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Posts posted by Corona

  1. I successfully got my Cool Edit 2000 and its Studio plug-in running again! Guess when the last time it worked for me was. Look at its name. Actually I think it stopped working in 2001 when I switched to XP. Not that WinME was all that wonderful, but the program did work under it.


    It's soooo cool that I have this going again. (Hey, I did pay for it after all.) I can record & edit multiple tunes and clips like a 4 track studio with tons of effects & such. If you Google this app all you'll get are old board messages of people crying that the app is no longer usable and there's nothing like it at all anymore. My secret was finding my old floppy disk with the registration code file in it. But my PC no longer could read that file. :angry: (This isn't because my PC doesn't recognize the drive, it does recognize it. It just refused to read the file saying basically that it was gibberish.)


    So I uploaded it from my sis's PCs' floppy drive to 4Shared (an internet file storing service), downloaded it back into my PC and burned it onto a CD. Bingo, it works. :P


    I gotta find a safe place for that CD with the registration code. Maybe I'll burn several of them just in case. I'm just glad I got a really fun app back after so many years.

  2. Yeah, I guess you could put those in the "bad guy" category but they are manufacturer installed "viruses".

    You have given me some good thoughts. I wonder if in some of the A/V options I can mark those as "bad guys" and get rid of them that way. :lol:


    Wabbits are for loving :wub: One of my favorite house pets was a female wabbit. It had a wonderful time playing games with my other pets.

    It was a self trained guard wabbit. I believe it would have sacrificed itself to protect the family and other pets.

    Luckily the English pointer would take over as needed. Seldom though. An "attack wabbit" can be pretty threatening when you don't expect it. :lol:


    What are your BIOS settings as regards that floppy ?


    Andavari can give you some great info on recording and burning. Do some forum "searching" and you will find a "treasure trove" of info.


    :) davey


    I don't hunt wabbits. That was a Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd reference to old Looney Toon cartoons. I love rabbits. And a lot of other animals.


    That's my sisters' raccoon. I visited and met him a few weeks ago.


    My BIOS settings regarding the floppy? I'm sorry, you must've made up words that don't exist in my brain yet. :blink: I'm clueless when it comes to deep understandings of PC innards. I know very little in that regard. How would I find this info out?

  3. all the "bad guy" programs would be dressed up like "burning software" or "recording software"


    You mean like Musicbox or RealPlayer? :lol:


    And there's other things that need silence, like partitioning, and hunting for wabbits.


    I tried burning my CoolEdit2000 registration file from a floppy onto a CD on another PC earlier because my PC won't even recognize its own floppy drive anymore. (In the hopes I can re-awaken my old bought version of CoolEdit2000, possibly the best low-end mixer/recorder ever made on this planet.)

    And if I get that running I need a silent pooter to run it in. It's really built for 98 and ME. If I had some extra dough I'd buy me a new XP pooter so I could transform this one back into its 98/ME system.

  4. I found a2, no problem. I found 4 Avast entries. (1 of them I don't use, it's the Mail protection service, so that's always off.)

    So I stopped a2 and the 3 active Avast services.

    (Yes, this pic shows those Services already stopped.)



    And Task Manager shows 1 Avast process still active. (ashDisp.exe) I have no idea what this is. It's not in Services, I checked the whole list.


  5. The top red marked item is a2free. The other 4 are Avast.



    I turned off On-Access Protection. That disables all Providers I had running. VRDB is already off.



    a2free is still on of course. But you can see 3 Avast processes still running instead of 4.



    The only process turned off was ashWebSv.exe.


    I'll try that Services thing Anthony mentioned.

  6. Some programs need total silence to work properly, or as quiet as a system can possibly be. Like when you're recording or burning or whatever. You'd think some security app companies would REMEMBER such tiny details as this. But. You know. They're idiots.


    Is there a way of turning off free Avasts' and A2frees' Task Manager processes without uninstalling them? I haven't seen any override commands within the programs themselves. (I think the same applies to Adaware but I don't have that installed.)

  7. You don't just buy Vista. You buy a whole new PC and every peripheral you plan to use with it. Otherwise you're screwed. If you can buy all that, good for you. You'll have minimal problems. If you mix and match, you be da fool.

  8. I think a bunch of them are bogus or just spitting info about your PC into the wind. My old nVidea driver is always picked out by filehippo or pay apps that say there's a newer driver for me. My old nVidea card can't handle the newer divers like Forceware, etc.

  9. I have XP SP3 on an HP 9895 Pavillion desktop with a 1.7 P4 Intel and 512 ram. It came with WinME when I bought it new. The video driver came pre-installed (no disk). I've updated my nVidea drivers over the years, even rolled back a few times, always saved the driver installs as backups. I even have a v.26 driver install saved on my PC. I used to play Myst games a lot and it seemed every new game had newer specs so I found the driver site early on.


    Those 2 links in that thread you linked to are really useful. I didn't know they had an early archive.


    But reinstalling an earlier driver can affect some of the games and stuff that's newer that I use regularly. I don't want to chance that just in order to have a thingy in my sys tray.

    You know what it might be....the newer drivers bring up an entire page when clicking on nVidea Control Panel. From there I have the option of choosing the older Classic control panel, which is the sys tray icon. It works, but it's not persistent. Every time I restart or reboot I have to do that whole process again.


    I guess I'm stuck with it as long as I'm using newer drivers. (By newer I mean like v.62 etc.)

  10. I hate tenacious programs. Don't forget those System Restore files. Old things can lay dormant for a long time and trick security apps into thinking they're still active.

  11. When I bought and set up my HP PC back in 2000 (which came with WinME) it stated in its manual that HP was no longer supporting Windows OS's. Any of them. That should give you an idea how committed HP is toward resolving issues between their products and Microsoft.

  12. Keith, the reason I like the nVidea icon in the sys tray instead of right-clicking on the desktop is because I can change my video settings with 5 clicks instead of 18 clicks. (I just counted them.)

    And I have a reeeeeally old nVidea graphics card (geForce2 MX/MX 400). I just bought a new monitor. It might be a while before I shell out for a new vid card...unless you got some spare cash you're dying to send my way. :)

  13. My old CRT is from 1996 and still running strong. I think it cost about $1500 back then. Imagine what kind of monitor that $ could buy today. :huh:


    Oh, thanks. I'll check that out now, Dennis. :)

  14. I just got a ViewSonic 20" widescreen LCD monitor. My trusty old Panasonic 19" CRT was eating up too many chunks of electricity. It still works great but it is a hog in more ways than one. I think the chassis is deeper than it is wide. And it weighs a ton. So now my desk doesn't feel all that weight on it anymore. Look at this. I can actually pick up my monitor with one hand!


    The one thing I'm getting used to is the higher resolution. I was used to 1024 x 768. The new monitor is at 1680 x 1050. :blink: Now when I save or crop or post pics I have to make sure that they're comfortable viewing sizes for most 1024 res monitors out there. Very simple to get used to. And now that my monitor is so light, I can bring it closer to my eyeballs so I can read the tiny tiny font on some blog pages.


    Overall this is a fun monitor. (Boy are we having a crazy thunderstorm today!)

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