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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. Yeah, you should get rid of SpyDoctor. Andy was right about it. First of all, it does have a glitch. And furthermore, it gives false/positives to make the consumer feel the NEED to buy. Or, they make the updates not work so that you have to buy it.


    So, basically use everything in this thread. They're good, and you can updated them. Plus! They're free. :)



    Good Times. Happy Surfing.

  2. i wonder would it be an idea to get this link pinned, as there seems to be a few posts with this problem.

    Afterall, most people don't realise this program needs VB runtimes (which usually come with MS but can get corrupted/removed)

    [it could be added to the download, but it would bloat it, so I'm not going there .... :P ]


    It is pinned already. For some reason no one ever sees it.


    It's pinned here.



    And hey! The download idea probably wouldn't go over well, but what about a VB update button? (haha...just thought that I would stick with the running theme) :) Or add it to the Beginner's Guide or something. The title of the topic doesn't make it clear what it is.

  3. ya.. those are still 127.. - the only way to get 128 for now anyhow - is to get full package 128 .. with toolbar etc.. - and when installing it.. - if don't want the tool bar, uncheck it's installation...


    For God's sake! WE KNOW! Why do you keep repeating yourself?


    You're missing the point.

  4. Not a real important comment/question - just curious...


    I use Norton AV 2005 and just happened to be looking at the activity log a bit ago. I've been using it for several months and under 'worm protection' it's always said "Internet Worm Protection is monitoring 3 signatures."


    Today it's monitoring 573 ! I see that the date of the last revision was 12/8 and the new one is 3/15 and 3/17, so that explains it, but still....my god - who was watching out for those 570 signatures all this time?! :o




    Did you pay for Norton?

  5. Yeah, i was just asking which you guys prefer because whenever I do scans it finds WinFixer and trojan.startpage.gen and no matter how many times i remove it, it's still there. and for WinFixer, i've used Vundofix.exe, but it still keeps finding it. <_<


    Well, I saw your HJT log which was the right thing to do, and Andy will be able to help you fix it. Trojans, and Worms require special removal tools. The good ones usually aren't fixed by the scanners (when I say good, I mean the really bad ones). The prior instructions will help you to not get these things in the first place. But removal can be very difficult. Especially if it gets into system files, and so forth.


    But you'll be fine. Andy is really good at killing that kind of stuff. :D

  6. Yes, I too remember that event :)

    As I said-I am patient and am sure it will be worth the wait.


    I wouldn't go that far. :lol:


    I myself am not very patient, but I am trying REALLY hard to be right now. :lol: Unfortunately patience isn't my strongest asset.


    Secretly, I'm hoping that MrG fixes the link today. :)

  7. Very new to ccleaner. Just got this new computer as I had it on the ole one. Ran as usual and then I went to issues? Their were tons of things to be fixed! :unsure: So it ask if I want back up. I have No idea at all what this means! Never had that problem with the old one. So if some of you Kind people could give me some info, I would really apprecaite it. Iam also very new to computers too. Did read something about DAF? Does one need that also? Thank you for the time. 60!




    You only need DAF if there is something wrong with your computer/ccleaner. Here are some easy tips.

    * Click Yes to create a backup. Save the backup somewhere that you won't forget. I use my desktop. After a few days if your computer isn't acting funny, then you can delete the backup.


    * Don't check any boxes under Advanced unless you are familiar with what they do.


    * Issues: Yes there are many. One reason is because when you uninstall a program parts of the program are not removed from your registry. CCleaner finds those left over parts, and cleans them for you.



    This is somewhat simplied. So feel free to ask questions! :)

  8. Thanks for the prompt reply. I would think MrG would have told us the other versions were not ready-but I am patient and can wait :).


    We weren't told either way, but with version 1.27 he didn't release the slim build until 2 or 3 days after the standard build release. I don't know if he'll take that long this time (I hope not), but I am going to expect that so I don't get bummed. ;)

  9. :lol: Agreed.

    I made a post a little while back which said should be apart of the posting rules:


    If you're having problems with CCleaner. Run DAF, and try again. If you continue to have problems with CCleaner continue by posting your problem in the forum.



    It was something like that. I don't remember exactly. That's why I finally put the links in my signature. I was suggesting DAF so often that I decided this way was easier.

  10. We thought the new release would come in several flavors. The CC internal site does NOT offer this option for the release (1.28.277). Instead the SLIM version is still 1.27. What are we to do at this juncture, given that so many have requested that the toolbar and language packs be made purely optional or "tick" items during install?


    We can deal with it until MrG fixes it. You can uninstall it, and download the slim version when the slim version is fixed for downloading.

  11. Where is it? How can I get it? The download section shows 1.27.


    It will probably show up in the download section in a few hours. I just installed it because I got the email. :P If you make a donation, you get new releases in your email shortly before it shows up here.


    It cleans more things now, which is awesome. :D I've ran it about 10 times now. Looking for some bugs, but I haven't found anything yet.


    It cleaned so many more things that it took 5 Runs to clean it all. :lol: (Man computers get lots of crap)




    maybe I can forward my email to you. hehe



  12. Just installed CCCleaner v1.27. At options/settings, I checked both boxes to add the open and/or run option to the recycle bin context menu, but nothing happens. Any suggestions please?


    Welcome Racundra. :)


    Did you check those boxes after installing? If so, try rebooting your computer.


    Just so that you know CCleaner v1.28 is being released today. Do not use the Hotfix Uninstaller option in CCleaner v1.27 please.

  13. I've heard hardware firewalls are about foolproof but I've never got a round tuit. I take it that, once you've got it, that's it? Or do you have to update them (sorry if that's a dumb question). Just I was thinking - if you buy a firewall, not only is there the initial outlay, there's also the yearly subscriptions.


    Of course, being foolproof is one thing - I'd need it to be idiot proof as well :D


    You update them for free on the manufacturer website. The only time that configuration might get tricky is if you have a network. Otherwise it's easy. It comes with a CD that sets it up for you. There isn't a subscription cost. You buy it, and that's the only cost. Mine was about $60 with the rebate.

  14. I definitely agree about Windows Defender being buggy. Personally, I keep it disabled. I only enable it when I do my instense scanning, or before posting a HJT log.


    Can't help you with the firewall thing. Unless you're willing to spend $60 or so, and get a hardware firewall. It's definitely worth it.

  15. Good XP thinning guide here.


    Bold Fortune




    "C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386

    I delete the drivers.cab and the sp2.cab


    The Driver Cache folder contains a platform subdirectory and a copy of the driver.cab file so that new devices can be easily installed without needing the Windows XP CD. Might contain sp1.cab or sp2.cab if installing an integrated copy of the operating system (Slipstreamed CD).


    Sometimes Windows Updates will replace earlier versions of files contained in these cabs with newer versions. Placing them in the i386 folder, not the cabs themselves.


    You're not going to have these newer versions of files on your Installation CD.


    For that reason, you might consider keeping these newer versions of individual files placed by Windows Updates in the i386 folder, and only delete drivers.cab and sp2.cab"


    I thought that the cache was important too. You haven't had any problems?

  16. I forgot one more thing. SpywareBlaster is definitely a handy tool (this was suggested by ccw). But it isn't a scanner so you need to remember to update then re-enable all protection. I check for updates about once a month, but I'm not sure what the recommendation is for how often you should check for updates.

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