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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Thanks for letting Me express My opinion,,,& I,ll eat My words if I get infected again & have to ask for help,,hehe,,,Sincerely Cowboy


    Everyone is entitled to an opinion, and you are correct that once you buy the product the false-positives do go down. But it still is a shady company that tricks people into buying their product. This is FACT...not OPINION.


    And! You probably are infected if all that you are using is a firewall and SD, but you just don't know it. ;)

  2. Spyware Doctor may appear to be a good program becouse it lists lots of objects that it finds when a scan is done but they are mostly false positives. Spyware Doctor always had issues with that.


    Exactly. It is well known that Spware Doctor gives lots of false positives and IS A SCAM. Everyone knows this.


    Cowboy & Xonk...take our advise. Ditch it, and get real protection. ;)

  3. Ok I downloaded it again. it seemed like it downloaded correctly. I guess I dont know what to do I extracted it but I cant find anyway to open it or does it even open.


    Extract it again, and when it asks where to extract it to, browse and select 'desktop'. You already extracted it somewhere, but I don't know where the default location is on your PC.

  4. & Krit86lr - I tried to do what You said. It didn't seem like it downloaded right & asked Me to unzip it. Then it said something like, error not a chosen path. Any more suggestions? Thanks for your responses.


    I'm not sure what you're doing wrong. I think you are choosing "run" instead of "save"? When you download it choose "save", and tell it to save to your desktop (somewhere easy). Then install it.

  5. Just let Spybot fix those things. They aren't any type of malware. But you're Windows Security Suite is turned off and Spybot is warning you that it should be turned on. Spybot will turn it on for you if you tell it to.



    No worries with the problems showing. ;) And keep Spybot.

  6. Sorry I dont mean to sound stupid,,,allthough thats debatable,,,but whats OS,,,,thanks Cowboy,,,


    Yeah, well if you're using a Windows version that is ME or 98 DAF won't work. If you're using 2000 then you need a program to unzip the folder. Let me know your situation so that I can help you more.


    If you aren't logged on as Administrator then try that first. If that doesn't work then you need your permissions repaired.

  7. Thanks for the tip on RegSeeker.


    I'm not talking about a huge search feature for CC that will affect everything else, just a feature that saves me time from tons of scrolling and searching trough Notepad with the opened exported txt file (Mini tool for the Uninstall Tool).


    It would really be great if it was added.


    Yeah, that is a good idea even tho Notepad as a search function. lol ;)

  8. Sorry it took so long,,,Neighberaaron,,,I tried it in safe mode & would not let Me delete any,,,,& Krit86lr ,,, I tried to do what You said ,,,It didn,t seem like it downloaded right & asked Me to unzip it,,,The said something like error Not a chosen path,,,any more suggestions,,,& thanks for your responses,,,,Cowboy


    What OS are you running?

  9. doesnt this program gives lots of false positives to make you buy or am i thinking of something else. if so unless u have paided for it u can live without it.


    Yep. Spyware Doctor isn't a good idea in my opinion. :P

  10. Actually, it is XP Pro.

    I will run NTRegopt. I am already using SpyBot Research Destroy & Adware & 1st Click Spy Clean.




    Also, Spybot and Adware aren't enough to determine if your PC is clean. If you truly want to check your PC please follow the instructions that I listed above. NTRegopt isn't a bad idea, but a thorough check would be good if your PC is running really slow.

  11. Looking through the list is a painstaking process. A search feature would very be greatful in saving my time. :lol::D


    haha...agreed. But can't you use Windows search feature? I use RegSeeker because it's faster than Windows. But I understand what you mean. The thing, is that a search feature isn't really what CC was designed for. But maybe MrG will take it into consideration and implement that.

  12. The best and safest way of computing is to regularly take a full backup of your entire system, so if you lose anything that you actually wanted to keep, you can always get it back from the backup. I take a backup about once in a month, and this has saved my a** a number of times. :)


    Great advise. Backups are sooo important. If you need some suggestions on backup software let us know. But CCleaner is safe to use for cleaning your apps. ;)

  13. Actually, it is ntuser.dat. 7mb big.

    Is that an appropriate size?

    I would follow Andavari's advise and leave that alone.

    By the way, my pc starts very slowly even after i run ccleaner.


    Also, a slow PC isn't necessarily a tuning problem. You could have spyware as well which will slow down your PC. Also, which OS are you running?


    First, follow this guide.

    Then, post here.


    Hope you get it straightened out. :)

  14. Some people who are not really computer people are hestiant to take the extra step and download it from a link from the website.


    Welcome :)


    Well you had to download it in the first place to get it. Why would you not be hesitant to dowload it and then be hesitant to upgrade it? <_< And why would you be hesitant to download from the author's website. It's other websites offering it that you need to be careful about.


    Just thought I'd point that out. ;) Enjoy!

  15. Hi Elvin and Welcome :) Sorry that it took so long for a response. (This may, or may not be worth posting at this point.) You can go to www.ccleaner.com > Features; which will give you the following information.



    "Application Cleaning:


    As well as cleaning up old files and settings left by standard Windows components, CCleaner also cleans temporary files and recent file lists for many applications. Including:


    * Firefox, Opera, Media Player, eMule, Kazaa, Google Toolbar, Netscape, Office XP, Nero, Adobe Acrobat, WinRAR, WinAce, WinZip and more... "




    Let us know if you have anymore questions.

  16. mine ended taking up about 60 gig of space at one point. if u turn if off and on it removes all the restore points, mines off all the time now


    hmmm... <_< That isn't usually advised.

  17. Of course an easy solution would be for Mr.G to add a comment on the download page about not naming/re-naming the installer ccleaner.exe to avoid this constant reaccuring problem.


    Really? I've never heard of this problem before. Why are people renaming it in the first place? <_<

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