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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. I must be missing something. In the Issues window, all I see is a list of items for Registry Integrity and File Integrity with a checkbox next to each. The only other item is a button to Scan for Issues. Nowhere do I see a place to save the registry prior to cleaning.


    Ah! Click Scan for Issues. Then click "Fix Selected Issues". Then CCleaner will ask if you want to save a backup. This is where you choose yes or no. If you choose yes, then you save it to a place of your choice. I have a folder names reg backups so that I don't forget where they are.

  2. When I run CCleaner, the history is not deleted. It's deleted from IE adress bar (which means recently typed URL's), but not deleted from history. I mean when I run CCleaner, the history list dissapears imediatelly, but when I re-start the IE or simply refresh the existing page, it appears again (The History is checked in CCleaner settings)


    When I try to delete the history through Tools, Internet Options it also doesn't work.


    Thank you in advance


    Hi eddie :)


    First of all, if IE is open when you run CCleaner it can't be cleaned. Also, as soon as you open a Web Page you have automatically created new history.


    Hope this helps.

  3. Hi mortman and welcome! :)


    In the issues section you have a choice to backup the registry items that you are asking to be fixed. If you want something to make a full backup of your registry, I suggest ERUNT.

  4. Go for it. But if you try to do an upgrade it might stop you. But it won't hurt to try. A repair installation would get past the service pack thing. And and upgrade might let you do it. I'm not certain.


    blah, blah, blah...the answer is YES! :D


    The only problem is that if your i386 folder is corrupted at all you could screw yourself. Do you have an i386 folder on your CD? If so, copy it to the i386 folder that you already have. It will ask you if you want to replace, click YES TO ALL. This way you have a clean copy of all the files before doing an upgrade from the i386 folder.


    Did I explain that clearly?

  5. K, here is what the case speaker will look like:



    BTW lokoike...that is an awesome tutorial and a great picture.


    OMG :lol: I was going to say that your instructions were "Speaker Info for Dummies", and I looked up and noticed the website is kids-online.net/learn....haha

  6. Let us know what you find. I googled for a bit, but I didn't really have enough information to narrow the search. Hopefully you find some helpful information. The information that I found implied that the recovery disc, is simply that...recovery. Hopefully it can do more than that. <_<

  7. Thanks for letting us know cheral. :)




    Okay, really quick. Click on the image to make it larger. You can see that 2 of "Add Reply" are circled in red. If you click on either of those it will add your post to the thread.


    The "Add Reply" that is circled in green will let you respond to that specific person in that thread.


    Practice in this thread if you want. No one will care.

  8. hehe...sorry :P I was looking at this.



    Help - Frequently Asked Questions - Installing

    What operating systems does CCleaner work with?


    Fully tried and tested with Windows 95/98/NT4/ME/2000/XP/2003.

    It's also fully compatible with XP Service Pack 2.

    (There is no Mac or Unix version.)

  9. Has anyone thought about taking over devellopment of winapp2 ? Hasn't been updated in ages.


    Read This


    Matt_ I thought for sure that you would have been the first to notice this thread. ;)

  10. i think he is talking about a business or something of the such. probably logging what employees are doing.


    Well that makes a lot more sense. :D And I don't know. :P

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