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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. I dont think there would be any noticable difference.

    I dont run on DVI either, I dont have DVI output on my computer but I dont have flat panel monitor either. :(


    They plan to introduce HDMI or DisplayPort to replace to DVI though, but DisplayPort has evil DRM which DVI dont, thats probably why they want todo it. :(

  2. Raptor is a high-performance disk, often used in servers and high-end workstations. Raptor-X is the same drive, but costs more and targeted for dumb gamers with alot of money because it has a window on the disk. Who the hell needs a window on the disk?

    I would rather pick a Raptor than a Raptor-X.


    And as for Flash ROM drives, dont forget about no noise! ;)

    Though, I heard they have limited amount of times they can write data. :(

  3. Sometimes, I am not sure when, but I think sponatesouly/randomly, HelpSvc.exe gets executed and eats CPU power and like 70 mb RAM.


    Anyone know why is this?


    I did a search for HelpSvc.exe and found;

    * C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386\helpsvc.exe

    * C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\HelpSvc.exe

    Both files are 726 KB.


    Anyone know how to make it not run?

    When it runs, it runs in the background invisibly.

  4. Bittorent is great fo downloading big files (CD and DVD images, videos, software).

    Emule is nice for searching and downloading small files (music, short videos, pictures).


    Yes, I agree. BitTorrent is more suitable for large files while eMule more suitable for smaller files.


    The BitTorrent client that I use is ABC [Yet Another Bittorrent Client]. It is an free, open-source BitTorrent client for Windows. Written in Python using wxPython (wxWidgets GUI toolkit).

  5. That is crazy to schedule it to run every single night. That is way too much, far over the top. Once a month is more than enough.


    You have to balance it. Too much of something good is bad. Example, if you eat a piece of cake it is good. But if you eat 3 whole cakes, then its bad.

  6. Damn, that is sweet!

    750 gb!

    That is huge!

    Glad to see that new bigger drives are coming out. :)


    I wish I had a 750 gb disk, that wouldnt be bad. :)

    Wouldnt have to worry about diskspace much then, heh.

    Not that I worry much nowadays, since I dont use so much but anyways. :)


    If each song is 4 megabyte, then you can fit 187500 songs into that disk.

    Or if you have DVD quality movies at 4 gb each, then you can fit 187~ movies.

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