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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Old versions of the portable builds are not archieved. If you have further questions, please start a new thread as this topic is concerning a different issue.
  2. Works fine for me, sorry the thread got off subject with @rag's issue.
  3. Do You need to upgrade from 5.45 to 5.46. If so have you unchecked all smart cleaning (used to be monitoring) options.
  4. The next update fixes the /auto but this is the first i've seen reported for other cmdline actions. I was going to point you to the beta but then realized that the beta isn't BE and wouldn't act on those actions. When you say you've sent a bug report, did you mean you contacted them from https://piriform.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new I've sent a flag on this to the developers.
  5. Be sure to turn off background running of edge Option 2 on https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/7225-turn-off-background-apps-windows-10-a.html
  6. This is a known issue for which the devs are working on a fix.
  7. Please write in english or use a translator such as google. Molimo pišite na engleskom ili koristite prevodilac kao što je google.
  8. While a version of ccleaner was hacked with a virus a year or so ago, this has been fixed.
  9. As long as you've unchecked history in the browser you're using (second tab for 3rd party/non-microsoft browsers like chrome and firefox) it should follow those rules you set. Which browser are you using? I.e. Or edge? Edit: I could not recreate this in edge. With the caveat that I unchecked history in both edge and internet explorer (in case MS had merged the two).
  10. Your ccleaner is out of date. if I recall correctly windows old cleaning rule has been removed in newer versions for exactly this reason. Ваш ccleaner устарел. если я правильно напомню, что правила старой старой очистки были удалены в более новых версиях именно по этой причине.
  11. It a real program. 2TB will take a very long time to scan with deep scan. You need to let step 1 finish before hitting cancel if you want files to appear iirc.
  12. The developers are aware on the context menu issues; I believe that they are working on a fix for next release, but have no proof of this.
  13. Do you have skipuac enabled in ccleaner preferences?
  14. Make sure ccleaner isn't running when you do the install. If that doesn't work, go to your ccleaner installation folder and delete ccleaner64.exe. if it won't delete start the computer in safe mode and delete it then. After one of these three things you should be able to install.
  15. Nergal

    close chrome

    Chrome is either running in the foreground (open window) or the background (something causing chrome to not completely closed when exited). Read this thread and see if it helps
  16. Moved to the ccleaner discussion board.
  17. I don't think it's too hard to do, but more of a case that the devs held all other bugs while they made a large overhaul of the monitoring system of ccleaner to get us .46 as soon as they could.
  18. Removed competition software, this is an official company website so alternatives are not allowed
  19. I know that when I had an old plugin for Firefox that the opt-out were cookies for the ad company (e.g. Doubleclick).
  20. .45 was pulled more here https://forum.piriform.com/topic/52360-changes-in-v545-and-your-feedback/ As for comparing avg to ccleaner, this is an official company website so no comparing won't be done. Edge is used by many applications and Windows itself. Do you have any other programs running (such as outlook or microsoft weather) when you are getting this message?
  21. Just use the same key as before. You can put the key into the free version in the help menu, if you don't have the pro installer Use the slim build from https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds
  22. There's nothing in defraggler or its actions, that I can think of, that would cause that. Are you sure it isn't a loose cable inside to pc?
  23. https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/history/
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