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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. 32 MB of RAM! Holy Crap dude. Pull a card out of one of your other computers and up that a bit. That's worthless.


    btw PC100 & PC133 cards are usually interchangeable


    a Pentium 200 uses EDO not PC100 or PC133 RAM.

  2. eMule might be easier to use as you can just search from the application.

    With BitTorrent you need to find the torrents.

    BitTorrent heavily uses swaming to multi-source download, hence it can get very fast downloads.


    I like alot DC++.

  3. I think not.

    Somethings are good as they are, and I like light-weight stuff. And one tool that does something good, instead of have one tool that does many things not so good.

  4. Yeah, but a company selling a product such as NoTrax or other privacy related commercial software that does the opposite could easily get them sued silly.


    There are a ton of rouge anti-spyware products...

  5. A little paranoia never hurt anyone. ;)

    And about NoTrax, it can claim do all kinds of fancy things, but without being open source, how can I trust it not todo the opposite of what it says? ;)

  6. Google knows alot about you.

    What you search, who you mail, who mail you, what you do, what you did, what you plan todo. When you search, when you mail, when you did, when you plan todo something. How often you do something, how often you search, how often you mail, how often you recieve mail. Who your friends are, where your friends are from, what your (Google) friends search for.

    Not to mention your IP address which can be used to know in what city you live.

    Pretty scary, isnt it?


    Oh, and since they know your location, then can know your timezone too. Your webbrowser, your operating system, your Internet Service Provider. Perhaps your screen resolution and other stuff too.

  7. I honestly can't see the point, why would someone pay over the odds for a Mac to run windows.

    Save your money buy a windows based PC, if you want it to look like a Mac there is plenty software out there that can do that.

    Maybe I'm missing the point and someone needs to explain it to me.


    Because you buy a Mac and you enjoy Mac OS X. But then you want to play some games, so then you maybe want Windows on the computer too, so that you can dual-boot and play games.

    Microsoft tries to kill of OpenGL (platform indenpendent technology) and encourage game developers to use DirectX (Windows-only propiertary technology) so that the games will only run on Windows and cant easily be ported to Linux, BSD, Mac OS X, etc and other operating systems.


    Now if they could loosen up a bit more and allow for playback of Ogg Vorbis (.ogg), MusePack (.mpc), WavPack (.wv), etc., on the iPOD.


    Yeah, Ogg Vorbis on iPod would be awesome.

    I heard you can only upload music to iPod but not download from the iPod, is that true?

    If so, then that sucks...

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