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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Dude! Why is your PM box full? Empty it out so that I can reply to your song. :P


    The following message occurs if you try to PM Mike Rochip:

    This message can not be sent because the recipient has their personal messenger disabled or their personal messenger inbox is full.


    This personal message has not been sent

  2. I haven't seen this before, and I don't know what would have caused it. Repairing/reinstalling IE should have fixed it. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe your computer is infected.


    If you are in a bind, and need a browser to use NOW. Use FireFox so that you can do what you need to do right now.


    Later today someone else may be able to help. Someone who has seen this sort of problem before. In the meantime, when you have time I suggest that you post in the Spyware Forum, and confirm that your computer is not infected.



    Sorry that I couldn't be of more assistance, but you can use FF to get you by for now. If you use sites that require IE, you can install an IE Tab from here. After installing the IE Tab > Open FF > click "View" > Toolbars > Customize > Drag 'n Drop the IE Tab to your toolbar for easy use.

  3. DAF > Tools > Repair IE > Go


    DAF Download the medium build.


    Sorry for not being clear. These are the instructions: DAF > Tools > Repair IE > Go


    You might be prompted for your Windows installation media or distribution share.


    Hint: whenever possible, use the ServicePackFiles\i386 folder in the C:\WINDOWS directory. 'mswrd632.wpc' is usually in Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\TextConv and 'INSTALL.INS' is usually in Program Files\Internet Explorer\SIGNUP.


    Let us know if this works for you. :)

  4. I just downloaded and ran CCleaner for the first time. I was thrilled with the garbage it found and helped me get rid of but.....


    now when I am browsing with Internet Explorer - it will only allow me to have one open browser at a time. Bad news for me! I typically run a dozen at a time for various reasons! When I open a new one the one that is open closes .... :blink:


    Any ideas on what may have caused this unexpected change???????????? I need to fix it quicklike!


    thanks in advance......


    DAF > Tools > Repair IE > Go


    DAF Download the medium build.

  5. Thanks - can you tell me how I do that?


    There are many ways to remove programs from the startup menu, but this is my favorite. ;)


    Open CCleaner > Tools > Startup > highlight the program > click Delete Entry


    * If you notice Programs that you think don't need to load with Windows then ask questions about those programs, because the less programs that load when booting the faster your computer will boot.



    Hope this helps! :D

  6. I've just installed Picasa2. While it seems to be a great program, it has slowed down the start-up of my computer. It now takes a good couple of minutes for the thing to settle down and for all the icons to appear in the system tray.


    Is there any way I can restore the start-up time?


    You can remove unnecessary programs from your startup. ;)


    Also, just as general maintenance make sure that you're compressing and defragging your machine. Do you still have Norton?



  7. You don't need IE for anything anymore. MS doesn't require it anymore, and I use my FF IE Tab for online scanners. Let me rephrase that: IE is needed for very little these days. :)


    If I were you though, I would want to find out why IE broke because it wasn't done intentionally.

  8. I downloaded the Maxtor diag test which made a floppy diagnostic test. My harddrive passed all of the tests. I will use SMARTass.exe daily a keep an eye on the things that you mentioned.


    Unfortunately, I clean my Event Viewer and minidumpt regularly so maybe I can get some stuff in there over the next day or so.

  9. SMART is a function on harddisk that monitors the health of the harddisk. So you can be warned if the harddisk is not healthy, so you can back up before it crash.


    It told you to press F1, so maybe you should do that. But maybe you should take that warning, and do some backups, and prepare for potential disk problems?


    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-Monitori...ting_Technology


    I backed up my whole computer 3 days ago, so I'm good on that. ;)

    I did press F1 which is how I got into Windows again.


    Thank you


    When those services crash and begin to reboot your computer, they pop up a dialog that counts down from 60 seconds before it actually restarts (which you can cancel with Start > Run > shutdown -a). If you weren't getting that, then that wasn't the problem.


    You'll want to disable automatic shutdown on blue screens:

    Start > Run > control sysdm.cpl,,3 > Startup and Recovery > Settings > uncheck "Automatically restart"


    Start > Run > eventvwr.msc

    Clear both the Application and System logs. Use your computer as normal until something happens. If you get a BSoD, note the STOP error code, text, and any parameters in parenthesis. Then send me the latest file from C:\windows\minidump. If you happen to have any files in minidump right now, post one somewhere so I can examine it. If you don't get BSoDs but weird things happen, check event viewer, then right-click on Application and System and Save Log File As... and save both as a comma delimited file (csv) and post them somewhere so I can see them.


    I will try that thanks.


    The last few days it also says "Attribute Seek Time Performance changes from 251 to 250". Is this related by any chance. If not, I don't care about it right now. :P

  10. No problem krit. HD firmware upgrades are extremely rare. You won't need to do one of those, especially if you're experiencing a new problem.


    I hope that you don't mind me hijacking your hijack here. :P


    Out of curiosity I checked all of my recovery settings for my services. Some of the settings were set to reboot my computer anywhere from 2 to 3 times. I changed those to restart service rather than reboot computer. Is there anything else that I could look into?


    Thanks SMARTass.exe (djlizard's new nickname haha)

    FYI: don't forget the CAPS...he's sensitive about that ;)

  11. Here's another one for you with the new smartass.exe :P


    BTW: Thanks DjLizard. But in the last 2 weeks my computer has to reboot itself 2 or 3 times to start up. So I'm not sure if it is a fluke, but I'm not as scared anymore.


    Do you think that a HD firmware upgrade is a good idea? (I've never done one before for my HD).

  12. It said it found the same thing in a Scansoft product I have and in system volume, restore, all at the same time, 2 of which it hasn't deleted, just said they were infected.


    I just got the same thing now. It can't delete it because it's in a system restore point. I think that it's another false/positive, but I'm going to delete my restore points and make a new one just in case.

  13. Thanks so much Andavari for that warning otherwise I would have been worried.

    I not only got the warning you said for Spywareblaster, it said it found the same thing in a Scansoft product I have and in system volume, restore, all at the same time, 2 of which it hasn't deleted, just said they were infected.


    I wonder why it didn't delete it? Do you think that it was another false/positive?

  14. :( I was resuming Windows from hibernation, and I got a black screen that said


    Master Hard Disk: S.M.A.R.T. Command Failed

    Press F1 to Resume



    I don't know what this means, but I think that it's really bad. I need my computer to last until August, but I think that this error has something to do with my HD failing. I am going to Google now, but if anyone has some knowledgable suggestions it will be much appreciated.




  15. Well, I don't like watching baseball on TV, but games are always fun. :D I can't wait to see the new stadium. Today $29 tickets were selling for $300-ish. :o


    I like watching football the most. They always get hurt. :P


    Baseball yawn, so boring. At least you enjoyed yourself.


    Everything is boring to you, Andavari. ;)

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