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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. There it is! rtdrvmon.exe is in C:\WINDOWS\TEMP



    What Is Rtdrvmon.exe and Why Is It Used in Lexmark Software? ID:ENUS17808

    Rtdrvmon.exe is a low-level scanner driver that enables scanning for the Lexmark X1150 and other Lexmark All-In-One devices. For an explanation of its behavior, please refer to the information below.


    * The software needs this file in order to perform scanning operations, which is why the software re-extracts the file when it detects that it has been deleted. After re-extraction, the file is placed in the \windows\temp folder.

    * The file is embedded as a resource in one of the .DLLs and is unpacked as required on the system.


    Lexmark is not attempting to hide anything in this little program.


    IMPORTANT: Lexmark's software does not support or employ any sort of "spy software" - we do not gather information about the user's system, and we do not under any circumstances send user information of any kind over the Internet to Lexmark or anywhere else.


    I personally would store the driver somewhere else. (btw I'm a girl too ;) )



    Read more here

    Read more here


    Also, as a safety measure put a copy of that file somewhere safe so that you don't have to keep reinstalling your software if a problem occurs again. Let me know if you have any questions.


    I am a little unclear about how that files works after reading other sites. That file should be replacing itself I think?

  2. ccleaner is not the safest product... sometimes it makes trouble and applications don't work anymore after cleaning registry (e.g. ms office).


    But I've never seen that it deletes applications... strange.


    In situations like this, there is almost always a problem with the PC and not CCleaner. ;)

  3. I've never needed to restore any of the backups I've made of registry entries CCleaner removed, so I really do think it's quite safe. With CCleaner backups and System Restore you're doubly covered in case of problems - unless something removed from the Registry cripples your OS so badly that it won't even boot up. That's why I suggested ERUNT, with it you'd have all eventualities covered - not that I think you need it. I have it - and I've never used those backups either. But I'm a paranoid... :unsure::lol:


    I have never had to restore my backups either. I make a back up (even tho I have ERUNT too for high security, LOL) and after a few days when everything is running good I delete the backup. :P

  4. Hi Misao. That isn't a browser error. I was having the same problem for 3 weeks. It was driving me crazy! :P I tried everything, 3 different browsers, reconfiguring my network, computer repairs, etc....


    The problem ended up being with my ISP. My ISP insisted that nothing was wrong, but when a tech came out they found many problems with the wires.


    Have you had your machine checked for malware? Have you posted a HJT log here? If you have had your machine checked was any malware removed? Sometimes after removing malware this problem can occur and you may need to do a winsock fix.

  5. Will you do me a favor?


    1. First do a disk cleanup to remove some of the junk.

    2. Then Analyze with CCleaner but don't clean anything.

    3. When the Analyze results are displayed will you take a screen shot and post them here? That way we can see where CCleaner is removing the files from.



    Thanks :)

  6. I seriously doubt that will happen dude. ;) Sorry, but all PC users need to start learning to backup their computers. That's what needs to happen. It isn't various Programs responsibility to predict acciential deletion of files. Its a User responsibility to make backups. :)

  7. When using = CCleaner = Issues / Scan = I have the file = kdb = repeatedly appearing. After using CCleaner "Fixing' I find the same file appears again in a new = Issues" scan.


    Any assistance/help on same?



    After using CCleaner I have after unchecking the = Word 2002 = Options = General =

    Automatically create drawing canvas when insterting auto shapes =

    returning back to "default" [reticked]


    Have found by unchecking = Applications = Office 2003 / Office Xp = the Word

    program retains my unchecked option.


    Comments please


    Hi Colin and Welcome :)


    It sounds to me like that file is being re-created by the program. Do this for me. Run your Issues Scan and fix that file (but keep Word closed) then run your Issues Scan again immediately to see if it appears. Also, can you give me a screen shot, I am not exactly clear on what that the file is.




  8. Russian???........DAMN......I thought you were trying to kick your way out of a straight jacket. :lol:


    What's really funny is when you click on the pic, in Firefox, you get a little tiny lokoike favicon in the address bar.


    Rock On! I am actually online right now! Weeeeeeeeeee! I am so happy. My ISP is really f***ed up right now. I'm just happy to be able to give one post right now.




  9. post-1544-1146712357_thumb.jpg

    Dude that's really funny. :lol:







    What are you saying zaphirer? Maybe you should be showing us some moves too? hehehehe

  10. Welcome :)


    If it gave you an access error then you could try repairing your permissions to fix the problem. Download DAF Medium.


    Launch DAF > click Tools > click Repair Permissions > click GO



    Let us know if this works


  11. Nope! No worm, I can't go quite that far. :P But many margharitas! hehehehe


    Tonight it's wine LMAO Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!



    Now get to steppin' sucka! :D

  12. No, but I think another 40 would do nicely. B)


    Or some tequila for that matter. Tequila is the culprit for this thread starting in the first place. :lol:




    Now get to steppin'! hahaha

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