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Everything posted by ident

  1. Also from what i have been told before, defraggin is a bad idea for solid state drives, coz it stresses the disk unneccesarily and you shouldn't have to defrag solid state because the spinning speed issue doesn't exist
  2. WT*... lol Thats quite a list you do. I scan with malware bytes once a month (I'm always clean) Run ccleaner startup but thats auto. And my computer runs like a charm Tbh, doing that much scanning you probbaly wont be paying constant attention and could cause harm. for instance i hope you are being careful with the other registry cleaners. a lot of them can produce hundreds and hundreds of resualts and people just clikc 'fix' Windows built in cleaner, is slow as hell, and ccleaner is better then webroots software IMO. Glarys utilities i have know quite a few people ton run into serioues issues, I wouldnt recomend it. So thats glarys, AVS, Advanced SystemCare, and ccleaners registry. just why? 4 registry scans. I wouldnt trust a system maintanence application ever. I dont run a AV, but if i did id not scan with it once a week. If its letting infections on weekly then its not worth having is it.
  3. Do you program in vbs? If not i can write you a script to remove ccleaner this afternoon when im back from fitting this kitchen from hell. Should be straight forward, what OS are you? as locations will be different
  4. system restore. what os are you?
  5. Sorry, i didnt mean to sound i was being judgemental. Nothing wrong with adults browsing porn, but lets not stray into that one lol When you say family member i assume you mean son/daughter. personally i think software that blocks sites is no cure to the actual problem. I think sitting down and explaining is better. Also explaining the risks of damaging there own pc.
  6. I would very much agree with the above. But Maybe if you really dont want such material popping up maybe its time to look at your browsing habbits? Porn popups dont just appear from any old site. Have you tryed using Firefox? will be better protection agasint popups then Internet explroer. But i dont want to drift away from the topic.
  7. vlc does contain all its own codecs and does not require any system libraries.Which means in can play mostly any thing. Which means all the codecs are older versions though which is my only issue. Very powerful media player though. I think KMPlayer has the edge though.
  8. Add a new windows task schedule http://www.iopus.com/guides/winscheduler.htm
  9. You can add your own folders for cleaning if ccleaner does not clean a particular folder. Beforeful when you are posting. What you have done can be classed as spamming.
  10. Install icon tweaker http://www.crystalxp.net/dl/en.gal.83.html Choose the icon from deviant art http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&sect...p;q=vista+icons, as said the cache is messed up.
  11. Maybe that could be a suggestion then? Have an option for ccleaner to back up the registry onstart up. I'd quite happily uninstal erunt if ccleaner had this option.
  12. Do you realise how badly system mechanic can royally mess up a machine. I would not install it on my worse enimies pc.
  13. You should never just click fix all with out viewing the entrys. The registry contains all your os settings, also for software and hardware. You could be deleting any thing. Always check the entrys and if you are not sure dont touch them. Can i a\lso suggest you use erunt http://www.larshederer.homepage.t-online.de/erunt/ it makes a backup of the registry at start up.
  14. Unless you have ccleaner set to over write the files you shouldnt have any trouble recovering them.
  15. Or he paid for it. which is very silly
  16. Installing any software wont just give you a sexy user interface, regardless of what you use, Or even using a template, creating a good site the bottom line is. You need to know a language. Or at least understand how to program. I have been in development (free, to help mates when needed) since i was 16. And i have never come across a decent site where the user has no understanding of coding. The best thing you could do, Is get a book. To work with. May i suggest www.wrox.com (forgive me if advertising is not allowed? i will edit it if get any complaints) They are a great site and offer really easy to understand books with great examples and all code can be downloaded. They use to offer homesite with some of there books also.
  17. tbh, I am in agreement that 'CLOGGED UP' context menus suck. I have next to nothing on mine. Every file type has a set context menu. I think you would be better off just creating a batch file that runs the /auto command via a keyboard shortcut But if any one does want to add ccleaner to explorers menu, and are afraid of using the registry i just made a little script for you. copy and paste this to notepad. And save it as CCleaner.vbs (Note: ccleaner.exe must be in C:\WINDOWS) Option ExplicitDim WshShellSet WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")'Write ccleaners key to registry'"CCleaner" Can be edited to suit your shell extention nameWshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\CCleaner\", "CCleaner"WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\Folder\shell\CCleaner\Run\", Chr(34) + "ccleaner.exe" + Chr(34) + " " + Chr(34) + "%1" + Chr(34) + " /AUTO"
  18. You can add this your self(explorer) always take care with the registry Open up the registry, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Classes/Folder/Shell Right click new key. Call this ccleaner & set this default value to CCleaner (this is your shell' extentions name(context name)) Now inside this key right click and create a new key Called "Run" and set this default value, KEEPING THE "" to "C:\Program Files\CCleaner\ccleaner.exe" /AUTO
  19. I dont think it's ccleaner. Most online banking logs you out after 1 or 2 minutes of no activity any way.
  20. Not only removing it you wont be able to get windows updates some of your third-party software, including your internet security suite, may no longer be able to download definition updates, leaving you exposed to new threats.
  21. ident


    I'm sorry if this has been posted, not read all pages. KMPlayer is an excellent video and audio player which i as well as a lot of others(but not all) think it has the edge over vlc player. I wont go into the vlc vs kmplayer discussion as thats not what here is for. Both players are great. http://kmplayer.en.softonic.com/
  22. This is pretty much spot on to me. I do have avast on my pc. And i do occasioanl use it, i did use to always run it. But i dont feel the need any more. Thanks for answering people, i was very curious to why some people run 4+ applications for protection. I know there is nothing wrong with it, I just think there is to much paranoia out there sam
  23. Sounds like you would not of messed with ccleaners settings, so i doubt you would of set ccleaner to over write the files. So if it's set to default settings you will be able to recover using recova as said above.
  24. Hello, sorry i hope i didnt sound a bit.... dont know what the word is i'm looking for but hopefully i didn't seem to negative. I was just simply curious. I know it seems thin, If i was ever sus of any thing i would check it out in a virtual machine first. But like you said, each to there own. i think people just like the feel of they r in control. Noting worse then being in the middle of a game and 'virus data base has been updated' comes up
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