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Everything posted by Nergal

  1. Alternately do you have a browser that is not properly closed (or properly closing as iexplore is prone to (not) do sometimes)
  2. Haze, ithink you posted the wrong link ? ? ?
  3. Having used winapp2 before you could be a giant boon for the development of the office 3.0 compat. (After all 3.0 just came out) Here is the entry in winapp2 for OO 2.3 [*OpenOffice 2.3]LangSecRef=3021Detect=HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenOffice.org\OpenOffice.org\2.3Default=TrueFileKey1=%appdata%\OpenOffice.org2\user\registry\data\org\openoffice\Office|Common.xcu
  4. Yeah I don't think it was CCleaner but just incase where di you get CCleaner from (hopefully here but if you didn't you may have been tricked into downloading a fake CCleaner)
  5. Toby you may also have interest in this sticky http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=14936
  6. Why double post ????? GRRRRR um in answer to your question people will need the following 1) CCleaner Version 2) Operating System Version (98, ME, XP, Vista) And service Pack 3) Browser (Ie, FF, chrome, opera) and version (ie7, ff3, opera 9.52) Whether or not you are using INI or registry for settings If you are not using ini go to Options/Advanced and click "save settings in ini file. Then try and uncheck things again and see if this works. Otherwise someone will walk you through copying the ini to the forum and they'll/we'll look at it and see what's up.
  7. Does AusLogic list the junk files (as to what they are or where they are)? What does it consider junk files?
  8. sounds like you are using the reg cleaner. Please read my signature
  9. I use a seperate portable browser for my AHEM adult needs.
  10. If that were my CCleaner I be like "hey you! get in the kitchen and make me waffles" seriously though I can see the want to only do some of the context menus (as a portable user I don't use any of the context menus though) as usual I must agree with Augeas (can I call you auggie-daddy???? ) Ok I tried (for the third time btw) to re-read the suggestions in the Original Post. Really I'm trying but there is a lot to digest there and it's set up in prose. Aren't most Developers A.D.D? maybe a list or outline or even multiple posts (please don't do this now I'm just saying for later) Anyway don't forget that we on the forum are just users like you and that (though they do read it) I don't think the Developers actually come down to talk to us (unless they are hiding in the guise of Newbies (what me paranoid? Naw)
  11. VERY VERY BAD IDEA search the Forums and you'll realize Why
  12. Won't the Portable version work on a U3 Drive? U3 is C**p why bother with it instead of the much superior ways of portability?
  13. Known Problem AFAIK the developers ARE working on this. Current work around is to Clear your own cookies and history in FF3 either through The Delete Browsing History menu item or a plugin
  14. Disk did you try OP's entry?? does it work If so I too will add it to my winapp2 Good job OP for being wise I wish we had kudos here but heck I'm still trying to get a rss that allows me to follow up with out holding on to old posts
  15. All Nergallian Meanness aside. My Man, it looks as though you've deleted needed Symantec/Norton reg entries and you need to do a system restore (from either a repair console or as best you can) write this up as a lesson learned: REG Cleaners are for cleaning things you know shouldn't be there not for going OK. Sometimes I think it'd be better for CCleaner Developers to make Regcleaner a different product then I say to myself "Bad Nergal!!!!!! Give people More credit" LOL
  16. Did you make backups of the registry before the clean (it's a prompt that comes up) What did you remove from the registry? Why? Did IT tell you to run the reg cleaner section? was there a particular reason? did you clean everything the registry cleaner suggested? Will you read my Signature? What is ccCommon??? I've never seen nor heard of it with CCleaner. In fact it sounds more like it's related to the Symantec/Norton Products (ccApp.exe, ccSvcHst.exe) EDIT: HA I WAS RIGHT ccCOMMON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH CCleaner yer IT guys are 1d10ts and f001$ http://www.microsoft.com/communities/newsg...242038f&p=1 and here http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...23203808AAAsgKh
  17. Nergal


    Either Turn off cookies cleaning or (better) tell it which sites you want cookies to remain on. (Options Cookies) Username and passwords are usually stored in the cookie unless you are telling IE to remeber passwords (p.s. DON't Do that)
  18. also for your sake use a portable firefox (like the one from john haller and clear all information at close ff3 and two will do this auto for you) I'm sorry I feel like a joke's being played on me so I'm going to repost me favorite line from my linked tyopic above
  19. Squirel HAve you read this topic? http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...amp;mode=linear heh heh dome.org heh heh anyway are you using ff3 or ff2 Many many posts on ff3 not clearing correct plz to search the forum first
  20. LoL good thing I was googling myself (still sounds dirty. . . Googling) Hi I back up just incase and will usually delete the reg entries soon after. The reason I DO suggest doing it is most people are not aware of what they remove and will often remove something they need that CCleaner does not recognize because developers are either crafty (like reg entries related to the antivirus software (see original post)) or stupid (those darn yourapp entries that show up becasue the programmer didn't fix the code when making VB software) Sorry it took me soooo long to answer but there is no thread watch RSS (site developers see www.mytreo.net for an example. Yu almost have it as sometimes when an old thread gets a hit the first post gets resent through RSS (it's kinda confounding actually))
  21. As long as you backup the entries (I suggest doing them in small bits (checkmark by checkmark) and ONLY REMOVE THAT WHICH YOU KNOW YOU DON"T NEED you'll be fine. see My signature. Oh yeah It is not a repair it'll delete the entries that it believe's are not needed
  22. OTAY, ME TURN hahaha you actually may be piggybacking onto this topic (see question two statement one) Echo please answer yes or no in the order given 1) you have cookies in the left hand bar? 2) you have cookies selected in the cleaner part of CCleaner (see picture 1)? this may be a stupid sounding question but if you read above you will notice that this WAS the problem that the OP actually had. 3. Are all of your ie instances closed (close all open browser windows go into task manager (processes page) and make sure there are no iexplore or ieuser running if there are end them) then run CCleaner and see if you still have this issue) Pics 2 and three are a before clean and after clean respectively and this was WITH my Browsers open
  23. Yeah me am in agreement; not a part of ccleaners mission to have it auto delete at close of browser. Check out ie privacy keeper from http://www.browsertools.net/ it's what I use (works in ie and ff2 not in chrome unsure about ff3 (I do that meself with ff3))
  24. DARNIT !!!!!!! I wanted to answer that one in my nice horriblly Sarcastic A***olic way Lol Nergal wil never be moderator here cause I are mean
  25. Uninstall it completely, Go to the Downloads page and go to other builds download the Portable version to your usb hard drive, No registry no Application Folder no Nothing Except the Wonders of CCleaner
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