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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Ok, Installed WindowsXp Professional with Sp2 on the CD. The Removal for Sp2 was not found in Add/Remove nor is it listed in Ccleaner. I did some search on Google on how to remove it. I found some to copy/paste into run. The things I copy/paste were or could not be found. Is there any other way beside me having to reformatt or repairing?


    Note: Repairing would be my last thing I would want to do.


    If SP2 is embedded then you can't remove it. When you dowload SP2, for example, you can remove it various ways. If your CD says "Windows XP Professional with SP2" you have to keep SP2.

  2. I use the same router. I don't know how to see who is on my network, but I configured it to only allow 3 machines on my network + password needed.


    There are alot more configuration options online as opposed to just using the CD.

    * http://(network address)

    * don't enter anything for the login name

    * default password is admin (change the password once in)


    Hope that helps a little. ;)

  3. so how do i get it to work on 32 MB RAM?


    32 MB of RAM! Holy Crap dude. Pull a card out of one of your other computers and up that a bit. That's worthless.


    btw PC100 & PC133 cards are usually interchangeable

  4. Here, I just did it.



    Save the .exe file to your desktop (somewhere easy).

    Put a floppy in

    Double click the .exe file on your desktop

    Follow the instructions


    Dude I just got your PM. The link that I gave you is for 98. Let me give you a link for 98 SE. Hold on.

    Okay, here. Win98 SE

  5. ok, now im confused. did you try this? i think its just me because its not working. im on an XP and i saved the exe to the floppy. i put it in my other computer and it says


    OS load in progress...


    Non-System disk or disk error

    Replace and strike any key when ready


    Okay. No, I haven't tried it but I've done similar things with different files. You use the .exe to create a floppy. Not copy the .exe to floppy. Does that make sense?

  6. 98 boot disk


    You have to create the floppy on some other machine with the downloaded file, not just copy the download file onto the floppy. Use format c: /s and then use the Windows Install CD to reinstall the OS.


    either that or linux. i heard that alot of ppl like linux and i have an extra computer (the one i screwed up) to put it on. its a crappy computer and id like to experiment with linux.


    ive already formated it. it was after the format that i needed the boot disk since theres no operating system on there right now.


    Okay I misunderstood.

  7. If I understand right,you have formatted your drive and now you want to install from a win98 disc.


    Have you been into bios and set first boot device as CD?


    Been a long since I used 98.


    He can't get a boot disk so that he can format. So he can't boot at all. :( He's trying to find a boot disk that works so that he can format, and then install 98.


    I'm looking right now, but the more people looking the better. :D


    He's already tried





    But he said that they're not working.

  8. Yep this should be fixed in the latest release. Also we had a warning posted about this exact issue. :)




    No rridgely. The ie7 unistaller IS a hotfix uninstaller. Therefore, CCleaner will remove it. MrG fixed the $hf_mig$ folder being removed.



    Do not use the hotfix uninstaller option if you're using IE7.


    As far as I know, there have been no complaints about the new version. You may want to do a System Restore check point or a registry backup first just in case.


    Yep. Back it up. Because you'll be in for a can of worms if you don't.

  9. I'm one of those who likes their computer really neat and tidy and it bugs me that there's a whole section with junk in it that I can't risk touching. :P


    LOL Tease! <_<




    PM me and I'll tell you how to safely, and with confidence clean it up more withought messing up your computer. ;)


    And I'm not a tease! :o I'm just not willing to make a fool out of myself without good reason. :lol:



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