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Everything posted by ident

  1. Am i being very silly. But what is the point of this? adding a checkbox to do what exactly? How would it appear? Like on a ballon tip or something? What use is this? thankssss
  2. ident

    Tune up utilitys

    I have been using CCleaner for years now.didn't really class it as a tune up. but i guess it is. will check out v as its freeware. thanks
  3. am i correct in thinking all these are very bad??? Not used one for years. use to use system mechanic. But was told/then found out from experience it can seriously damage your machine(had to format mine after a run) or is there one that is decent? I was sent hiren boot cd. which has some lovely tools but i guess thats not really a tune up tool.
  4. I dont need to use or ever have the others (only CCleaner)
  5. Let me get this right. You are saying that when the FF checkbox in CCleaner is ticked that you are being logged out of all your forums???? This is what is meant to happen. Checking the FF checkbox is telling CCleaner to delete all your FF cookies.
  6. As suggested above, Eraser can perform the free space over write. My advice to you if the data is really that sensitive use DBAN running for a few days.
  7. Id like to add utorrent (application data)
  8. Upgraded although i thought i was running most recent version - No luck Done what you said - No luck
  9. Everything is checked as should be, recently reformated pc and now stopped working, been using it for ages so no whats what (and yes i no i have only clicked analyze)
  10. Hahaha your a better man then me if you can answer that one. The limit is set at 2gb. I think it's just one of them things
  11. Thanks for the reply, For some reason every thing is working fine again this morning....Strange as i did try restart before. Also i only do use 1over write(as my pasted log above shows) 35passes was a accident, It just comes on ERASERS context menu.
  12. Just noticed also now when i delete stuff nothing goes into the recycle bin. even if i drag and drop :S
  13. I went to use eraser on recycle bin(which had a lot of files in) and using erasers context menu i clicked 35over passes by miss take.... This was taking a long time so i clicked cancel, & eraser crashed. Now every time CCleaner loads on startup it never stops cleaning on recycle bin. When ever i analyse i get ANALYSIS COMPLETE - (1.020 secs) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 89,905.9MB to be removed. (Approximate size) Secure file deletion enabled - Simple Overwrite (1 pass) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet) But the recycle bin says it is empty????????? Now i have left CCleaner for 30minutes on startup but it just idles at system empty recycle bin c:\blabla\data.tag Then i cancel and it reports Details of files deleted ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ C:\Documents and Settings\User\Cookies\user@rad.msn[2].txt 690 bytes Emptied Recycle Bin (1 files) 89,905.2MB any ideas??????????????????
  14. ignore that ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Just re-read what you said.
  15. CCleaner has a one click operation, right click 'run cleaner' on recycle bin. So technically this is 2 clicks but you get my point. As for adding the firewall idea, where is the sick smiley?
  16. What's the point to move files to another folder then delete them? Am i missing something here? If there is a file you want why not just keep it safe to begin with?
  17. Firefox very much cleans browser history.
  18. I 100% agree, But CCleaner's registry 'fixer' was been built to suit people who would like to repair there registry but have little or no knowledge on what they are doing.
  19. I don't personally bother(any more). I use ERUNT which makes a back up of the registry at system startup.
  20. CCleaners registry "Issues" feature, is a safe registry cleaner, as far as doing anything in the registry can be deemed safe, but as it tells you, make sure you make a back-up of the registry first, before you fix any or all issues.
  21. Why not just save user name password in the browser?
  22. Or just use a decent browser like firefox and set it to 'clear private data' on FF close
  23. ident

    using CCleaner

    Details of files to be deleted (Note: No files have been deleted yet)" Is only displayed when analysed. As said above you need to actually press the 'Run Cleaner' next to it.
  24. Balloon tip possibly? I do think 99% of CCleaner is very user friendly,
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