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Posts posted by Eldmannen

  1. nice, then wat do i use?


    I use Miranda IM which is a free, open-source, very thin, light-weight, bloat-free, high-customizable (due to good modular plugin architecture) IM client. To connect to Jabber/XMPP services using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer (encrypted)).



    google talk isnt that secure. you can figure out someones password in seconds. im gonna try gaim out but i heard it had all kinds of pop ups, ads, and spyware.


    Why would Google Talk be less secure than anything else?

    I highly doubt you can find out someones passwords in seconds.

    Maybe you heard about AIM?

    Because GAIM does not contain any popups, ads or spyware. GAIM is a free, open-source product. No malware there!

  2. I've never seen or heard of that before. Have you not rebooted in awhile?

    Don't know if this will be of any help however you can change the Update Speed by clicking: View -> Update Speed


    Looking at the screenshot I wish the processes that I have that are identical used as little memory as yours.


    Oh, 19 processes there only, then when its loaded it has about 23.

    I only have 256 mb RAM on this computer, and I dont like big bloaty things, so I use light-weight software, etc with as little bloat as possible. "Update Speed" is set to Normal.

    Restart I do everyday. Cant sleep with the noise. ;)


    "IEXPLORE.EXE"? Why Eldmannen, I'm surprised! You actually used Internet Explorer?!


    As far as your problem goes, if restarting doesn't work like Andavari suggested (which I imagine it will, but just in case), then you could try clicking 'View', then 'Select Columns...', then uncheck the 'User Name' box, and then click 'OK'. Then, go back and recheck that box. That might refresh your list. Worth a shot, anyway...


    I use Firefox too. But I use IE more, its an 5-6 (?) year old computer, 900 MHz and 256 mb RAM. IE is loaded into the core of the system since Microsoft integrated it with the shell, so it starts up faster.

  3. taskman9bl.png


    When the computer start, as you can see none of the processes have an assiocated username such as "Eldmannen", "SYSTEM", "LOCAL SERVICE" or "NETWORK SERVICE" as supposed to.


    But then if I wait some minute, then the usernames appears.


    Anyone heard about anything like this before or know what the problem could be?

  4. that's just funny because i've always seen thing on slashdot such as the US Military using Open Source and other things.


    Well, they probably use many different systems. And a little both maybe. But that the military is using Windows, heh... :P

  5. Like what? ZoneAlarm? SpybotSD Tea Timer? Windows Defender? AV software?


    I run all of them at startup, and I do not feel any system slowdown. (I have, however, disabled dozens of other useless startup items by Autoruns).


    I dont have antivirus software. I use Ad-Aware a little sometimes though. I like HijackThis, SafeXP, etc.

  6. I like software that hardens the system security. Like you run them once, then it fixes things and makes it more secure and then you dont need it anymore. Or that you can scan whenever you want.

    I dont like software that autoruns at startup and sits in the background all day, everyday and consumes system resources and slow things down.

  7. You should not remove SP2 because it comes with many patches and improvements that makes Windows better and fixes many security vulnerabilities.


    US military rely on a closed-source commercial operating system?


  8. my questions have been spread abroad and i have more. what good guides to learn linux are there out there? my USB mouse doesnt work in my computer now that ive installed plain linux. how do i fix that? anybody prefer anything other than ubuntu?


    There is no such thing called "plain linux". Linux is the name of a operating system kernel. If you combine that system with other other software, you can get a full operating system, a Linux distribution. There are tons of different Linux distributions in different flavours, for different devices, different people and different tasks.


    thanks for all those. its still pretty confusing but i think ill manage. wat about that mouse problem?


    Where is your mouse not working?

    Is it at the console / command line (text interface), or is it in the X Window System (graphical interface) ?

    If it is at the console, then you need to run 'gpm'. This software probably is installed at your computer, and should be configured to start at boot up in your configuration scripts. The configuration are in the /etc/ directory. Depending on which distribution, it can be in subdirectories of that directory.


    If it is at X, then you need to configure the X configuration file which is Xorg.conf which should be located in /etc/xorg.conf or /etc/X11/xorg.conf or something similiar.

  9. Heh, fun that both Apple QuickTime (QT) format and Microsoft Windows Media Video (WMV) format are closed propiertary formats.


    How much better it would be if there was one open standard that was freely avaible and fully documented.

  10. X11 is version X11 of the X Window System.

    X Window System is often called just 'X'.


    If you dont have X, then you have just a command line, console, shell prompt. Black screen with white text where you can type in commands.

    But if you have X you can get graphics and a window system and run graphical applications.


    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System


    And over X you usually run a WM (Window Manager) and/or DE (Desktop Environment) such as GNOME, KDE, Xfce, Fluxbox, etc. And depending on which you choose to use, your desktop looks and behaves different.

  11. Yes, you can do that. But Windows Advanced Server is supposed to be a server, which is a computer that is supposed sit in a room (or server facility) and just stand there and dont have anything on the computer to sit infront of it and use it locally.


    Btw, Linux and *BSD makes for awesome servers.

  12. It sounds like that's the OS and not the BIOS.


    Have you tried holding down F1, F2, or ESC? Hold one of them down as soon as the machine is turned on. Also make sure the floppy drive and the CD drive are empty. You could also try this: There should also be microswitches on your motherboard to reset the BIOS and any passwords that have been installed. You turn off the PC, move the two switches to their other position, turn on the PC, wait for a message on the screen saying they've been reset, turn off the PC, move the switches back, and then turn it on again.


    Let me know the brand and model number of the PC and maybe I can tell you where the switches are if you don't see them.


    Good luck!


    If you have never used Linux before, you might want to get a Live CD. Example, "Ubuntu Linux" has a Live CD, you download a .ISO and burn it (or order an free CD). Then you just put the CD in the computer, and restart and it boots the CD and loads up Linux without installing anything or touching the system.

    It might also be good to install it on a separate harddisk if you have more than one harddisk.

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