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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. No, it is not worth buying. Just make sure you dont get trash in into the system in the first place, heh.


    And even if you that software could clean some stuff, its not really gonna make any noticeable difference. If you're gonna spend money, then invest it in hardware.

  2. But those are old versions and in worst case, they might even contain serious bugs or security vulnerabilities that are only fixed in the latest versions.


    Also, it is basically a list of software from bastards who decided to get greedy, or maybe just used freeware for the first few versions to build a userbase, get it to spread and trick people who else wouldnt use their software into using it.


    Best site if you ask me is SourceForge.

    * http://www.sourceforge.net

  3. If viruses would be airplanes, then Outlook Express would be the airport.

    Running Outlook Express is not a good idea, it will most likely get you infected with some virus or spyware sooner or later. It a well-known cause for viruses.


    You should really look into Mozilla Thunderbird, it is an very good email client that is much more secure and supports IMAP, POP3 over normal and SSL (secure) connections.



  4. "ouput", "Winamp" and "showing". Not "out put", "win amp" and "show ing".


    Maybe you should install proper soundcard drivers?

    When did the sound stop working?

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