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Posts posted by krit86lr

  1. I downloaded and installed the IE 7 Beta 2. While it looks promising (catching up with Mozilla Firefox), there is one issue that is a pain. Everytime I reboot my computer, I have to re-login to forums - including this one. While it has saved my passwords, it is still a pain to have to re-login every time. Does anyone know if this will be changed in the final version? Is there a way to fix it in this beta version?


    Unfortunately this is a common problem that has yet to be resolved. Have posted in the MS forums about it yet by any chance?


    Other than the login issue, it's a big improvement over IE6. So far I like it overall a bit better than Firefox, though it's still early. I like the tab function in IE7 better than Firefox.


    Just curious, why you like the tab function better in IE7 than in Firefox?


    Thanks :)

  2. im gettin sick of ppl jus coming on here cuz they need help on somethin then never come back again till they need more help. im an exception, i just need help all the time! LOL



    Well we appreciate the MANY opportunities to learn from your mistakes. ;) LOL

  3. For some unknown reason on both of my systems XP/98 CCleaner wants to remove some valid links in the start menu, and/or on the desktop.


    My bad, I thought he/she was talking about files. I'm confused because he/she said that they have to use a backup to restore folders. You don't need a backup to restore a shortcut icon. So I guess I am not clear on what is being removed.

  4. I ran ccleaner with windows system temporary files checked and because I had previously deleted my %TEMP% environment variable (it said temp, what do i know?) I am now without a lot of files that were on my desktop. After failing on system restore a few times I read in a ccleaner forum that running explorer.exe might bring them back and it brought back about half of them. I then tried restoration version 2.5.14 and see some of them but when copied to my alternate drive they are corrupt. This only occurred a couple hours ago so Im still hoping they can be recovered. Is there any way to get windows system restore working again? I saw a few wci files in the restoration program but wouldnt know where to restore them to and am reluctant to make rush decisions as apparently everything I do now runs the risk of overwriting more of my deleted files. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


    Running explorer.exe will not bring your files back. If you changed your environment variables then those files are gone. Your environment variables kind of tell CC where to clean files from. So you changed your settings which told CCleaner to delete those files. Good luck getting those files back. You really need to change your environment variables back to their default settings if you want to use CCleaner.


    Why did you change your environment variables anyway? What were you trying to do? Just curious. <_<

  5. My first suggestion is for you to check your environment variables. If your environment variables are incorrect, then CC will clean the incorrect things. Can you tell me what your environment variables are right now? That could shed some light on this matter.


    BTW - Do you have anything checked under Advanced options? If you do, uncheck those.


    And Welcome :)

  6. This has been discussed before in other threads. It turned out to be quite a debate about the effects of that folder. I cannot confirm either way. I personally haven't experienced any problems, but I think that it depends on certain programs.

  7. I dont think making any of the files read only or hidden is a good idea and if its something that could be rigged then your best not using the program at all and just hosting it on a web site so that they cannot modify the source code.


    Good Luck


    Agreed! On that note! Aaron...can you just give use the WHOLE story, and all of the information at once? You are only giving us a little information at a time.


    You began with wanted an installer for a program that you made on only your PC

    Installation ONLY for your PC

    Curious HOW to install on other PCs

    Needing the installer to install on other PCs


    How to add Attacked Files

    Refresh button

    How to generate Hidden Files



    And all of this ends up to have something to do with selling prizes? :P Start off with the whole story and all of the information. It makes it a lot easier to help. ;)



    Thanks! LOL

    Now enjoy the thread dedicated to you. hahahaha (you know that I mean this with all kindness)

  8. well if someone can figure it out, let me know, as for now, ill just go with all users


    What's funny is that a few people have given you 1/2 of the answer and you just need to puzzle it together. :lol:


    This thread is cracking me up btw. lmao

  9. Hi Bunky and Welcome :)


    There is a link in my signature for the "CCleaner Beginners Guide". Please read the beginner's guide and let us know if you have any more questions.





  10. You even think about doing "The Robot" and I'll break out my can of pepper spray! :angry:


    you must be trippin'! You can't just show up once in a blue moon and be steppin'. LMAO



    @LOTW...please? For me? :D

  11. fine, just go around correcting ppl, making them feel bad.

    hmmmm....Are you feeling sensitive today Aaron? hahaha :P


    If you read underneath MrG's name it says "Administrator". :D

  12. Hey krit86lr

    check this out Sneeze

    Not saying your teachers would ever tell you an untruth ;)

    That wikipedia page needs to be edited cause it isn't totally correct. And why will it let ME edit it? That makes me not trust Wikipedia too much. <_<

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