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Finnish High School Massacre


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Never thought that this could happen in Finland: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/ , http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7082795.stm


Eight people have been killed and at least 10 others injured in a shooting at a school in southern Finland


The shooting appeared to have been planned out in graphic videos posted on Internet clip sharing site YouTube.


After all the killings he shot himself to head and is now in critical condition in the hospital.




Very sad day here in Finland.

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I feel bad for the victims but this will give gun control idiots something to cry about. The interesting thing is that Finland has the third largest hand gun ownership per capita in the WORLD and yet these type of incidents are very rare there. I hope people realize that before they start jumping on the gun control band wagon with the rest of the misinformed band wagon boys.



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So sad. Reminds me of the shootings here in the States. Very sad indeed.

I'm here. What are your other two wishes?
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it's awful - of all the countries in the world, Finland is one of the few that I thought would never have this problem.


I was shocked to find out that it's the third in the world for gun ownership, based on population.

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I feel bad for the victims but this will give gun control idiots something to cry about.


Prehaps if the nutcase involved wasn't given the chance to arm himself in the first place this would never have happened. The Mutally Assured Destruction argument gets down to a personal level.


I guess the cultural divide on this subject wil never reach an amicable agreement.

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Prehaps if the nutcase involved wasn't given the chance to arm himself in the first place this would never have happened. The Mutally Assured Destruction argument gets down to a personal level.


I guess the cultural divide on this subject wil never reach an amicable agreement.



I read every single day about drunk drivers that kill people. We should ban all vehicles. Perhaps if drunks are never given the chance to get behind the wheel there will never be any more people killed by drunk drivers. Are you prepared to give up your car? After all it's for everybody's own good. Doesn't matter if you would never dream of drunk driving. You should be prevented from owning a car so that we can keep drunks out of them. While we are at it we can ban knives, bats, bubble gum, gardening tools, ice cream scoopers and bowling balls. All those things have been used to kill somebody at one time. I have seen the light. :rolleyes:

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I read every single day about drunk drivers that kill people. We should ban all vehicles. Perhaps if drunks are never given the chance to get behind the wheel there will never be any more people killed by drunk drivers. Are you prepared to give up your car? After all it's for everybody's own good. Doesn't matter if you would never dream of drunk driving. You should be prevented from owning a car so that we can keep drunks out of them. While we are at it we can ban knives, bats, bubble gum, gardening tools, ice cream scoopers and bowling balls. All those things have been used to kill somebody at one time. I have seen the light. :rolleyes:

The problem though is all those objects aren't at fault. Remember people kill people either accidentally, or on purpose.

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The problem though is all those objects aren't at fault. Remember people kill people either accidentally, or on purpose.


That is my point. I thought my sarcasm was obvious. It would be foolish to ban those objects because some body had used them to kill some body. It's that type of logic gun control people use though. Some wack job kills a bunch of people with a gun so banning guns is the answer? I think not. I was simply applying the same stupid logic gun control people use and giving ridiculous examples to make a point. You are obviously intelligent enough to know banning those objects would be pointless since they did not kill anybody, people did the killing.

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I agree that people kill people not guns. Its not the responsible gun owner that society has to worry about (for the most part) of using their guns and killing people with them. Its the criminal element that breaks into their homes and steals their guns and uses them for crimes that we have to worry about. Happens every single day........

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I agree that people kill people not guns. Its not the responsible gun owner that society has to worry about (for the most part) of using their guns and killing people with them. Its the criminal element that breaks into their homes and steals their guns and uses them for crimes that we have to worry about. Happens every single day........



Agreed. So why punish the responsible gun owner and it make it almost impossible to own one in a way that lets you legally protect your self? It's like banning cars because idiots drive drunk. Why should I be punished or restricted because of the actions of others?


The person that snapped in Finland would have killed no matter what. He could have just as easily drove a car into a large group of students and did even more damage than he did.

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"Eight people have been killed and at least 10 others injured in a shooting at a school in southern Finland..."


Very sad. Sorry for you, CeeCee.

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Pssssst: ... It isn't really a cloud. Its a bunch of big, giant servers.

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Very sad. Sorry for you, CeeCee.

Of course it's sad when this kind of thing happens, but it doesn't touch me so deeply personally. I didn't knew those who got killed, so it's not the same as, i.e. death of a relative or family member, you know. So (in my case) saying, "Sorry for you, CeeCee" is a little bit exaggerated.

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Very interesting link...


I forgot about the PA thing on the news.




I read that link and just like most other high school shootings the kid was bullied and outcast. It's sad what happened but if you want to push people's buttons than be prepared for their response. In this case the response was not pleasant. The bullying that goes on has to be stopped. I find it hard to hate this kid for his actions. People made it preferable to him to die instead of go on living with the crap. I consider the shooter a victim as well.


When I was in high school I never really experienced any bullying. The few times some $hit stain tried to play the heavy with me a few well placed kicks to his face in full view of his fellow $hit stains would fix the problem. Things are different now days. Kids think nothing of swarming you. This was unheard of when I was in school. If there was a fight and somebody jumped in that person was guaranteed to be pounded for his efforts. Not like that anymore. I would hate to be growing up today.

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just like most other high school shootings the kid was bullied and outcast.

I have understand that he wasn't so bullied. His friend told that he never wasn't the quiest one in the table and that he always brought up his opinions about different things.

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I have understand that he wasn't so bullied. His friend told that he never wasn't the quiest one in the table and that he always brought up his opinions about different things.


The story says he was bullied and outcast. Bullying is a big problem and needs to be corrected. Bullying was a factor in many other school shootings. Bullying doesn't just mean physically bullying. There are other ways to bully a person. From what I have read the person who shot up Virgina Teck was teased and mocked by his class mates before he did something about it. His buttons were pushed and his response was not pleasant.

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Bullying was a factor in many other school shootings.

Often it is the source until someone goes ballistic, although there has to be cases where someones home life is the source of the problem.


I remember back in my school days (literally half a lifetime ago) about two separate incidents in my home town where a couple of kid's brought knives to school to deal with their bullies.


One of the kids I knew because he only lived about two city blocks away from me. I know first hand from what I had seen standing outside for our middle school to start and during the lunch recess that he was tormented nearly everyday, beaten up, or had money stolen from him by a gang of other kids until he just snapped. Good for them he didn't use the knife and instead just beat the living s**t out of them all, it was like watching a wild animal such as a lion or tiger pounce onto some prey animal. Mentally he was never the same after that because he stopped talking and was reclusive.


Luckily nobody was stabbed or seriously hurt in the two situations.

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Often it is the source until someone goes ballistic, although there has to be cases where someones home life is the source of the problem.


I remember back in my school days (literally half a lifetime ago) about two separate incidents in my home town where a couple of kid's brought knives to school to deal with their bullies.


One of the kids I knew because he only lived about two city blocks away from me. I know first hand from what I had seen standing outside for our middle school to start and during the lunch recess that he was tormented nearly everyday, beaten up, or had money stolen from him by a gang of other kids until he just snapped. Good for them he didn't use the knife and instead just beat the living s**t out of them all, it was like watching a wild animal such as a lion or tiger pounce onto some prey animal. Mentally he was never the same after that because he stopped talking and was reclusive.


Luckily nobody was stabbed or seriously hurt in the two situations.


That kid was fortunate that he was able to kick the crap out the bullies. Many kids are not able. There is defintley another side of the story in these shootings.

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