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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Okay. This is getting redundant. Kaspersky WILL label CC as a non-virus risk tool.


    But it's not a risk because we know that it can be trusted. All that the Kaspersky scanner is doing is WARNING the user that there is a process killer. Therefore, if it isn't a trusted program the user can make an educated decision about whether or not to keep the application. Kaspersky does not report any malware or virus.


    The process killer is there to kill any running processes of CCleaner during installation. Nothing more.

  2. Well.....Mike could be short for Michelle. But if memory serves me, Mike's real name is Dave.


    Good call... :P You're right, his name is Dave. LMAO

  3. Windows Defender will replace MSAS on it's own. Defender is the upgrade.



    Oh and Steve...go here to have your PC checked out. Andy will help you confirm that your machine is clean and well protected. :D

  4. If you're gonna use C4 on anything use it on whatever is making the forums run so slow.


    It took over one hour for it to allow an edit of my previous post just to add one freakin' letter "a", so it would read as "Here's a 40 so you can chill!" versus "Here's 40 so you can chill!"


    Talk about frustrating!


    No kidding. I haven't been able to get on all day. I tried to reply to a thread for 30 minutes and I finally gave up.


    Tell me where to aim and I'll blow it up! :lol:




    @CapMan - Where's your tongue avatar dude? :P

  5. So you installed the vb runtimes and still get crash errors?

    Try uninstalling ccleaner rebooting and then installing ccleaner again. Let me know if it starts to work.


    There are still some things that you can try if you're willing. :)

  6. how sad, a bunch of people jus tryin 2 get ther posts up... i would neva think of doin that :lol:


    No. Actually, I wish that RR would knock mine down. We were just being silly and having fun. :D:P



    I think that a thread where people can be goofy is nice. I don't like PMs very much and this way people can talk to each other without hijacking threads. ;)

  7. ok, hard to follow. Mike Rochip is a guy or girl?


    and dont make me do the robot or the windmill-im old enough to remember actually doing them. :)


    Ro Ro is dude and Krit is dudette. :P


    Do the robot LOTW! I like that one. :lol:

  8. Sheet sucka! I'l make Ro Ro rap and I know yu'd be runnin'....


    We'll see who's raisin is gettin' the cap...better watch your raisin sucka! HAHAHAHAH




    I'm crackin' myself up here! :P


    I'm out amigos! Have sweet dreams. :)

  9. weez not cool no more L-dog! Let's take this bleep outside.


    I ain't no dude...motha bleeeeep! U frontin' now?




    Wooorrrd....that's what I thought.





    (gosh, no more tequila for me! LOL) :P

  10. I know this applications cleans OpenOffice 2.0 recent file lists. Please add similar functionality for StarOffice 8.




    Welcome :)


    You can do that yourself.

  11. Word!


    Glad to be on. :) Wish I could get on more often, fo sure. But don't worry, I wouldn't totally abandon you guys. Where else would you guys get your daily dose of abuse?! :D

    "graced us with your presence" = "corrupted what little shred of decency was left in the forum"


    Be nice! I'm a bit loaded right now so my typing skills suck! :P:D

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