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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. First, make sure that you're logged on as administrator. After that you have 2 options.


    1. In regedit click the key to highlight > click Edit > choose Permissions. Give yourself Full Control. I'm not sure if you need to reboot after giving yourself Full Control, but it couldn't hurt.


    2. Your other options is to use DAF > tools > repair permissions.


    I don't know what your PC specs are so here are some instructions on which build of DAF to use.

    Light build, which is just Dial-a-fix, and can just do services tweaks and DLL registrations. People who have XP Pro can use Repair Permissions. People who have XP Home must get Medium.


    Medium, which is Dial-a-fix plus the secedit package; this allows people who have XP Home to use Repair Permissions.



    Have you tried either of these options already?

  2. Hi All,


    After running ccleaner v1.28.277 my Windows 2000 PC does not switch off when I shut it down.


    The shutdown starts off as normal and the screen goes blank but the PC does not power off. Pressing

    Ctrl-Alt-Del has no effect. This used to work fine.


    I have Windows 2000 SP4, and I keep my virus checker up to date so I don't think it's malware causing

    this trouble.


    Please help!




    Hey Mark, sorry about your problem. Can you get into Windows?

  3. i am new to cc---have had it about a month with good results...until yesterday when all of a sudden i came up with 30 plus issues which keep showing up after a boot. and this thing with the ie7 uninstaller is a big mess. arrgghh....i mean it is nice that someone keeps posting that the hotfix option does not work with ie7...but it was way after the fact that i saw the posts. i think that at least subscibers should get an email about the obviously well known bug...... if there is anyone in particular to whom i should address my concerns, please let me know. good,--sigh, i fee better already.


    Did you repair your permissions?

  4. It sounds like 1 of 2 things to me.


    Either 1. You aren't logged on as the administrator, or 2. You need to repair your permissions.


    You didn't tell me anything about your operating system so download and launch DAF the full build.


    > click Tools

    > click Repair Permissions

    > click GO

    > reboot (because your computer will be happy)


    Light build, which is just Dial-a-fix, and can just do services tweaks and DLL registrations. People who have XP Pro can use Repair Permissions. People who have XP Home must get Medium.


    Medium, which is Dial-a-fix plus the secedit package; this allows people who have XP Home to use Repair Permissions.



    Let us know if that works :D




    @DjLizard - Please don't be upset if you want him to download another build.

  5. I get an error message everytime ccleaner runs that says Cannot delete ccleaner, access denied

    and in the background ccleaner green tab keeps on running. If i click OK on the error message, no files are deleted.


    Hey tex77 :) Welcome


    Can you post a screenshot of the error? (Why would ccleaner try to delete itself? <_< )


    Also, what are your computer specs, and which version of CCleaner are you using? It makes it easier to help having more information.



  6. Well, I have been doing internet tech support for many years now. Winsock is what makes TCP/IP work and TCP/IP is what allows/disallows traffic over the internet. Since I could work on the internal network (windows network not using tcp/ip) and not on the net, I got suspicious.


    Anyhow, I cut and paste the exact error message into Google and up came the solution.


    You gotta love Google! :lol: I'm glad that it was an easy fix.

  7. That's a good question. I cannot answer your question because I don't use limewire, but I don't have an incomplete folder on my computer.


    So I'm guessing that the incomplete folder is specific to limewire. A few people here do use limewire, and may be able to answer your question. But does limewire have a forum where you could get confirmation? Maybe limwire does use that folder for other things, but it would be odd if anything important was stored in a folder called incomplete. ;) (who knows these days though :lol: )


    Good luck! BTW...has limewire been working okay since you've started cleaning that folder?


  8. Is it possible to do a detection for multiple directories in the winapp2.ini file? It would be helpfull (at least to me) to be able to automate the uninstall of the $NtUninstall*.*$ Directories since I don't intend to remove any of the bug fixes (or are they additions?).


    I've tried these string:






    With no luck.




    Hi Richard :) Welcome to the forum.


    I'm not sure that I understand what you mean. What do you mean by "automate the uninstall of the $NtUninstall*.*$ Directories$? Do you mean delete the uninstallers ($NtUninstall.....) becuase CCleaner already has that option, but don't use that option if you're using CCleanerv1.27.



  9. Those popups that are unsolicated advertisements stating you have a "worm, spyware, corrupted registry" etc., can easily be blocked by a software-based firewall (ZoneAlarm, Sygate, Kerio, etc.,), hell even Windows Firewall will block them. Another problem is if you're seeing those popups they may have inputted their rogue websites into IE's Trusted Sites which means you'd have to manually remove them or deal with the consequences of someone stupid enough to actually visit such a website with cough, cough Internet Exploiter.


    I think that I will need to use a software firewall after all. The machine had over 250 infections, and more keep showing up every day. The computer has all possible protection now except for a software firewall. So when I am finished cleaning up the new infections I will setup a software firewall.


    My goodness! :P

  10. What is the best configuration for my virtual memory setup? I don't know how these settings affect my computer so I need some help please. :)


    WinXP Pro SP2

    640MB of RAM

    AMD Athlon Processor 1.00GHz

    Page File: 274MB used





  11. A lot of software had been uninstalled. On most machines I see between 200 and 2000 issues (and then subsequent scans show 200 to 2000 more). Worst machine I ever saw had 6000.


    OMG! :o I get excited when I find 2 issues. (My computer needs to get a life)

  12. OK, I just found out that this error was caused by a corrupt winsock and typing in


    Yep. I must say though that I wouldn't have thought of a winsock error off of the top of my head. Thank you for taking the time to share your solution. It's very helpful for others. :D

  13. DjLizard suggested this in another thread, and I thought it was cool. You don't need to register, but I don't think that you can email.


    I'm not totally against registration though, because it helps you keep track of your uploaded documents.

  14. To remedy either problem, you can force your laptop to release and renew the configuration information.


    Thank you Hazelnut! :D This is what I am talking about. But using the repair option isn't as helpful for some reason.


    Start > Run > (type) cmd


    1. (type) ipconfig /release (space after ipconfig)

    2. press ENTER

    3. (type) ipconfig /renew (space after ipconfig)

    4. press ENTER


    This will renew your DHCP connection.

  15. In Windows XP, that is all done via the TCP/IP setting in the network Config. I am all setup that way. Something in CCleaner did something. I cannot tell what it is.


    What about the answers to my other questions.


    CCleaner users have been reporting this problem recently. The problem hasn't been identified as of yet. Nor has it been confirmed that the problem is CCleaner.


    The dhcp connection problem that you are experiencing happens to be a common problem in general. I see it all the time on other forums.


    You did not answer my question. Did you type ipconfig /renew (space after ipconfig) at the command prompt? When I am experiencing your problem that is what I do to fix it.


    DHCP thread


    This is the thread where others have been reporting the same issue.

  16. I

    However if that system has no firewall at all,

    It has a hardware firewall, but routers only protect against incoming traffic not outgoing. So a software firewall is necessary even with a router. (I learned that a few weeks ago. I used to think that a router was enough.)

    Time to follow Andy's recommendations he gives in the HijackThis thread then!

    :lol: Yeah, I was thinking about that yesterday.

    And if that much is broken on the system and you don't have the install CD to reinstall Windows your boss may be shelling out some $ for a WinXP install CD.


    Yeah, for me! :D

  17. Those popups that are unsolicated advertisements stating you have a "worm, spyware, corrupted registry" etc., can easily be blocked by a software-based firewall (ZoneAlarm, Sygate, Kerio, etc.,), hell even Windows Firewall will block them. Another problem is if you're seeing those popups they may have inputted their rogue websites into IE's Trusted Sites which means you'd have to manually remove them or deal with the consequences of someone stupid enough to actually visit such a website with cough, cough Internet Exploiter.


    Those popups can also occur if the system either:

    1. Doesn't have a firewall installed.

    2. The system has a firewall installed but it isn't configured properly e.g.; it isn't blocking the proper ports, or the firewall is old and needs updated to a newer version that has fixed vulnerabilities in earlier versions.




    If that system has anything as old as say Kerio v2.1.5 get rid of that old s**t and update it to something more current!


    My computer is Windows 2000 Professional. Doesn't only XP have a Windows firewall? (I will look) And there is only the hardware firewall which should block that stuff, huh? Hopefully I'll have time to check everything out soon.


    Normally, I would be able to fix the problems that this machine has but I don't have a CD to do a sfc /scannow and I don't have access to the Windows folder even though I'm the Administrator (this is strange to me).


    Popups galore

    Defrag is broken

    Disk Cleanup is broken

    Lots of crashes and freezing


    My goodness!!! :)

  18. Perhaps they are pop-ups from windows messenger or other instant messenger services


    All of the popups are a IE browser pages. The popups are either telling me that my computer has a vulnerability to a worm (I don't have the name with me), or that my registry is corrupted. But they are all IE browser pages, and FF is set to be the default. I refuse to open IE, but it opens itself.


    I think that my boss, and I are going to need to have a little talk. The computers/network are only protected by a few routers. The accounting software keeps getting corrupted and my boss doesn't know why. I wouldn't be surprised if there are multiple infections/spyware.

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