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Everything posted by JDPower

  1. Thanks, glad to hear it is being looked into. I can't be the only one, surely
  2. Email notifications still not working for the announcements sub forum
  3. If we're talking cosmetic surely it should be "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware" not "Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware"
  4. http://www.lmgtfy.co...sing+in+firefox accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled
  5. I have that option permanently ticked too and have had no problem (WinXP). Perhaps a video card issue? Are you using any custom cursors or something like that? Just guessing really, not sure how that entry could cause that
  6. Come on Dennis, keep up, it's not been the 'issues' section for a while now
  7. I had this happen to me and discovered the advantage of having a couple of old dead email addresses in my address book as the bounced emails gave the perfect notification of trouble
  8. Andavari providing the music for an 80th birthday? Have you thought that one through
  9. Did you also delete anything in the Tools>Startup section?
  10. I totally agree with this, would love to see reg related cleaning entries listed in the results screen so that you can actually see if the entry has cleaned the item or the item wasn't there to start with. At present you just get a "0 bytes removed", which implies nothing was removed, even if reg entry items were. You can already do that, just tick the "Don't show this warning again" box when it pops up saying Firefox should be closed. Then when you run CCleaner with FF open, it will clean everything else and just skip FF
  11. Wow, I've been using CCleaner and a regular here right from the very early days and never knew this
  12. You should never want (or need) to do a 35 times overwrite on any drive unless you're trying to wear it out
  13. Ah I see, never took much notice of the process details it provided, just used it to find out what processes were accessing the disk. Will bear it in mind if I recommend it again
  14. Well at least on that front they can't (shouldn't) do that any more after a telling off in the US. And the EU is starting to clamp down on them for their poor privacy too. Personally I check my account/privacy settings on a regular basis, admittedly that shouldn't be necessary but better safe than sorry.
  15. Glad I wasn't the only one that did that
  16. Love how every site is trying to turn into a Facebook copy, while Facebook is constantly busy trying to turn into something worse. Every major site will soon be a useless imitation of Facebook, including Facebook itself
  17. You could give this program a try to see what processes are accessing the disk - the aptly titled Whats My Computer Doing
  18. Either you guys are slacking or the spammers have a new tactic - post then edit post with spam at a later date
  19. That looks like a nightmare, you just want everything in one long list? Or are you referring to something else?
  20. That's a bit of a silly comment. CCleaner cleans a hell of a lot of programs, and thats a hell of a lot of programs that themselves are being regularly updated, changed etc. CCleaner HAS to be updated to keep up with the constant stream of changes in all those other programs, otherwise users would be coming here complaining how it doesn't clean a bunch of programs since those programs updated.
  21. Couldn't agree more. Completely bonkers where it is at present (IMO).
  22. I'm glad I'm not the only one that couldn't find it. What on earth are IE addons doing in the startup section, people are gonna be assuming (totally logically) these are programs running when their computer starts up. How long till we get a stream of posts from people thinking they're infected cos CCleaner is showing start up items that aren't showing in msconfig or any other startup analyser program.
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