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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Hmmm I didn't test those cases, I'll have to go back and try them. Good catch
  2. Because microsoft changed the way internet explorer stores it's cache/history/cookies ie must be closed now before cleaning. As far as Edge, you shouldn't get that warning unless you're on Windows 10, you state your computer is windows 7, can you screenshot the edge warning on a windows 7 pc
  3. Do you have administrative privileges that would allow you in the other users. Since this is a pro feature, you can use your priority support to get a developer to answer, this is the user's forum
  4. Please see post #2 if you have installed Win10 creator's update Because of changes in the Anniversary edition tasks with the Argument $(Arg0) (like skipuac) no longer function. I've found a work around 1. Open Task Scheduler 2. highlight task scheduler library 3. Find task named ccleanerskipuac 4. Double click the task 5. Change "configure for" to windows 7
  5. Recuva and other programs can only guess; in recuva's case as I understand it, this means are the bits that the MasterFileTable lists for this file currently overwritten. If I understand correctly some bits may have been overwritten at a different time but currently not. My fellow moderator has a better grasp on this (though neither of us are authoritative sources as we are simple users like yourself and do not work for piriform in any significant sense)
  6. It's not saying they're undamaged, it's saying they aren't currently overwritten. Usually a recovered video that won't play has lost their header, which the mov repair applications attempt to rebuild
  7. Are you stating your computer makes a new drive (disc) when run, this should not occur. Or are you talking about files named z something, which would mean you have clean freespace marked in ccleaner
  8. It, likely, is more a case of how android (and Android apps) work than a case of developer not knowing how. AFAIK the developers don't farm/hire out the development. With windows the is a relatively open disc drive, that allows (if user granted permission) any file to be removed; Android, however, is more analogous to the single java line in ccleaner for windows, where you can't really tell one java app's cache from another. Unlike the windows version, ccAndroid can only reach certain files not kept in the cache of an app.
  9. This should not occur in a normal update. Are you first uninstalling it before installing it?
  10. As the name implies google toolbar is included in the installer. Your antivirus program is set to inform you of "Potentially Unwanted Programs" (PUPs). This means when a developer, for income purposes, includes, in their installer, a program that, while safe, is unrelated to the program you want, the AV will inform you. You can simply, within the installer, make the choice to not install Google toolbar.
  11. I would only download the latest released version (stable) from apk mirror, not the beta .67
  12. yes, one month later, the official version is indeed 1.16.62. This thread was about a beta 1.16 which was, against beta agreement, uploaded to apkmirror. Piriform doesn't publicize their betas, but a tester ignored that and published it when they should not have.
  13. What does this have to do with ccleaner for android, there's no feature I can find that's "delete all images". Closest I could find was thumbnail cache.
  14. One should never remove all from registry. Ccleaner isn't infallible, however if you run analysis and only remove what you know you don't need (as one should with ANY registry cleaner) this never happens. See my signature (which has been around long before windows 10)
  15. No, recuva can only detect drives mounted as drives, android phones attach as "media (or photo) transfer" devices
  16. Please run ccleaner in debug mode https://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=37347 And attach the log to this thread
  17. The pro version is limited to a single instance, the free of course can be installed as much as you want.
  18. Developers say they are looking into this widespread issue, thank you
  19. Developers say they are looking into this widespread issue, thank you
  20. @Andavari isn't local storage also used by super cookies?
  21. Is there no sign of the exact file being removed? When analysis is run on the local storage entry are no files identifiable as belonging to your specific software? Are you unaware what the software you represent places in local storage. This really seems a simple file exclude instead of the large sweeping folder excludes you and my cohort are suggesting
  22. I think that log has to do with restore points, but am unsure. Don't think there's a wildcard that could do it
  23. Ok what's the best way to go? No free version of ccleaner? or, even worse, a hobbled ccleaner that can only clean a single gigabyte before nagging you to buy? Perspective does help here, you are correct, but there are multiple other alternatives available (portable, slim, declining the offer) I don't know what else they could do and keep it free.
  24. Likely chrome was still running (maybe in background or orphaned process) when you cleaned
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