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Posts posted by Corona

  1. Actually, I'm looking for a sound to activate ONLY when I press the Caps Lock key, thus warning me that the Caps Lock key was pressed. Having the same sound on my entire keyboard defeats this purpose.

  2. Also., how did you manage to get rid of VRDB?


    Who, me? All I did was re-install Avast 4.8 yesterday from Filehippo.

    So you heard they were getting rid of VRDB? Maybe (hopefully) they got a bad feeling after hearing how so many people were dumping AVG 8 for being so "bloated".

  3. You said in a recent post -

    control panel accessability settings which allows you to have a beep etc if you do caps lock


    How do I set up my PC to beep if I (almost always accidentally) hit the Caps Lock key? :blink:

  4. Some of you may remember I had a problem with Avast targeting Big Fish games .exe's as malware or worms. They're false alarms. I temporarily solved my problem by reverting back to AVG8. (You know how long that would last, right?) So I re-installed Avast and put those .exe's in the 'ignore' field and so far so good.


    But I noticed I don't have the spinning (or warbley) "i" next to the spinning blue A ball. I forget what that particular program within Avast was called but it's nowhere to be found within my Avast commands. Anywhere. Did they update Avast Home to not have it anymore?


    And what was that all about anyway? :blink:

  5. This is unrelated but I've "found" supposed non-existing CD drives just by looking for them in Device Manager. I'd only 'look' at them, their driver, etc. And then in a few hours the PC would recognize the drive, by itself, with no tinkering on my part. This has happened to me twice on 2 separate PCs.

  6. I posted that at another forum a few days ago. LGF is such a serious site. It's good to see them have a bit of play once in a while.

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