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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. i dont get it! why would you just want to come on a site and help others out? some of us wish we could give you something in return but we have nothing to offer!

    You do give something in return Aaron. LOL You try to create every computer problem possible then ask us for help. ;) (just kidding....hehehe)


    You make me laugh with all of your PC experiments. And everything that Lokoike & Humpty said is true. Plus, I know that for myself the additional benefit to helping people is that I learn more in the process too. ;)

  2. 10 isn't true either, it was started during the black plague in the UK.

    #10 is true. I learned it in school of all places (history class)...I have been telling people that forever.


    @Lokoike - I think that the tongue is the strongest muscle, but I will double check. :P

  3. Its because it stores its files in temp directories.(smart move Microsoft)

    So basically ccleaner wipes out all of its files when you run it.(no ccleaners fault). I dan't know of a way to fix this either. Its been discussed on the forum a few times but I don't think a solution work around was ever found.

    Then why isn't it working when CCleaner isn't used? Did I misunderstand? <_<

  4. I would agree with that rridgely.

    The only other catagory that I would even think of suggesting would be a "How To" section.


    How to repair permissions ( a quick note on the signs that you need to do this)

    How to upload images.

    How to completely uninstall Norton and Macafee (with links to the clean uninstall tools)


    and other often occuring subjects.


    omg! yes! I feel like I'm giving the same instructions 10 times a day sometimes. There are some things that definitely need to be pinned. ;)


    Plus the Beginners Guide seriously needs to be updated. And it's my favorite forum too. :P


    i agree. 2 mods just isnt enough to keep up with this place!


    2 mods? there is only one.... <_<

  5. Hi reisa and welcome :)


    I'm not sure what's going on. But you have done the right things so far.


    If you reinstalled the program and the program still isn't working then how is it related to CCleaner? If you reinstall the program, and don't run CCleaner, then CCleaner probably wasn't the culprit in the first place. I am willing to bet that something else went wrong around the same time that you ran CCleaner and that something else is the problem.


    I don't use MPVD, but a few people on the forum do. Maybe they will be able to offer some ideas. Have you tried posting on the MS forums or anything (it could be helpful)? I think that something went wrong with your system, and that's why you're having problems. I will just need to look around and see if I can find information about your problem.



    Good Luck and keep us updated. :)


  6. Was it part of your training LOTW? lmao


    At least you didn't mase yourself on accident (like I did once). I wanted to spray the mase to see if was a stream, mist, etc...just curious, right? I sprayed it and a nice gust of wind came and blew it right back in my face! I couldn't open my eyes for about 15 minutes.


    My friends made fun of me for weeks! :P It was hilarious....

  7. Hi JohnnyB :)


    For starters that is a very poor attitude for someone who is asking for help. Every forum has the same procedure for registration. When you talk to/about people the way that you did people aren't going to help you. You need to display decency and respect, then in return you will be granted the same.


    For starters, read the Begginer's Guide then let us know if you have any questions. There is a link in my signature.


    Furthermore, if and when you have more questions please ask using common courtesy and some manners.





  8. If what you say is correct, then there'd be no point in having a recycle bin at all.


    Since most programs put piles of garbage on your machine, I often try deleting files that seem to be using up disk space for no useful purpose. If the program that put them up then refuses to work, I restore them. That is quite separate from backing up, which is obviously important.


    Incidentally Norton's NProtect, for all its other faults, does provide timed removal of deleted files.


    There still a point in havinga recycle bin for some I suppose. I personally configured my recycle bin properties to do delete files rather than move them to the recycle bin.


    My point is that CCleaner has one purpose and that is clean junk off of your computer. If you don't want CCleaner to clean something (ex recycle bin)...then uncheck the box (for recycle bin) before running CCleaner.


    As for Norton...They offer a lot of different services cause it's commercial program and costs quite a bit of money. CCleaner is freeware. ;)

  9. Did you replace the file? That file is extremely important!



    Control Panel - Icons Missing


    Click Start, Run and enter REGEDIT


    Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\don't load


    Look in the right pane and you'll see the Control Panel Icons that have been disabled. You can either right click on the "don't load" subkey and select Delete to restore all disabled icons, or you can right click on each of the items in the right pane and select Delete to selectively restore them. Scroll up to Control Panel Applets for a listing of what each one is.


    The change will be seen the next time you open Control Panel.




    Also you should do a sfc /scannow...although I'm sure that you're just reinstalling windows. ;)

  10. Aaron I think that this is what you did...


    Control Panel Applets


    This tweak does not prevent the control panel applets from running, they just do not show up in control panel any more.


    Start/Run/gpedit.msc. User Configuration/Administrative Templates Folder/Control Panel Folder. Select Show only specified Control Panel Applets (right pane) properties. Select the enable button/click the Show button.


    A new window will pop up that will display control panel objects that are OK to show. Items not on this list will not be displayed in control panel when this feature is enabled. Here are the Windows XP Pro Control Panel applets:


    System Properties = sysdm.cpl

    Network Connections = ncpa.cpl

    ODBC Administrator = odbccp32.cpl

    Display Properties = desk.cpl

    Add or remove programs = appwiz.cpl

    Internet Properties = Inetcpl.cpl

    Game Controllers = joy.cpl

    Phone and modem Options = telephon.cpl

    Time and Date Properties = timedate.cpl

    Region and Language Options = intl.cpl

    Power Options = powercfg.cpl

    Mouse Properties = main.cpl

    Accessibility Options = access.cpl

    Add Hardware Wizard = hdwwiz.cpl

    Sound and Audio Devices = mmsys.cpl

    User Accounts = nusrmgr.cpl

    Speech Properties = sapi.cpl

  11. He installed it to track what people are doing on his machine. (I'm not sure why, but it's Aaron so I don't ask anymore. LOL)


    The settings are fixed too. He just didn't know how to configure the smtp settings.

  12. Hi, I have three computers. Two are Wireless and one is Wired. We have a ADSL 645Series modem/Router and a NetGear MR814V.2 Wireless/Cable 4-Port Router.


    I am trying to bridge the two Routers. Do I have to have one Wireless and one Wired connection Eabled? I need to know cause Mine and my Mom's computer are on Wireless but I can bring the Modem and Router to my computer and have mine Wired and have my brothers run on Wireless.


    I'm not quite sure what to enter when I bridge. However, I do understand that I will need my Account Info. cause our ISP "Sprint" Requires Log-In. And If I'm right Should I copy my IP Address from the Modem by going into the Modem config. status page?


    Right now are Connection is messed up and I just found out that are Modem is a Router or... somewhat one. I was told by our ISP that it needed bridged cause they saw that we were having Connection drops on us. They tested us and they found the problem. I'm the Computer network guy at the house so... I'm having to do all of it. I can't trust my ISP as they have some dumb people who don't know crap!


    Well, hope you can help...


    "All computers have Windows Xp Professional Sp2"


    Hey, that's a really interesting question that I really would like the answer to but I don't know. If I were you I would also post your question here. However you find the solution, will you please post it for us? Thanks. :)

  13. That file will also appear if you have a Dell Printer/Scanner that's actually just a re-badged Lexmark.


    I don't remember completely since I just ignore the file on my system, but I could've sworn it said somethink like RealTek in it which baffled me because I don't have any RealTek hardware (soundcard, etc) on my system, but maybe I'm wrong. Don't know, ain't worried about it.


    Yeah, it's real-tek too. It's kind of a multi-purpose bugger. hehehe

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