

2) Open the task manager and select the ccleaner monitoring program. Select end task.

3) Select the "Start up Tab" and disable ccleaner

Hopefully this will sort it until ccleaner remove the offending slurp!

Best of luck D.

ccleaner Step 1.JPG

ccleaner Step 2.JPG

ccleaner Step 3.JPG

ccleaner Step 4.JPG

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23 hours ago, Stephen Piriform said:

Today we have removed v5.45 and reverted to v5.44 as the main download for CCleaner while we work on a new version with several key improvements.

If that is the case then WHY does your Avast Softwware Updater still give you v.5.45? You own the company! This should have happened when the version was pulled. Why wasn't it removed from the Updater?

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I have reverted to the previous version.

Not at all impressed to see that Avast Software Updater is still listing downloading and installing version 5.45.6611

PLEASE fix this. 


Edit: apologies to Euclid - I missed that post, I was so intent on saying my bit. 

It really is very very poor . 



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On 03/08/2018 at 15:30, Stephen Piriform said:

Thank you all for your continued feedback (positive and negative, it all helps). I wanted to give a quick progress update on what we're doing. We’re currently working on separating out cleaning functionality from analytics reporting and offering more user control options which will be remembered when CCleaner is closed. We’re also creating a factsheet to share which will outline the data we collect, for which purposes and how it is processed.

Today we have removed v5.45 and reverted to v5.44 as the main download for CCleaner while we work on a new version with several key improvements. You can grab version 5.44 from one of the links below:

(File hashes here: https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52095-ccleaner-v5446575/)

Software Changes

As stated before, we'll split cleaning alerts (which don't send any data) from UI trend data (which is anonymous and only there to measure the user experience) and provide a separate setting for each in the user preferences. Some of these features run as a separate process from the UI: we'll restore visibility of this in the notifications area, and you'll be able to close it down from that icon menu as before.

We understand the importance of this to you all. This work is our number 1 priority and we are taking the time to get it right in the next release. There are numerous changes required, so that does mean it will take weeks, not days. While we work on this, we have removed version 5.45 and reinstated version 5.44.

Thank you for that - I now have v5.44.6575 installed and have checked Task Manager and the Registry finding no "nasties".

Options > Privacy > Allow usage data to be shared.....  defaulted to ON but I switched it off and it has remained off after a reboot.

Options > Monitoring is all OFF by default as it should be.

@Stephen Piriform I would like to point out that you really do need to get this right in the next release. Apart from the fact that I and many others are very disgruntled with this whole affair, might I point out that this is the THIRD time in less than a year that someone at Piriform has dropped the ball.

In September 2017 there was the incident where CCleaner 5.33.6162 contained malware and earlier this year there was that infernal popup that one finally found could be got rid of by setting a cookie to "keep" - ie using a CCleaner function to fix a CCleaner problem!

My point is that you / Avast are a SECURITY company and as such, this behaviour saps the confidence of the most loyal user (I've been using CC since it was known as Crap Cleaner and there are many other people the same!)

I'm willing to await the next release even if it does take weeks, but I must say, i'm keeping my other options on the "back burner" for now. PLEASE fix it, test it, and test it again!!!!

By the way, I was a professional software tester for 15 years - take it from me, bugs WILL be found in the code if you give your test team a free hand and enough time!

Thank you.



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15 hours ago, Donchik said:



In response to Donchik ... nope, your steps to disable Monitoring in 5.45 will not work, as far as I understand this situation.

I do recognize that your labor-intensive and careful screenshots were presented in good faith, and I'm thankful that you're trying to share the kind of information that would usually be helpful. Sad to say, however, in this case, I do think that your suggested steps will have no beneficial effect. (One might even say that the steps could compound the problem rather than alleviate it, merely because the taking of those steps misleads some users into thinking the problem is solved when it is not.) The steps certainly do LOOK like they'll work, but the Monitoring will be re-instated despite such overt demands to the contrary. Or so I understand it. I may be wrong? It would be nicer if I were ...

Anyway, the fact that they are so danged elaborate and yet still maybe don't work? That, in itself, is the nub of the problem -- not, as many users seem to infer, that there IS Monitoring going on or that CCleaner sets that monitoring by default to an ON state (though both of those facts are rather bad in themselves); rather, that the Monitoring CANNOT BE TURNED OFF, even if a user clicks an OFF button in any of several manners (an even worse fact than either of the previous two!). Rather than being able to turn it off by your steps or by any other procedure, instead, if the user is using CCleaner version 5.45, then the Monitoring simply cannot be turned off, period. A user must uninstall 5.45 (and I suggest a thorough Registry search, to delete all entries with any terms that might be related, such as "Piriform" and "CCleaner" and "Avast" and so on and on) and revert at least as far back as 5.44 to have such control over Monitoring. I further suggest, go back to a version of CCleaner that was released before the Avast company took them over.

I'm vaguely approving of the fact that the company (Avast? CCleaner? Piriform?) has released statements saying they'll try to fix the problem, and that it has posted a helpful set of links for getting the previous version (personally I followed this link ... https://www.ccleaner.com/go/get_ccfree  ... but I cannot attest to its authenticity or accuracy, since I haven't tried the  software from it yet). I recommend that all forum participants read the statements from the user named Paul Piriform in this and related threads. I am not elated at the fix, I'm simply glad that the problem didn't go utterly totally ignored.

My trust has been rather severely breached, personally. I am not a "super-user", not a developer, not a software programmer; but I am at a more-than-average level of managing my computer settings, compared to the usual office worker or similar end-user. What happens to people who DON'T know more than average amounts about computer settings? They're the real victims -- all those end-users who are NOT on these forums raising complaints like Holy Heck. They trusted CCleaner to be the thing that solved problems exactly like the very problem which CCleaner 5.45 has introduced. So the worm turns.

To explain further: the situation, it seems to me, is more likely to impact a person based on how much or little investment he or she has given to managing his own computer situation. That's sad,  because that sort of investment (time, effort, knowledge accumulation) was (at least in my mind) exactly the sort of thing that the existence of CCleaner had previously minimized. With the (good version of the) program installed, you could let IT take care of a lot of your thinking about privacy, security, cleaning past traces, all that stuff. That was the point. You didn't NEED TO know a lot about settings; you just let CCleaner know about which settings to monitor. And that's why this breach is so much more nefarious. A program that is designed to give you help on a certain subject, which then instead exploits your well-being on the basis of exactly that same subject? It's like the Salvation Army showing up at first to feed the homeless (a noble endeavor!) but then changing their policy and instead giving help to the police to arrest all those homeless people for vagrancy because they don't have homes, but without telling the homeless who are lining up for what they think is another free meal, and yet continuing to canvas the streets for anyone else who might need a free meal. They get to the Salvation Army center, they want dinner, but Surprise! dinner is at jail! More simply: who better to know how to exploit people who have a particular issue, than the very organization which had previously been in the business of alleviating that that issue? I hope the metaphor is not rude to the Salvation Army ...

Well, I'm  going to try out an earlier version -- does anyone have a good record of which CCleaner releases are utterly without Avast's influence over Piriform? When was the purchase, the transfer of power? When did it all go ... ahem ... pear-shaped?


EDIT -- after quick Googling I have found this information:

1. Avast press release states they purchased Piriform on July 19, 2017. More here https://press.avast.com/avast-acquires-piriform-maker-of-ccleaner

2. Piriform logs version changes of CCleaner here https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/version-history

3. Several websites offer legacy versions of CCleaner. I'm sure you can operate Google as well as I can to find old versions. FileHippo has them here https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/history .

4. Piriform/Avast keeps only certain past versions for download, here


The final link's contents, coupled with knowledge from the second link, imply that Piriform/Avast does not archive versions of CCleaner from before the merger. This fact may be further cause for suspicion or may be a simple artifact of database management and company conglomeration.


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1 hour ago, cliftonprince said:



4. Piriform/Avast keeps only certain past versions for download, here




I'm not sure that's a good link so I put it in code.

Filehippo is the only authorized old version repo including pre-avast




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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13 minutes ago, EmoHobo said:

All I see is two false positives in a sea of green oks.

Not only that but one is clear that it's the bundled offer (google toolbar in this case). 

The other Yandex is unknown to me and looks like a false positive.




Do your Registry Cleaning in small bits (at the very least Check-mark by Check-mark)


Support at https://support.ccleaner.com/s/?language=en_US

Pro users file a PRIORITY SUPPORT via email support@ccleaner.com

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1 minute ago, Nergal said:

All I see is two false positives in a sea of green oks.

Not only that but one is clear that it's the bundled offer (google toolbar in this case). 

The other Yandex is unknown to me and looks like a false positive.

Thanks, I live in total fear of getting something gross from an official download after what happened in the past.

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